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  1. D

    Carbide resizing die screwed?

    Did I just ruin my .38 Spl. carbide resizing die? There must have been some dirt or grit on one of the cases because now I'm seeing long vertical scratches on the cases after resizing. Are these just a cosmetic problem, or will they affect the integrity of the cases? BTW, I cleaned out the...
  2. D

    Unpredictability of handguns

    Here's a link to a local newspaper story about a dog that was shot in the head (through the snout) by a cop. The dog survived, although it will need to go through some more surgery. I just thought it was an interesting comment on how you can never tell exactly what will happen when using a gun...
  3. D

    Old powder

    Now that I'm finally getting back into reloading, after an absence of a dozen years, I'm wondering if my old powder is still okay to use. I have one-pound cans each of Unique and 2400; are they still good to use, or should I buy new powder? Buying new powder isn't that big a deal, but why...
  4. D

    Know anything about Coonan Magnums?

    Purely out of curiosity, since I have no absolutely no plan to buy one, has anyone heard anything about Coonan Magnum pistols? I guess they have a 1911-style pistol that shoots .357 magnum revolver cartridges, which sounds like an interesting concept, if it works. DAL ------------------...
  5. D

    .357 Mag. Lee dies

    I have some .357 Mag. Lee reloading dies I bought back in 1987 that I want to start using to reload .38 Spl. brass. Can I use the .357 dies for this, or will I need to buy a new set of dies? Of course, I know that the two cartridges are interchangeable in a .357 handgun, but what about the...
  6. D

    Set your sights on this gun site.

    Here's an interesting site I found a few weeks back that offers a different perspective on some of the topics debated on this forum. It's called PlusP; give it a look (no, I don't get any money for saying that, I don't even know the people involved) and let me know what you think. If nothing...
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    Constant negative publicity.

    Here's more fodder for the gun-grabber crowd. This has received a lot of attention over the last couple of days, and along with the most recent spate of shootings, it looks like another nail in the coffin of law-abiding gun owners. The anti-gun crowd will use the piece below as yet another...
  8. D

    Charter Arms Undercover, etc.(long-winded post)

    After having my Charter Arms Undercover (5-shot, .38 Special, 2" bbl.) for a number of years, and only putting a couple of boxes of ammo through it while informally plinking, I finally tried it out at an indoor range. I can only say that this revolver leaves MUCH to be desired. While shooting...
  9. D

    Feedback on Kahr pistols

    In about a month, with any luck, I should re- ceive my CCW permit, and I'm seriously con- templating then buying a Kahr K9 pistol for carry. I handled one at a gun show, and later at a gun shop, and it's as if the pis- tol was made for my hand. Does anyone have any feedback, good or bad, on...