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    World Benchrest Cup

    The three USA teams finished in the top three positions this week in New Zealand. The winning team's aggregate was a shade under 0.3" for the week. That's some serious shooting.
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    Need advice for dealing with teenager

    Okayfine - the girlfriend type has several daughters. The oldest is almost 17, and has always been a good student. Lately she's expressed apathy toward "boring" subjects, etc., and has also started dating a fellow who is a relative loser (all I know is that he has been in a few minor scrapes in...
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    Just had a nasty thought...

    What if the anthrax that's been sent to folks like Daschle and Brokaw was homegrown? By some right-wing crazy?
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    Out of the closet...

    Okay - Now how many of you guys have been a bit more patriotic, up front about your beliefs, etc., since 9/11? I mean, prior to 9/11, if you had a flag up, announced that you were a patriot, etc., you were likely to have your neighbors call the cops and suggest that you were the next McVeigh...
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    Just gotta vent a little...

    Guys, this has been sorta festering... ===== Hey - I told you so. Yeah, all you folks who are out there, buying up the next three years' supply of July 4th flags - I'm talking to you. You're the same folks who, for the past few years, have been dumping all over everything this country does...
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    Anyone else hear this one?

    One of my coworkers told us in a meeting today that a "relative's friend of a friend" told her that she'd been dating an Afghani for the past year. On 9/10, he stood her up, and when she went by his place, it was empty, except for a note telling her that he was sorry, but he had to be away, and...
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    Knob Creek Report

    Okay - Went this past weekend. Didn't have a lot of time, but went anyway. Got to the area around 2:00 p.m., and putted over to the Cav Store, to see if they were running a warehouse sale. Was quite disappointed in that they weren't. Their selection was also sorta down... I needed a field...
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    Dawn/Dusk times?

    Is there a site that will tell me the exact time for sunset here in St. Louis? Specifically for last night? Not in trouble, but got rousted from a park with a "half hour after sunset" curfew, and I think the guy was pushing it...
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    Looking for shellholder for "vintage" priming tool

    I bought a "Neuwler" or some such (formerly made in either Indiana or Illinois) tool last week. It is set up for priming the 6BR. With the proper shellholder, it would work for the 6PPC - If anyone knows where I can locate one, I'd appreciate it. Also posted this in handloading, but I think...
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    Vintage priming tool - need shellholder

    I bought a "Neuwler" or some such (formerly made in either Indiana or Illinois) tool last week. It is set up for priming the 6BR. With the proper shellholder, it would work for the 6PPC - If anyone knows where I can locate one, I'd appreciate it.
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    Accident this weekend - Range Safety

    At a benchrest event this past weekend, one of the shooters cleared a bore obstruction by running a cleaning rod down the barrel from the muzzle. He then did something else, and obviously forgot that he had the rod still in the bore. He inserted a cartridge, fired it, and the rifle vented gas...
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    Mechanical Problem

    Guys, this is NOT off topic... Trust me... I want to build a neckturning driver. I'll show y'all some pics later... Does any of the multitudinous multitudes in this place know if there is a readily available, relatively inexpensive way to do the following? I want to put a 3-jaw "drill type"...
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    Gotta drive through Chicago...

    Going to a benchrest workshop up in Michigan, and I'll have to drive through Chicago to get there. My truck is painted camo, and has at least 25-30 RKBA-oriented bumper stickers on the shell. Rifle will be in a locked case in the bed, with the bolt in a separate container. Can I expect much...
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    Where to buy Army Surplus Decon Tent?

    This ain't off topic. I've spent too dang much on this cra... er... highly specialized precision loading equipment for it to get all soaked again... Saw a cool tent, with an internal "geodisic" type frame at the St. Louis Air Show this past weekend. The recruiter who was manning the display...
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    Guys, just thought I'd let you know...

    As of yesterday, I weigh 279. That's down from 380 on January 5. I'm now more agile, the BP meds are outta here, my cholesterol is at the "high normal" area, and I feel better than I have in 10 years... It's gonna take a bit more to fit in an "off the shelf" highpower shooting jacket, but now at...
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    Okay, guys, time to own up...

    Today I wore a pair of forest green BDUs and an old pair of Altama "tactical" (they actually say that!) boots to work. I work in an office... I just happen to like BDUs and boots... So, how many other folks have been infected by the insidious creeping mall ninja virus?
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    Anyone interested in a benchrest accuracy clinic?

    The NBRSA is sponsoring a weekend long clinic at Holton, MI the 2nd weekend in September. e-mail me if you're interested. Cost is $200.
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    The ongoing diet proceeds...

    Need advice... Okay - I'm down to 285, from 380... when I hit 100 down, it's time for a new toy... I'm trying to decide... 1. Savage 12BVSS-S in .223 2. Barrels to fit an existing Savage, in 6BR (slow twist) and 6/284 (fast twist) 3. A 6/284 barrel for my Stolle Panda BR rifle 4. A...
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    Adding weight to Savage 12BVSS-S rifle

    Does anyone have any tips or tricks? It's a laminate stock, and I wanna get the sucker as heavy as possible. External weights are also an option...
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    Road rage...

    Someone just e-mailed this to me... ========================= A Male Driver's Observation: I was riding to work yesterday when I observed a female driver cut right in front of a pickup truck causing him to have to drive onto the shoulder to avoid hitting her. This evidently angered the...