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  1. B

    In defense of wild hogs.............

    Yes I know they have some serious down sides when they get to numerious but they do have some up sides.......... Brother in law shot this one Friday. First picture is at about sunrise can figure out the rest from there......and yes it was that good.
  2. B

    Out there this morning......hunting...sort of....

    Backed the boat in a little before first light and as there was ZERO wind we headded for open water. About sunrise we spied a big one about 300 yards from shore. Set off in his direction with the trolling motor. Got about 100 yards from him before he sounded. As he was in open water we had no...
  3. B

    After the hunt is over......

    Caught this guy yesterday....... Thought I'd post a picture of what happens after the fun is over. Did not turn out to clear but you get the idea. He's a little over 10'........... with a perfect hide! Really makes me crazy that the market for the skins is so pitiful. But then they love the...
  4. B

    Old guys & a gator...............

    Even though we had not gotten a good look at him before we snagged him it was obvious by the way he moved off when I set the first rod on him that he was big. As he surged off I could feel every sweep of his big tail telegraph up the line, something you can't feel on smaller gators until they...
  5. B

    Gator Hunt & the bait survived.........

    After the captain got carried away and ran the boat up into the trees after a good sized gator about 10 days ago we ended up spending a week fishing and shrimping while waiting for the prop shop to fix the bent one. Finally made it back to the water Sunday. Down on Lake George. Gators are VERY...
  6. B

    How many acres for.......?

    Assuming the land is NOT fenced how many acres do you think it would take to have a commercial wild hog hunting club? I'm talking a club where guides are allowed to contract hunts and then pay the land owner for the privlige to hunt a spicific piece of land. I know there are lots of operations...
  7. B

    Gators are getting smarter......

    Louann and I spent the first hour of the Florida gator season getting soaked out on the north end of Lake George. We would not have been out there had I not told a SMALL lie. As we were launching the boat we could see a storm moving in from the west and Louann asked if the raingear was in the...
  8. B

    Completely out of meat.......

    The final pheasants were fried a couple of weeks ago. The last package of ground hog got mixed with some GRASS FED beef and baked into one fine meatloaf on Friday. All the ribs, loins, trimmings, every last bit of good stuff, is gone. Only thing left is a SMALL package, maybe 8-12 ounces!, of...
  9. B

    Impulse purchase.....screw up??

    I stumbled on a S&W 745, .45ACP today that looked like a good deal. Had no time to do research and was unfamiliar with the pistiol but as it looked perfect I could not imagin that it was worth less than what he was asking for it. So I bought it and now I've looked it up on the web and I see...
  10. B

    Learn from my mistake......!!!

    So we finally got around to working on a couple of gator heads from last season. Last time we did this we followed a friends instructions explicitly. Head turned out perfect. Nice and uniform white with little or no separation of bone plates and only a tooth or two that had to be reattached. In...
  11. B

    Deer eat odd things......

    So today Louann and I fished a couples bass tournament on the St. Johns here in FL. We launched in Palatka at sunrise ran north about 15 miles to a large grass point to start the day. While we're out there we see two dogs come bounding out of the woods about 400 yards away. The dogs run out to...
  12. B

    Brined hog...update....

    So he's been on the fire for a few hours and the difference in appearence between the brined and unbrined pieces are very obvious. The brined pieces are plumper and have a somewhat different color. Poked the thermometer in a couple just to see where we were with temp. The brined piece was...
  13. B

    Need insight...last pig going on the smoker &....

    So the last wild hog of the season ( Unless the brother in law comes through on his lease with one for Labor day. ) is going on the grill tomorrow morning at about sunrise. Now it's not that we have not cooked a lot of wild hogs over the years it's just that I've been "almost" convinced by a...
  14. B

    Mad woman & broken stuff in the woods...

    So we went to the woods early. Had a place picked out where we had heard a tom a few days before. Set up about 15 yards apart with me behind facing where we expected the turkey to come from and a decoy out front. Called intermitently for about a hour....nothing. Picked up and went to another...
  15. B

    Sidetracked while hunting

    So on the way out of the wood the other night Louann makes me stop so she can scoop a few fish out of a ditch to feed to one of her snakes. It's dark so she just takes a few random swipes in the ditch and deposits whatever is in the net into a bucket. When we get home it turns out that she has a...
  16. B

    Calling hogs.......?

    So the other day we're out in the swamp and I decided that because there was almost zero wind and the leaves were VERY noisy underfoot I'd, instead of trapsing about as usual, sit a spot for the last hour or so of light. After picking a place I set about pulling a few branches up around me and...
  17. B

    Test results.......

    Had a 20ga SXS with RIFLED barrels built last year. It's on what was a FN 16ga sidelock action. Took it to the range this weekend to see how it shoots with 3 different slug loads. Shot all 3 loads at about 25 yards after boresighting it so it'd be on the paper. Shot them off a bench but with...
  18. B

    I hate this part of hunting..........!

    Louann and I were out in the swamp this afternoon looking for hogs when I screwed up. Found a group of them in the palmettos and after about 30 minutes managed to get in front of where it seemed they were going. Was not exactly down wind but at least not directly up wind. When the first two...
  19. B

    First time for this.........

    So we're out in the swamp yesterday afternoon. Had a good breeze going so instead of climbing we worked slowly into the wind with the intention of picking a spot for the last 30 minutes of light to just stand and watch. So about 45 minutes before dark find a place that looks good and settle up...
  20. B

    Managed recoil......???

    Was looking at the Remington 20ga Managed Recoil Buckhammer loads with a view towards using them in a OLD 20ga SXS I have. Not so much concerned about the recoil as the potential that they generate signifiantly less chamber pressure. I am assuming that is the case but then I know how assuming...