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  1. M

    This is Not a Second Amendment Issue...

    Seems to be a renewed call for a ban on body armor. Wants ban of level III and higher, turn in of items on hand. The goal is to make it easier for the police to shoot "trigger happy gunmen". Says it "is not a 2A issue"...
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    Executive Order Halts Imports of Many Russian Guns

    Due to the Russian involvement in the Ukraine the President has ordered a number of sanctions against Russia. Notably most guns are banned from import.
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    Be Sure to be Careful in the Can

    Another of those CCL's who do not know how to go carry and go to the bathroom at the same time. On top of the dispenser really? He is lucky all that got hit was the leg. For discussion: Who...
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    Protecting an Eo Tech from rain?

    I hunt with an AR style rifle with an Eo tech and a X4 magnifier. Last Monday I lost a good opportunity on a nice buck. I was stalking and it was raining pretty heavy. I spotted him about 100 meters off standing just outside the wood line in a big grassy field. I raise, fire... a miss. The...
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    M&P9 Trigger Question

    I am switching careers from M to P. I must say that near anything is better than the quaint antique that is the M9 pistol that the old employer insisted we carry. The new employer issues M&P9 which seems a very solid and much more ergonomic pistol. The minor velocity loss on the barrel will be...
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    Remington 7400 Will not reset Hammer

    My son's Remington 7400 will not reset the hammer after each round. It will eject the old round, extract a new one from the magazine and completely chamber a new round. The hammer remains up though. I notice that when I charge it empty the hammer resets. When I charge it empty with the...
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    In This Article NBC Appears to Suggest Arming the People for Freedom

    From now whenever the anti-gun media proposes that "we do not need X gun" I will be sending them this way. Because here it is where they appear to advocating the overthrow of a sovereign government by arming rebels with guns...
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    Making it even more Quiet

    I am curious. Is it legal (or advisable) to make a suppressor more quiet? Supposing I lengthen it or some other away? This would not change the weapon at all merely improve the suppressor.
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    Can The Government Mandate that YOU Buy...

    .... Arms and Ammunition? I only ask because I have never really given it much thought and saw this today: and it made me wonder....
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    Texas v. Rodriguez SYG - Is not - see URL for ongoing

    Rodriguez was convicted of murder and the case was determined by the jury not to be a SYG shooting. I would let this sit as an example of what Stand Your Ground IS NOT. Read more here:
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    An Age Old Newton Ballistics Problem Solved

    In how to calculate exactly the path of a projectile under gravity and subject to air resistance should be of interest to the firearm community. That is one smart teenager. Read more...
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    Why I Choose the Gun - By the Leader of the Military in the Netherlands

    This is a fascinating video if a bit long. He starts to lose me a little around the 11 minute mark but till then I am fairly rapt. The argument has good appeal to me as career military and makes a good argument against the anti's if you can get them to suffer through it. It is a tough sell...
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    Not Guilty of Making an illegal Firearm by Mental Defect?

    I must admit, this case has me baffled. Here is a man, clearly mentally ill, who makes gun in which to kill himself then calls a a suicide hotline as a last grasp. They take him to the hospital for treatment and then...
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    Lying, Stolen Valor and Illegal Weapons Transfers - From the NRA

    Here is a curious case of good intentions gone awry. Several questions come to mind. Foremost: can the NRA be held accountable for transferring a weapon(s) to a felon? Is this a...
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    A word of caution to CCWs - NY Good guy shooting.

    This I think is the third case I know of where an undercover in NYC has been shot while trying to stop a crime. From my perspective, were an armed robber (crazed drug addict too) headed outside to escape...
  16. M

    Today I set down my Concealed Carry Weapon in the Store and walked off...

    ...oopps... Occasionally I will carry in my jacket inner chest pocket. I have a little holster that holds it nice and snug in the pocket. This is easy access and practically undetectable. Today when shopping at the home improvement store I took my jacket off and set it on the cart. As I...
  17. M

    Samuel Jones- You Won't See this on Mayor's Against Illegal Guns Website

    Mobile Mayor Samuel Jones a top member of the Bloomberg coalition stopped an intruder with a gun. Hopefully the gun was legal. :) Just so we are clear, Jones is not an anti per se, more of rube.
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    The Naughty and Nice List

    I am thinking of a list of people who Santa will likely reward (or not) this year for their friendliness (or not) to the RKBA this year. Leading the list on the nice side I am thinking Emily Miller: Leading the list on the naughty side...
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    Penetration of Handgun Rounds in Earth Berm for Range

    I was wondering what would constitute a safe back stop of packed earth in depth for all handgun rounds of all calibers. Not worried about rifle caliber rounds in a handgun but even the most penetrating rounds. If there was a chart or table on this that would be best. I am looking to set up a...
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    Tea party patriots co-founder arrested on gun charges at nyc airport

    NY Gun Laws may be back in Court - Meckler The leader of the Tea Party was arrested at LaGuardia with a unloaded Glock 27 locked in a case that he presented at check in. Handguns are illegal without a lic in NY of course. It is unclear if this would be covered under FOPA as he was not in a...