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  1. H

    Behold the Gun ban Gurus

    Here is the Mind set and logic of the gun control advocates! I love the out comes and reality that shows it's self from within! This one tell it as it is!:D...
  2. H

    Seen with a Pervert?

    How would you like to stand in this line?
  3. H

    .22 Lr Tracer

    Has any one out there tried or used this ammo? I don't know how but they claim it is noncorrosive. A bit on the High side on price. Some one gave me 1000 rounds of .30 M1 ammo and I started a fire in the box I had my targets stapled to at 100 yards. I didn't know I could do the 100 yard dash...
  4. H

    Deadly Force will be encountered!

    A person is required to place signs on GATES, DOORS and other Property lines, In regards to Vicious animals or other dangers. I propose a Sign on my front Door that states, " If you are the Local SWAT Team, Please Knock on the door, I will Greet you with Coffee and Cookies, We can talk...
  5. H

    New NRA Website: Candidates Ask for Support!

    MODS: I hope this one flies! Just some more fat for the fire. Jim Edit: Make use of the CLICK ON PHOTO to see the videos! Hear the talking heads!
  6. H

    Depleted Uranium

    I now this is propaganda, but is there some truth to it?
  7. H

    ban on .22 ammo

    what is this crap? Here you go! It has started!:eek:
  8. H

    This is for the AK people and me the Model D type

    Has anyone seen this clock work mag before? What a Wanker! That mag would not hold more then 15 rounds never mind 250.
  9. H

    Sub Sonic CCI

    I bought some CCI CB SHORTS today from Wally World. They Rock. Much better then Calibre! Sub sonic and 710 fps!!!!!! My seven year old is shooting them from the front porch in the Henry mini bolt and knocking the socks off the ping targets we set up! Much better then the Calibre! Made...
  10. H

    Thanks Giving

    Fire arm relation is they should have had one! Please let this float for the next few days .... Jim Here you go Years ago but it happened! Here is a true Thanks Giving story: My father and a few friends station in Adana Turkey while in the USAF, Decided to take a drive up Mt...
  11. H

    Bad .22 ammo QC

    Is anyone else out there have problems with the quality of the .22 long rifle ammo available? I purchased some Rem Thunder Bolts and they ended up being Thunder Duds!:barf: Bang! Bang! Pop! Bang! Twack! Woooop! Awww time to check for a squib? Federal .22 is just about the sorriest stuff I...
  12. H

    Happy Birth Day?

    I received a happy birth day from the forum. Thank you! I just wish to share my responce with you all. I really do intrain the thought, But The day has been over writen by other events. I really wish to never observe it again! "Thank you One and All! Lets hope it is. 911 is not a good day...
  13. H

    One Cartridge!

    If you was limited to one cartridge what would it be? I choose .22 long rifle! light to carry. Can defend my family. Can feed me! I am sure this is a rethread! I just would like to here from other , there feelings.
  14. H

    politics in TV

    I was just watching the new program, Drew Carries Power of Ten. The first question was , How many Americans think they should be able to possess Automatic Weapons! Answer,,,,,,,,41% ...... I was shocked that CBS would air numbers that high! God ,,,,, There is Hope!
  15. H

    Peep sight on the SKS

    Has anyone tried this? I think my eyes would like it. But to hold them tight on the rear end? Good for low light! Good for target acquiring! Less time finding site picture. More distance between front and rear sites would mean better accuracy. I think I will buy a new cover just to try it...
  16. H

    Peep sight on the SKS

    Has any one tried this? I think my eyes would like it. Just how to keep the rear site snug? I think I will buy a new cover just to try it. Faster target acquire. Good in low light! Long distance between front and rear site would make for better accuracy at any rang! I think I will buy...
  17. H

    SKS model D Norinco

    My father gave me a Norinco Model D SKS and the stock sucks! First thing I did was remove the bayonet. I am thinking of replacing the stock with a T6 . Has anyone out there done it? Are they ok? Some Little Whittling Mods needed to accommodate the AK Magazine. I don't care about the...
  18. H

    Training .22

    I have a 7 year old son and purchased some Colibri ammo in order to transition him from Red Rider to Henry Arms mini bolt. It seems to be the ticket. It's as good or better then a medium powered air rifle and works most well on Rat, Rabbits and the such. Hell I think it would do a medium size...