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  1. M

    New Shooting At Virginia Tech

    Reports are that at least one LEO and possibly another person have been shot and possibly killed. Suspect is still on the loose.
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    From the Fringe- Can the Secret Service Legally Seize Your Guns?

    Ok, a birther trying to make a citizen's arrest of the president for illegally holding office is a little nutty. But does the Secret Service have legal grounds to take away his guns...
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    In the Gun Free Paradise of the UK, the Law Will Not Protect You

    This is an interesting legal case whereby the judge decided to not send the assailants to jail because they were Muslim and therefore unused to drinking alcohol. The alcohol was clearly responsible for the attack. A decent video at the link shows most of the attack. Surprisingly one of the...
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    DC City Council Member Propses Easing Gun Laws

    Kind of toning it down from insane, to merely crazy. (Text of bill at link) I think that some of this is link backed to the Washington Times saga being discussed in this sub forum.
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    The Perfect Christmas Gift

    Apparently education is working and misinformation is not. Guns set a record for one day purchases Black Friday. 47% of people now admit to having a gun in the house. I find the Brady...
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    How to Remove Occupiers

    This article got me thinking: Suppose you owned a vacant property that you did not occupy. One day you went to check on the property and it was "occupied" by six "protestors". You call the...
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    Where to Hide the Guns

    Iraq has on paper... the right to keep and bear arms. According to the law, every household may have one rifle and one pistol for every adult male member of the household as well as ammunition and one magazine for each. Shotguns are not restricted (although quite rare). Mosques and certain...
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    Now 70% of the guns used in crimes in Mexico come from the US

    The harshly disputed claim that 90% of the guns in Mexico used in crimes come from the US has been replaced by the much more scientific 70%. :rolleyes: Whatever the truth may be I would point out that of those 70% thousands can likely be traced directly back to the ATF letting them across the...
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    Alabama - Open Carry, Concealed Carry, The Military, Motorcycles and Me

    This is long. I am in the military and I am moving to Alabama on permanent assignment orders I am a resident of another state and my concealed carry permit will not be legal in Alabama. Alabama has quite strict laws dealing with permits. They do not issue non-resident permits and you must be...
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    CA SB 610- Good or Bad?

    This bill can not be as good as it seems? While it allows law makers the ability to arm themselves it also appears to get rid of liability insurance requirements and give automatic permits after 30 days if the sheriff does not deny your permit. Also you could apply without having to pay for...
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    Repairing a 742

    - Is there a practical way to repair the locking rings on a Remington 742? - There are some missing and worn away. This does not appear to effect accuracy or reliability, are there any other issues with badly worn down or missing locking lugs?
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    Seeking 1000 yard AR-10 Based Cartridge.

    I might be reaching but I think it is possible to build a 1000 yard gun on an AR-10 platform. I have an extra lower and am weighing the cartridge choices. The .308 is a good cartridge but I am thinking that 1000 yards is just a hair to far for my purposes. I am thinking that the 6.5 Creedmoor...
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    Special Purpose Vehicle Marketed for Gun Owners

    And it is a Toyota. I have never seen a vehicle that comes with built in gun cases before. Too bad the economy is in the toilet.
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    From our Friends at DARPA

    It seems they have moved a little closer with their little EXACTO project. Does anyone have any more news on it? It looks like something straight out of the movies. Press Release: Old article snippet: Read more...
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    Do Your Guns Have a Hidden Life?

    I only ask because the fair and balanced coverage of the Washington Post conducted some investigative journalism this week. There is now a multi-article coverage of guns. The Hidden Life of Guns
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    New DC "Sniper"? Someone is Shooting at Federal Buildings

    This is odd. Speculation could be endless. Yesterday it was the Museum of the USMC, today the Pentagon. Either some loon has signed themselves up for a world of hurt or something else is afoot. It should be noted that the USMC Museum...
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    Close Quarters Reaction Drill

    We had an animated discussion at work the other day. Thought I would check the interweb for varying opinions. Let us assume strong side carry of a large hand gun. You get physically engaged from the front physically in hand to hand in an attempt to subdue and then abduct you for nefarious...
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    Millenium Designed Muzzleloaders Explodes This looks bad. More info at article site.
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    I Want One

    My question is how would I get one? (I know I can't get an FA version) CALIBER 6 x 35 RATE OF FIRE Semi / Full Auto - 700 rpm VELOCITY 2,425 fps (55 gr FMJ) MAGAZINE TYPE / CAP. Full Curved, 30 Rds LENGTH w/ STOCK RET. 17.5" (8" Bbl) / 19.5"...
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    12/16 Burst?

    I have heard of 12/20 bursts but never of a 12/16 burst. I have never had a 16 gauge shotgun so was wondering if this was even possible.