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  1. R

    TFl Members...What is your profession?

    I am a professional fireman. And a dad.
  2. R

    This just can't be legal...

    I am subscribed to an E-mail "Wish list" and got this sent to me yesterday. This is so flippin' illeagle that it has to be a sting set up by the BATFE's newest rookie. Am I over reading this? Or should I pick up a few?
  3. R

    rangermonroe's name arrival

    Johnathan Moses Monroe He arrived today at 1427 EST, weighing in a 8#14oz. 21.22" long. Here in Georgia, thats a keeper. Momma is fine, and daddy is proud. By the way, the notion of the "john Browning" moniker came from this board. Thanks all!
  4. R

    Does this make her a gun nut?

    In 2 weeks give or take...I'll be a daddy again. We havn't discovered the sex of the child were picking out two sets of names. I came home from work and out of the blue am asked "What do you think of the name *kimber* for a girl? I grinned as I thought of that joke in the "gun nut "...
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    bolt hold open on MKI

    Can the mk I be converted to include the MK II bolt hold open with out "redesigning the wheel"?
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    A devastating Wal-Mart story

    My sister in law quit her job as the sporting goods manager at wally world. :mad: For years, she has called me to let me know of the "clearance sales" and more importantly, when a returned gun was back from the gunsmith. After the smith checked it out, the sold them at cost to guessed...
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    suppressor question

    I want to build/buy a legal suppressor for my ruger 22. Can I make one and NFA register it ? Or do I have to do the whole class 2 manufacturer licensing process?
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    resizing 40S&W to .357 SIG

    Are there any tricks to doing this better than I am doing it now? I end up with a very short neck that holds the case tenuously. a little pressure on the nose and I have a bullet rattling around in the case. I must be careful to get straight sided rounds to avoid this. The resized brass...
  9. R

    I need help

    I need a NY lawyer. Every year I travel to New York to hunt deer with my father, and this year I brought my 7 year old son for his first time. When I arrived in New York, I noticed that my rifle case had been damaged and the TSA seal (attached in Savannah, GA) had been removed. I asked the...
  10. R

    re-chambering camp 9 to 357 sig

    Do you think that it is ok to do this? I think it would be a lot better than a 9mm, but I am not sure that the springs would be ok it is a blow back. Any thoughts?
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    CH up and running

    Thanks Jim Watson! I just finished loading about 300 rounds of 357 sig on the old girl. It took a little tweaking along the way, but for my first try with a progressive, I am quite satisfied. I was ready to use it for a boat anchor bfore I posted on this board, an dI was tickled with the help...
  12. R

    Ch REloaders

    I have a ch mk v reloader Does anyone know anything about these? The cases aren't advancing far enough to be "caught "by the notches in the front bar, and I can't see any way to adjust the travel distance.
  13. R

    270 win reduced recoil loads?

    Does anyone have some recipes for mid velocity loads? I am taking my son hunting hogs in FL Saturday, and I want to load up some 100gr softpoints, But the only info my loadbooks have is for max velocity. I fear that inadvertantly going too low could cause higher pressures to develop. Thanks