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    usp 45 for $450

    I have a local pawn shop that will sell me a sued one for $450/475. Is it worth it. I do not have one and I feel a burning need for a .45 Is this price reasonable, really cheap or average?
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    Marlin 1894 Ejector

    I have a Marlin 1894 in 44 mag that needs a new ejector. I bought one through Midway (nice work Wild AK), but it does not fit my 1894. Mine has a narrower profile, and does not have the recess for the barb on the back. Is there a different style of ejector that is available on these, or do...
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    Silencer manufacture

    Does anone have info on silencer manufacture? I cannot find any on the ATF website, but maybe I am not looking correctly.
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    Bleaching caribou horns

    I bagged a 'bou last month in the velvet, and I want to bleach his horns. I am guessing that a flat white paint would do the trick, but :confused: is there a "right "way to do this? Also, I found a shed (hooked in a tree) that I brought home for my boys' room decoration. It has been...
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    Mythbuster's just "revisited" the exploding gas tank myth, and I was curious if anyone else noticed their description of a tracer bullet? According to them the orange paint at the tip was made from phosphous, and glowed from air friction. Also, after they fired over 100 rounds through the...
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    Winchester model 70 ranger youth

    The # is G 2062531, What would the year of manufacture be? Thank you.
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    C&R license...How and why

    I think I am gonna have lotsa money at the end of October. Real estate deal. I would prefer not to spend a bunch on transfer fees. What is a Curio and relic license and what can this do for me. I have perused this site, but would like some definitave answers. "how much does it cost?" "what...
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    "I blame the victims"...critiques please

    Dear sir, I have been following the news regarding the "victims" of the two horrific hurricanes over the past month, and am baffled. I have listened to several "victims" blame the local, state and federal govenments for failing to rescue them from the weather that devastated their...
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    270 resizing problems

    last night I had a bunch of trouble with the sizing die. I disassembled and cleaned it, but that was no help at all. Cases keep getting stuck, and the case mouth is not belled enough to get the trimmer inside. What would cause this to happen?
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    351 auto loader?

    Has anyone ever heard of one of these. Supposedly it was issued to prison guards. I can buy it for around $300 should I?
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    How much does a staple weigh?

    I know that there are a million variables, but about how much? 1gr...1/10th etc? just a generic paper staple that comes from your desktop stapler. I am curious as to how sensitive my scale is.
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    lee scale problems

    I noticed that my Lee scale is "hanging" at the indicator point. As it swings by, it hesitates, and then continues on. With the same weight, it will stop just above the "point"...or sometimes just below. I didn't do this before, so I am concerned. I have weighed some "known" quantities. The...
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    Winchester CT balistic silvertip for bear?

    Do you think that this would be an appropriate bullet for Black bear. 150 gr 270 180 gr 308?
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    Hoppe's #9 cologne

    Do any of y'all really do this? Have done it? I would think that it would irritate the skin if it is not outright carcinogenic. Although, it sure does smell nice! :D ;) I personally have never considered it utill I read it here.
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    'bou and bear load

    I am going to Canada at the end of the month. Any suggestions on a load for a bear out of a 270? I am handy with 130 grain BT's, but I wonder if that is appropriate. The primary hunt is for caribou... but you can kill them with harsh language. Black bear @ 200 yards. Any recipe's?
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    CCw in National Forest?

    I am taking my kids back into the mountains this weekend to do some camping and trout fishing. Are there any prohibitions to carrying in a National forest? this is not a national park, and there is no "improvements", just woods and maountains.
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    Ruger mK 3 or Browning buckmark?

    I am currently in love with the Ruger MK III Hunter in stainless. But it seems a bit pricey...$435 I saw and held a Browning buckmark 22 yesterday, and was wondering if anyone had any side by side experience with both. Is one markedly better than the other? Just some input would be...
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    concerned dad with guns

    I am relatively new to this forum, or any forum for that matter. I am a dad, so I appreciate a father's concerns. That being said, What is the deal with this guy? Is he for real? I have an issue with somebody who registers yesterday, and posts an all but an anonymous post, suggesting a...
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    Dented shotgun barrel

    My dad just brought me a shotgun that was his Grandfathers. It has a little dent in the side of the barrel, looks like it got slammed in the door of a safe. Maybe the size of a shirt button, but concave, and half the depth of a dime at it's deepest. can I just shoot it and "un dent it"? Oh...
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    GGP'S Lefever Side By Side

    Two triggers, and the side plates have a duck/goose taking off from a marsh, Looks to be stamped, rather than engraved. 216368 is the number in the receiver, and 12 on the other side Any info?