Search results

  1. F

    Recipe for .450 SMC from 16" bbl

    The Mec-Tec is a straight blowback, so I suppose too fast burning of a powder would be no good - dont want a giant blast from the action - but what do you suppose might be a happy medium to get a little added performance from the 16" bbl over say a 5" ??? Or at least a starting point, for those...
  2. F

    McCain, Schumer, et al are at it again. Plz contact Senators NOW

    Tell them to vote no on S. 890, the bill to shut down gun shows, which could be voted on in the next couple of weeks. Give a little to NRA and GOA if you can. Find out how to contact your critters here:
  3. F

    Suppose I were to buy some land

    How does one go about setting up a berm or fabricated backstop to do regular shooting. Just haul in some dirt? Or is it more complicated than that? Anyone have a nice backstop on their own land - what did it take to construct it? Thanks.
  4. F

    Will a Mec-Tech Upper fit on a double stack 1911 frame?

    Like a Para or Kimber or what-have-you? I don't see why not, but.....
  5. F

    A Downside to Being Armed - What would you do?

    Well, as all of us know, an armed society is a polite society. And we know that 99% of the armed populace is MORE polite and restrained to others, and will attempt to avoid confrontation, due to our being armed - mostly because we don't want to start something that may escalate into a need for...
  6. F

    Got a Mec-Tec Carbine Conversion Upper!

    Had quite an eventful weekend: Got a CCU in .45acp for 1911 frames - actually had a few holes in the target, despite shooting it for first time with NO sighting system of any kind - ha. It's a hoot. :) [Then - OT - dislocated my elbow playing hockey Sun - learned an additional nuance to the...
  7. F

    Who does custom engraving on pistol slides?

    Thinking of putting something along the lines of "ACME Boomstick" or ".450 CrazyBastardMagnumButtStomper" on my 1911. ???
  8. F

    Is it contrary to forum policy...

    to email another member and tell them in no uncertain terms exactly what you think of them, in colorful language? :) I need to know, cuz if not, one guy's gonna get it.
  9. F

    Are the .460 rowland and .451 detonics identical?

    It was pointed out to me that the .451 detonics was just a .45 with same OAL, but slightly longer case, to prevent chambering in an acp. Sounds like the rowland to me. I know there's little new under the sun in cartridges, but is the rowland EXACTLY the same as the old detonics?
  10. F

    Opinions please - should I join the National Guard?

    A posted a similar thread some months back, but now I'm considering this more seriously. A friend of mine says he really thinks I oughtta join (well he thinks reserves), becuase of the money/benefits, because he knows I'd enjoy playing war games, shooting guns, etc., and I'd go in as a captain...
  11. F

    Please write or email both your Senators now and tell them to arm pilots!

    Please tell both your Senators to co-sponsor the bill to arm pilots, and urge its passage. Tell them armed pilots would have prevented 9/11. Especially write them if they're up for re-election this year. You can find how to contact them by going here...
  12. F

    Anyone use "Between the belt and the waistband" carry?

    My new Milt Sparks belt slide holster has slots to wear it either outside the belt (on the belt), or inside the belt (between the belt and waistband. I plan on using it outside the belt, and see no advantage to BTBATW - it's less comfortable and shortens usable belt length. So, am I missing...
  13. F

    I shot one round of .40 today

    Only problem was, it's a .45 pistol: Oops
  14. F

    Need more mult-tool help

    Have a full-sized one; am now looking for the best VERY VERY small one that folds up to throw in the pocket. Have seen some cheap ones, but want a quality one. I don't care if the only tools it has are pliers, flathead, phillips - those are what I need - other tools are just a bonus (already...
  15. F

    Heads Up - Tales of the Gun

    Appears to be a Tales of the Gun marathon on History Channel today. :)
  16. F

    Fonzie's Gang (Yes, it's gun-related)

    I'm not from the 50s, but I've seen many tv shows and movies about them, and even know some people who lived then. ;) Since there are quite of few of this vintage from TFL, I'd like to glean their perspective to help out this confused "spring chicken", about trend of gang violence in the U.S...
  17. F

    Handled an HK USP 45 yesterday

    And man am I impressed. Aside from the 2-round-castrated mags, this is an outstanding pistol, for a full size (not news to most, of course). Of course the fit and finish were excellent, but particularly impressive are the: 1. Longer trigger guard for quick trigger acquisition and use with...
  18. F

    Diamond rear peep for pistol

    I could have posted this here, or Gear, or the Semi-Auto forum, but wanted to get the opinions of some experienced competition shooters. Participated in my first IPSC (newbie) shoot last weekend. Did OK - gun did not malfunction, brain did, but it was fun. At any rate, I don't want to go off...
  19. F

    2004 Sunset of the 1994 Useful Defensive Weapons and Full Capacity Mag Ban

    One of many thoughts I've had recently on this subject is this - and I'm sure I'm not the first one to think of it, on either side, pro-gun or anti: WHEN the ban sunsets (it WILL - there is NO if - only a question of whether or not it's renewed), even if it is renewed at some point a few days...