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  1. D

    The Shroud's a'Turnin'

    (Actually, the shroud isn't turning, it's moving forward, but I couldn't resist the bad pun.) I have a Charter Arms Bulldog Pug in .44 Spl. I bought used that I just had a chance to fire today. It's a decent little gun that will fill its intended purpose (fairly close self protection). I have...
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    SDB .45 ACP reload question

    I just switched my SDB over to .45 ACP from .38 Spl. for the first time with no problem. The crimp on the .45 round, however, doesn't look like a factory round. I made up a dummy round (no primer or powder) and it seemed to feed okay from the magazine of my 1911, and of course it fit in my S&W...
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    MPro7--as good as "they" say?

    I've heard a lot of good things about MPro7 cleaner, mainly on Tom Gresham's Gun Talk radio show. Has anyone here tried it? DAL
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    Mosin Nagant--I need an extractor. Where to buy?

    While trying to remove it, I bent the extractor on a Mosin Nagant I was attempting to check the headspace on. Does anyone know where I can get another one? One good thing to happen is that even though I didn't get the extractor out, it did bend far enough away from the bolt so that I could use...
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    CZ75 .22 adapter--it's a winner!

    I finally got a chance yesterday to get to the range and try the adapter I bought for my CZ75BD. What a great little device! It's accurate, economical, and it uses the same trigger as my 9mm. Who could ask for anything more? Okay, a magazine loading tool might be nice, but that's a minor...
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    Need CZ75BD replacement firing pin--where to find?

    After stupidly dry-firing my CZ75BD for the thousandth time, it finally had enough and the firing pin broke last night (from now on I'll use snap caps when dry-firing). This is the first firing pin I've ever broken on any of my guns. Where can I get a replacement? Does CZ sell them? I looked...
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    Anticipating recoil--how to stop it?

    I just got back from the range where I noticed a disturbing habit. Somewhere I started to anticipate recoil with my handguns. I noticed it when I did a dummy drill with my revolver, but I am sure I was doing it with my semi-auto also. Any suggestions on how to stop this nonsense? DAL P. S...
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    CZ gunsmith recommendation?

    Can anyone here recommend a gunsmith from personal experience that can work on a CZ75BD? Thanks. DAL
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    IDPA particpants: Do you shoot what you carry?

    If you have ever shot in an IDPA event, did you use the gun you carry, or did you put aside your carry piece and pick up a gun that was better suited to a better score? To be honest, I have never used my S&W 642, the gun I carry daily, in an IDPA event; I used my CZ75 9mm, a gun that is...
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    Are revolvers making a comeback?

    Actually, the title is misleading since revolvers never really left the scene. For some time now, however, they have been overshadowed, at least in the gun rags, by semi-autos. The reason I'm asking is that I just finished reading this month's Jeff Cooper's Commentaries and he stated that more...
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    Goodbye S&W 25-5 in .45 Colt, I hardly knew you.

    A quick visit to my local gun shop this morning revealed a used S&W 19-5 nestled amongst the used semi-autos. After examining it, I asked them to hold it for me and went home to retrieve my 25-5 to trade. It's lucky I put a hold on it because someone else wanted to buy it. I got there first...
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    American Handgunner World Shootoff Championship

    Does anyone here plan on going to the American Handgunner World Shootoff Championship in Montrose, Colorado on July 18,19, 20 & 21? I will probably stop by for a day or two, since it's only about 3-4 hours away from my town, but I'm only going as a spectator (hey, I'm not ready to embarass...
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    Leading Python

    This may or may not mean anything, but after shooting some 300 cast-bullet handloads through my Python, I found LOTS of leading on the bottom and left side just inside the forcing cone. The other side of the area was clean, as it should be. Does this sound normal? When revolvers lead, do they...
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    FINALLY fired a .44 Magnum

    Last week, I finally got a chance to fire a .44 Magnum, a Ruger Super Blackhawk. An acquaintance of mine had just bought it. I LIKED it! Sure, the recoil was a bit stout, but it wasn't unpleasant at all, nor was it unmanageable. In fact, it was kind of satisfying. About the only thing I...
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    Where to get steel targets for a reasonable price?

    Does anyone here know where I can get some steel plates/gongs that I can use for my handgun practice that won't cost a small fortune? I like shooting at paper, but that gets old. The range I go to won't allow tin cans (apparently, too many idiots don't pick up after themselves), but they do...
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    Finally slugged my Python's bore--.355"--now what?

    I've always wanted to find out the true dimension of the bore on my Python, so I slugged it last night. It consistently came out to .355", which was a surprise to me. Does that seem kind of tight to you? Would .358" bullets be acceptable to use, or would that be pushing it? DAL
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    Load recipe for 128 gr. RNFP .38 Spl.?

    Does anyone have a recipe they've used for a 128 gr. lead RNFP in .38 Spl.? The only one I could find that was close is for a 130 gr. SWC using N100 or S1000, two powders I've never seen or used. A Clays recipe for the above bullet would be much appreciated. Thanks. DAL
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    S&w 25

    I recently saw a S&W 25, I think it was a 25-2, at a pawn shop for $400. It had the firing pin on the hammer and it was in .45 Colt. (At first I thought I had lucked out and found one in .45 ACP--I've been saving to buy a 625 in .45 ACP with a 4" barrel when they get to my local gun shop--but...
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    Maxfire speedloaders?

    Does anyone have any experience, good or bad, with these little rubber things? They hold the cartridges at varying heights so all you have to do is get the rounds into the cylinder and pull straight up/down/sideways to load. There are no moving parts at all. DAL
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    Extremists Said to Be Scrambling Messages on Web

    Here's a problem the U.S. Govt. helps foster along (it's thousands of years old, actually, and I'm not sure we can just be mum on the subject given our Govt.'s idiotic past meddling), and now WE may (as usual) have to pay the price because of it. I can see it now: "Encryption use now illegal by...