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  1. H

    Memorial day. I Remember!

    Memorial Day is Here. It comes in Many Names, Celebrated in Many Countries under different names but it's all the same. I would like to extend a thanks you to all the folks that made it possible for me to be free. First in line are the folks that gave there all and the ultimate sacrifice...
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    Thing Vets Should Know!

    Below are web-sitesthat provide information on Veterans benefits and how to file/ask for them. Accordingly, there are many sites that explain how to obtain books, military/medical records, information and how to appeal a denied claim with the VA. Please pass this information on to every Veteran...
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    2nd Amendment Vote! Help!!!! Link Corrected! Full Sitation Found. Supreme Court issues ruling on gun-control law Buzz up!Like this story? Share it with Yahoo! Buzz The Supreme Court just struck down one of the nation's strictest gun-control laws...
  4. H

    Treaty to Register Firearms?

    Do any of you know the name of this Treaty?
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    What if you found a Barrel of Fire Arms berried as Destroyed.

    This Question came up on a metal detecting forum. Say a person was out metal detecting and found a 50gl barrel of Fire Arms some law agency documented as destroyed. What would be the legal status said fire arms. Could I peace meal sell the parts? Could I take legal possession of the None...
  6. H

    Thank You To All!

    My Birth Day!!! Yep! That time again! First I wish to thank all of you for allowing me to be part of the best Fire Arm Forum possible. Being Part of this Group of Fine Human Beings is One of the High Lights of my Life. Tomorrow, I will Be 51 years old. I have lived in 5 countries. I...
  7. H

    Media Bias?

    Is it my imagination or what! They spend 20 minutes on Barack and less then a minute on McCain! When I get off work at 2:00 AM there is nothing on the Network TV but Him and Hill doing the Hoot! Just my thoughts Please don't kill the Messenger. :cool:
  8. H

    My Norinco Grows MOLD! Help!

    Ok! I had not been in my lock up box in a month. I open it up and am greeted with a invasions of the GREEN THING! My Norinco Model D seems to have grown it's own Camo ! It was Green! I don't mean a little bit, I mean Really Green. No Rust, All Metal parts are shinny and clean. The...
  9. H

    Pocket Machine Gun?

    Do I want one?:eek:
  10. H

    Military Ammo Sucks?

    Has anyone seen this! Looks like .223 an't doing the job so well! ========================================================= Monday, May 26, 2008 WASHINGTON - As Sgt. Joe Higgins patrolled the streets of Saba al-Bor, a tough town north of Baghdad, he was armed with bullets that had a lot...
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    Memorial Day - Merged Threads

    To All Vets, Active Duty Past and Present! Without you, I would not be an AMERICAN! Without you, we would be far from free! Without you, we could be speaking something other than English! You're the people that made this Holiday! It was people like you, willing to do the job, that made...
  12. H

    Memorial Day

    To All and any Vets , Active Duty, ANG, Resurves, or any other funtion of the military! Let it be known that every one that has posted here or will, has earned there place in my list of thank you's! With out you I would not be a AMERICAN! With out you we would be far from free! With out...
  13. H

    Just for a hoot, did any one else see CSI last nite?

    I was getting ready for bed and did the channel surf thing. I stopped when I seen someone firing a Full Auto 1911 off a roof top. The show later moved to KILLER AMMO, from who knows where made in the 40's... In the crime lab, one of the rounds rolled of the table and hit the floor. It took...
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    Another poll on Parks and Firearms
  15. H

    Time OUT!

    I offer any one that is upset about any thing a little time out.! And for you California people looking for the Condors! You need to look at these in full screan in at at all polible.
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    Waco TWO?

    Here We Go ! Waco TWO? The state took 4oo kids following a young girls phone call about abuse and forced marriage. The state takes 400 kids and there mothers in custody following the allegations. It seems the state can't find the girl that made the allegations! They have been taken from a...
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    Lead Free for CA.

    Here go, the list! Have fun!:barf: Still no .22!
  18. H

    Tazer! Requires back ground check!

    So None Deadly force now requires background check!:cool: Over the last few years I can recall the Taser killing more then a few people. :eek: Here in New Mexico, People have...
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    Gun Control and the bad man!

    Here you go. This is the way it should be!:D
  20. H

    Rem mod 582?

    My wife's mother (OUTLAW) came over the other day and gave her a Rem mod 582. She said it was in the closet and don't know where it came from. One of the boys Brother or some stuff! It was rusted to all get out. She ( my wife ) hit it with 800 steel wool and it cleaned up most well. Scope...