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  1. B

    Honoring what we harvest..........

    The Christmas Ham (Pig) went on at 4:00 this ( Jan. 1 ) morning............came off at 4:30 in the afternoon. Say what you want about big uncut boars but this one was as good as a pig can be. Not a bit of off taste, not tough either and just enough fat. He spent about 48 hours in a brine ( 1/2...
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    Christmas Ham..........

    After 7 days of the fish-market eating our lives........picture does not in any way transmit the pandominum and yes, here in FL people eat fish for Christmas ( 400+ bushels of oyster this week!........Louann and I did Christmas with the families last night and then hit the woods this morning...
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    Pictures later.......HOPEFULLY!!

    Work has been killing us ( And the broke tractor hasn't helped either as it took 4 trips over 4 days, 40 mile round trip!, to the shop and then back out to the woods where it was broke down to get it fixed! )so other than a couple of hours on a afternoon or two we've not been able to hunt. But...
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    Still there.........

    On opening morning ( 4 weeks ago ) at about 8:00 I heard Louann's rifle go off and as the place her stand was afforded no more than a 30 yard shot in any direction I knew we had venison. Sense the phones do not work in the area we had the stands, and we were not that far apart, I just sat tight...
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    Thanksgiving Morning......??

    Just cuerious................... Will we be the only ones spending the first few hours of the day sitting in a tree? In our case we found a fair stand, a good hundred trees over about 25 acres, of swamp chestnut oaks ( only a few are dropping nuts this year, and those not many ) and marked a...
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    It's 5:07 and in about 10 minutes we head to the stands for opening morning. Don't have the technology to do "Live From The Stand" but if anything "brown" walks by Louann this morning pictures will be posted later.
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    From the woods today.............pests!

    Brother in law went to the woods today to check feeders and pull camera chips. Got a bunch of pictures of bears............ these 2 about sum it up. Like I've said in the past, I have no urge to shoot one myself but I can see where the time is coming when the FWC will have to do...
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    When you get old you have to..........

    When you get old you have to come up with better ( EASIER! ) ways to do things. This morning on the lake.......biggest one this year.....12' 10' and 700# or so. When we finally admitted to ourselves that we could not pull him over the side we had to do some thinking. First thought was that...
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    What are the options.......??

    At this point I can see three options to try and stop this nonsense. 1. The nephew has to go on a serious exercise program. ( He's kind of lazy so I don't see that happening. ) 2. I need to figure out how not to be OLD! And to have a new back, and a new shoulder, and a new knee, and a...
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    Question.......Wounded Warrior Hunt???

    Anyone have any experence with sponsoring/running/assisting one of these? Contemplating a spring turkey hunt on our place but don't want to offer to do something and have it turn out to be a bust for the WWs who attend so need to be SURE we know we can do it so they will enjoy it. Help me out...
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    The woods yesterday......nothing special.....

    Went to the woods yesterday......just to look around.........Louann had the camera...... Still seeing LOTS of does in the middle of the horns though. The mosquitoes were bad, but thanks to the wind from the tropical storm they were not as bad as they have been. But then as the rain...
  12. B

    Hunting with women ( gators...)

    Went to the river with the wife ( Louann ) and the nephew as crew on Saturday morning looking for gators. Figured as there are darn few good ones in the stretch we had permits for that we'd take the first thing that came along. And to make things mordifficultlt the wind was blowing up the...
  13. B

    Old Guys and another friend.......

    Not a lot of excitement to this one, at least as compared to the thunderstorm we endured while catching his shorter but fatter brother the other night. This was was actually textbook, in that we knew where he hung out from scouting and went looking for him. We pulled into his cove, shut down...
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    Old Guys, thunderstorm and a gator........

    Old Guys, thunderstorms and gators............... God looks out for the least last night he did. Hardly a hour into the opening day of gator season found us COWERING, and when I say COWERING I mean COWERING!, under a pitiful excuse for a dock, simply hoping to avoid...
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    Pictures later...............

    As we are getting ready to leave for the woods this morning it's already over 80 with 100% humidity and no wind......sounds like a perfect day to feed the bugs and run the tractor....right? If I can keep from breaking the tractor we'll be disking and raking a few of the firelanes, both for...
  16. B

    Scouting this weekend...........

    Sunday we went to the woods with the intention of fixing the tractor, shooting Louann's new carry piece, setting up a game cam and looking about just to see what was going on. First thing we notice is that even though its been raining a lot here, and as of 2 weeks ago the mosquitoes would carry...
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    Something a little different.......

    I'm a lot of stuff at garage sales and second hand shops......especially clothing I'll be trashing by wearing in the woods during the summer, preseason and in the stand. And I say trashing because after a few wearings it's invariably stained and ripped. This being the case it's...
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    The woods yesterday.....thanks Debby!!

    Today was the first chance Louann and I have had to look at the woods sense Debby passed on. Pictures kind of speak for themselves........ First 2 are of what WAS a one is about a mile away......and there are at least 2 more like them we saw. In addition a number of places...
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    The woods today.....explain this......

    So Louann and I went to the woods this morning with the plan being to trim the limbs along one of the new fire breaks that has been cut and then make a couple of passes down it with the tractor/harrow. The trimming was to keep me from getting a face full of limb as I ran the tractor. Now it's...
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    Hogs while fishing..........

    Louann and I were running down the St. Johns river Saturday morning ( 25 miles or so south of Jacksonville ) when we spied this guy out doing what pigs do. He was rooting up the tubers that form the root system of the water plants we call "dollar bonnets"......don't know what their real name...