Search results

  1. M

    Rheumatoid Arthritis and Magnums

    My father wanted to try magnum loads so I went back to Walmart this morning and got a value pack of Remington .357 125 gr. jacked hollow points. I forgot his Ruger GP100 but did remember the SP101 2" DAO, the Ruger New Single Six, and the 686 4." I loaded the SP with the magnums and took my...
  2. M

    Heading to the range - caliber questions

    My father has expressed interest in firing magnum loads this time to the range since we're taking out the tank, the 686, but we've also got .38s again. I'd like to fire both (not at the same time of course) but I hear using one than the other can hurt the gun. Which should I fire first - the...
  3. M

    Best defense load for the SP?

    My DAO can take either the .38 or the magnum. Which is the better caliber and grain to use in my little tank?
  4. M

    Basic work on the SP - anyone?

    I've got a 2" DAO which I love. Soon, but not right away, I'd like to send it away for custom work. Actions by T is semi retired - and doesn't offer beadblasting; Gemini Customs offers packages, of which involve bobbing the hammer. Although I don't need to do that for a DAO, there's no discount...
  5. M

    Beadblast pics?

    Anyone had their revolvers beadblasted with pics to share? I love this look and may do it over the winter to my beloved SP DAO.
  6. M

    Hiding a gun short term

    Would you hide your gun in this? I have to go to a hotel for two weeks while I wait for the condo to be ready. Federal employee so I can't carry at work and need to leave it at the hotel. I want to keep one of my guns with me, the SP101 DAO 2" but will...
  7. M

    Best snap caps for dry firing?

    I want to be able to play with my new SP when I'm not at the range but I don't want to hurt the firing pin. I know it's a strong gun but I believe in taking precautions. Which are the best snap caps.
  8. M

    SP101 Questions

    I'm planning on picking up the SP101 2" DAO by the end of the year but see the .38 version (single/double action) of the 2" and 3" used whenever I swing by the shop for ammo. They always catch my eye but I'm partial to magnums. Why would someone opt for just a .38 with this gun? Doesn't it seem...
  9. M

    Who owns a S&W 317?

    Just at the range today -- boy do I stink. :barf: Revolvers are definately harder to use than autos, at least for me. What a day: forgot the water, the cell phone, the hand wipes, one ear muff was missing the other ear went like that. My father and I took turns going into the car...
  10. M

    Bought the 36LS

    It's a lot smaller than my 60 2" or my Detective Special but looks like a great carry choice. Just don't care for the grips which don't feel right in my hands, and I'm a petite lady. Did some looking around and decided that maybe the pachmayr might be a tad too big, even the compac for this...
  11. M

    Lady Smith pics?

    Anyone with a Lady Smith want to show off? :)
  12. M

    Ruger P345 - any owners on the forum?

    I've been thinking of getting my father a Sig 220 but he keeps turning the conversation back to the new Ruger .45 - I don't know what to think of this gun. I worry the double action pull will be just as long as the Walther. Yet I've heard the Sig double action can be just as bad. There's no...
  13. M

    Gun friendly Internet Services?

    Not sure how to word the subject but I use AOL and I'm finding more and more that they're anti-gun stance is just a headache since most of the sites I visit and my e-mails deal with guns. I'll be moving in late August for a condo and will need to make changes to save money. Does anyone have...
  14. M

    S&W 64 pics?

    Yet another revolver on my "list." Anyone got a pic? :D
  15. M

    Interview with Condoleezza Rice

    For those of you that missed her interview on Larry King Live on May 11th, here's a partial transcript of her position on guns and gun control: "KING: What do you make, Madam Secretary, of violence as an answer? Well, we were born in violence, right? We (UNINTELLIGIBLE). That fellow, when in...
  16. M

    Cleaning the Walther P99. Help!!

    I'm just so p*****. My mother refuses to turn on the AC and it's frigging 80 in all the rooms. I'm trying to clean the guns after a shooting session at the range and can't get the damn Walther apart. I know it's like a Glock but I can't find the damn manual. Can anyone help? My fingers are...
  17. M

    Padded carry bags for Remington?

    My father has a 24" rifle and the 870 Home Defender. I have a carry bag for my CX Storm that he likes. Any ideas where something similar can be found for his long guns? I'd prefer something inexpensive without a gun logo as we'll be moving to...
  18. M

    Making the Bodyguard bearable

    I'm saving up for the S&W 649 which I plan to get a Pachmayr for, but I'd also like the 638 for deep carry. I sold my 442 due to the long trigger pull and recoil so what grip can I put on the 638 to make shooting more pleasant?
  19. M

    686 grip question

    Picked up my Dad's Remy 870 HD and got my 2" 686. Does anyone else notice the pinky doesn't sit right on this grip? Feels an 1" or 2 longer than it needs to be. Is there anything else more comfortable that won't add weight?
  20. M

    Stoeger double barrels

    My father just got a Remy 870 Home Defender tonight. Looks like a nice gun if we can figure out how to use it. Got me thinking of getting a shotgun for myself but I like the look of the Stoeger double barrels more. Can anymore tell me about this firearm and it's reliability?