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  1. B

    Criminals vs. the population at large

    Guys, does anyone know what percentage of crimes that are committed with firearms are committed by people with no prior records? I suspect that it's rather small, and that the odds of being shot or even threatened by a "first timer" are basically astronomical...
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    Cop bashing, probable cause, and DWB...

    Well, in the past few weeks, we've had a couple of people where I work targeted for Driving While Black - these are professionals - folks with doctorates, or darn near... One person was pulled over, and when the cop figured out who the person was, that they are not a gangster, out to steal...
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    Reliability of new Browning autos...

    Okay - I'm not a shotgun person, but a friend of mine has asked me to look into this - He's decided he wants a "Browning Gold 20 gauge" for a field gun... He is concerned about reliability and weight. When I suggested he try several kinds of shotguns, he replied that he is "a Browning man," and...
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    Great service

    Okay - had a screw on the clip on my CRKT M16 come lose and go missing - called and grouched, explaining that it was my fault, and asked to buy one. Was informed that they don't locktite 'em, becuz some folks like to take 'em off, etc., but that they could send me a set of screws, AND the...
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    Major Bleepin' Oops...

    Guys, I'll be at St. Louis Benchrest this weekend, but I'll be shooting in a match all weekend - If someone wants to stop by, however, they'll be able to see some of the world's most accurate rifles and shooters in action... Visitors ARE welcome. But if you don't have a member with you...
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    Gyrojet sighting...

    Okay. A friend and I were moderately bored, so I suggested a road trip. Mentally spun the ol' compass, and decided that Graceland was the destination (from St. Louis). Got there yesterday morning, did the tour ($25!), and was astonished in the "trophy hall" when I saw a gyrojet pistol in with...
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    The truck made it...

    Thanks guys... To recap... 1987 Chev S10 4x4 2.8 automatic, had been running hot. Had to go on a trip, and y'all helped me isolate some problems... Turned out the radiator's a bit old, and has lost cooling capacity... Well, the nice guy down at the local autozone sold me a jar of some sorta...
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    Shootin' truck repair question...

    Hey, no truck = no haulin' the ton of crap to the range = no benchrest shooting. Have to drive it to the Supershoot on Saturday... Besides, I TRUST the folks here... So... Okay - Truck has been running intermittently hot. Finally got into messing with the fan - To reiterate, the truck does...
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    Up near Cleveland, OH, at Kelby's at Marshallville, all next week - The BIGGEST benchrest meet in the country. Even if you don't shoot, you'll learn a lot. And all the toy sellers are there...
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    Maybe not a mall ninja, but...

    Okay. Was at the St. Louis Galleria the other day. Noticed a guy wearing a blue shirt, and dark pants, with a gun belt on, with some sorta wondernine in the holster. Had a closer look, and he was wearing NO identification, badges, etc... No nothin'... Hey, I know that you can buy ANYTHING out...
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    apartment hunting...

    Trust me, this _is_ on topic... So, anyone in the St. Louis area want a tenant? Looking for a one-bedroom apartment or similar living arrangement (am NOT picky). Landlord must NOT freak out over my toy collection.
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    St. Louis Area Get-Together?

    Anyone wanna get together, blast a little, and then go out for some cold frosties?
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    St. Louis Area Get-Together?

    Anyone wanna get together, blast a little, and then go out for some cold frosties?
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    Learned something about a knife last night...

    Was sitting around with some friends, watching a movie, and playing a little with my 2-3 week old CRKT Crawford-Kasper knife... Muscle memory, you know? Well, I'd been opening it by sliding the blade around with my thumb on the pivoting stud... Sort of slow, but sure... And I was getting faster...
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    Where to buy NIB Savage 12BVSS-S .223?

    I'm looking to get a new rifle, and I don't wanna deal with a local place's main attitude of "hey, if we have to order it, we charge list price." I've got an FFL who can receive it - Does anyone have any suggestions?
  16. B

    How to not shoot your chronograph

    I think I've posted this before. Take yer bolt out, look down the bore, and move the chrony around until you can see the pingpong ball you've strung in the "target" area" through the bore. You may also wanna have a look at the other post... Gheesh...
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    Just thought I'd let you guys know...

    I'm now down to 316 pounds (from 380), and a good shooting jacket is looking more and more fittable... It won't be this season (sticking with benchrest), but come next spring, when I'm down to 240, I'm gonna be wallowing in the mud with the highpower folks... This actually could be a...
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    Stupid progressive loading question...

    Guys, how do you trim brass or wipe off case lube when loading on a progressive machine? I've been using a bud's 550 for my .223, and I've been sizing 'em on my turret press, then cleaning 'em, trimming, chamfering, etc., then priming 'em with a hand prime, then it's off to the progressive to...
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    Prairie Dog shooting...

    Okay - One of my benchrest buddies has been going through a divorce, and I wanna get his mind offa things for a few days. I'm getting some of my money back from Unca Sam here in a few weeks, and I'd like to take him out for a few sage rats. We're in St. Louis, and would like to keep the drive...
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    Camping vehicle/mode... (only sorta off topic, okay?)

    I will be going to a few benchrest matches this year, along with a bit of recreational camping. Plus, the club I shoot at is a bit over an hour away, and at $40/night for a motel, a weekend can become sorta costly... I've got a chance to pick up an old pop-up trailer for $600, but since I live...