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  1. M

    Pardon my ignorance...

    What is the gun on the cover of the 2/2000 Blue Press? I know I should recognize it but don't. TIA
  2. M

    My Mom just finished Unintended Consequences

    My mother has historically been very anti gun. In fact my family hunting and firearms tradition starts with me. Her attitude has always been: "well its not you that I'm worried about, its all those other people with guns." Over the last few years, and particularly after Columbine, she...
  3. M

    CA Attorney Gen., Bill Lockyer on SB23 etc

    I found this very interesting and sickening. Put you tray tables up, fasten your seat belt, and make sure all carry on luggage is stowed... BTW-there is a few minutes of non-anti RKBA stuff at the begining. ------------------ It is far...
  4. M

    Why guns should be licensed like cars

    I found this is very interesting. The original can be found at: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Taking It to the Streets Why treating guns like cars might not be such a bad idea By David B. Kopel Should we...
  5. M

    My Chris Reeve Knives Tour (By Chris Reeve)!

    Today, I was in Boise, ID on business and had made arrangements with an associate to visit Chris Reeve Knives. We dropped-in in the afternoon and was greeted by Chris himself. We were pleasantly surprised when Chis talked to us for about an hour, gave us a tour, discussed issues of the world...
  6. M

    CA-Man w/CCW kills home invaders

    Last night in Alamo, CA ( a Bay Area suburb) a man with a CCW repelled a home invasion, killed one of the attackers, and his family subdued and beat the other, holding him until the police arrived. Unfortuneately the husband was killed by one of the attackers. Currently some of the Bay Area...
  7. M

    CA-CCW: First Day

    Well, I almost find it hard to believe, but I picked up my CA CCW this morning from the Sheriff's office, was given a smile and a "have a nice day" from the clerk and sent on my way. I have to admit that it was very odd; legally carrying concealed in California. I have to go to San Francisco...
  8. M

    CA-latest VetoTheGovernor Sitrep

    I received this tonight. I urge all of you CA residents to take part in this; many of you did for the SB23 referrendum. I have already booked speaking arangements in all the CCW classes in my county, and put dates on the calendar for the grocery store petition drive. I urge all of you to do...
  9. M

    A great review of a TFLer's work (Best Defense 357)

    I was pleasantly surprised to see this: JAH
  10. M

    Trigger bashing & posture retention in force-on-force training

    I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions to mitigate trigger bashing (poor trigger control) and maintaining good posture during force-on-force training. Recently I have been training with Simmunition FX (NLTA) and an indoor range or "killing house" and notice that when the role player(s)...
  11. M

    More Junk Science

    My cousin the RKBA physicist sent me this... Just try and count all the logical fallicies, I dare you... _________ Subject: Handguns Dramatically Increase Suicide Risk-Study > > [Image] > Handguns Dramatically Increase Suicide Risk-Study > [Image]5.19 p.m. ET (2229 GMT) November 17, 1999...
  12. M

    Browning to stop non-LEO/Mil handgun sales...?

    I heard a piece on Ken Hamblin's radio show today that Browning has deceided to stop selling handguns to non-LEOs/Military. Can anyone substantiate this? ------------------ It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.
  13. M

    .338 Remington Ultra Mag.

    Does anyone have any definitive information on this cartridge. Remington announced its existance two weeks ago. I phoned Remington this morning and they said that they wouldn't have any information until next year. I would like to build a heavy medium bore, and am considering .340 Weatherby...
  14. M

    What is an ICQ number?

    Alright, I can't wait any longer. What is an ICQ number?
  15. M

    An Interesting opportunity

    I have been asked to discuss the political situation in California as it relates to firearms legislation tomorrow afternoon. This discussion will take place at a CCW class in Northern California. The Mendocino County District Attorney has given me this time (he is the instructor). So, aside...
  16. M

    TFL's Forum order

    To be blunt, I don't like it, not at all. Rich said that General and Legal & Political forums were moved to emphasize what we are really about, shootin’. I would submit that what we are really about is RKBA and shooting, hunting, handguns and pistolcraft, etc. are all a manifestation of the...
  17. M

    Erick where are you?

    Its been about 8 days since you returned from your south African safari, and I for one would like to here about it ;). Are you working ovetime to pay for all the mounts? Regards, Mendo
  18. M

    DC, how 'bout a sit rep

    DC, Vacationing? We missed you. Sit Rep?
  19. M

    C-Span on Gun Shows!

    I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I watched a two hour C-Span piece on Silverado Productions Maryland gun Shows. Frank Krasner, the President of Silverado took calls from across the country, and even Hong Kong and fielded them in a VERY articulate manner. There were interviews with...
  20. M

    Gun Control Poll Scam?

    I realize that the subject is a bit redundant, but I received a fax at the office this morning that states: National Gun Control Poll We are conducting a nationwide poll on gun control. We are faxing out over 3 million voting forms throughout the country. WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE MORE EFFECTIVE...