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  1. R

    Importation of "Hi cap" mags ??

    Can someone explain waht the anti's keep mentioning..this importation of millions of high capacity mags for civilian sale?? Where and when are these mags available? I keep hearing about permits from the ATF for the importation of hundreds of thousands of mags,from some 20 foriegn countries...
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    Klinton about to announce new "crime bill"...

    Our Glorious president is about to announce his anti-gun proposals in a crime bill. His handlers are saying that he "does not want to debate gun control in the context of the Littleton Shooting," but he wants to act now, while the "nations attention is focused". Focused on what they did not...
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    we just have to do this.....

    Rosie O'Donnel is GIVING AWAY webspace. Here my site: I certainly hope that you will ALL take up as much space on her server as we can manage. It took me about 5 minutes (literrally) to make up that site from one of the supplied templates.... get your own...
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    Silencers in the UK....

    A gLast year I met a group of guys at the STC from the UK. They are disenfranchised members of the Welsh Pistol Team. THey cam eover, borrowed guns, and shot the match. They did the same thing this year and they brought a bunch of UK Gun mags for those of us who were interested in looking...
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    Range Reports III (or IV ??)

    At the request of long time member Kodiac, I am going to give this thread one more shot... It was started back in October to get members to document their plinking/practicing and get some all-to-rare talk about actual shooting. In light of recent threads consumed with politics and rhetoric, I...
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    Fox News Channel

    I have REALLY been impressed with Fox News Channels presentation of the "gun issues" as relate to the Denver Tragedy. This evening the "on the scene" guy (Sheperd something) hosted a show with two representatives from Anti-gun concerns and one Pro-gun rights guy. Sheperd was obviously catering...
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    How bad is this.....

    I just told my step son to have his friends bring over notes from their parents saying that it is okay with them if their kids play paintball over here.... This is the first time that I have ever felt compelled to do such a thing.
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    Role Playing Games blamed...

    DAve Thomas, The Jefferson County Coloardo District Attorney, just held a press conference and blamed role playing games for the densensitization of these and other kids to acts of violence. Does anyone out there buy this for even 2 nanoseconds?
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    Guns not really the target here guys..

    I hope everyone else is noticing that "Gun control" is NOT the main issue being talked about by most media and gov't officials. I know how much we love to play the victim, but from Clinton's comments on the first day, to local politicans, to pundits on teh News shows right through Mrs. Clinton...
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    Propane bombs??

    Maybe I missed something.. but doesn't the media keep referring to a propane tank from a gas grill as a "large Propane bomb" ?? I heard the Sheriff TELL the reporters in attendance that there was NO detenation device on the tank. He made the comment that if there were "other explosions" around...
  11. R

    Sens. Allard/ Fienstien on Inside Politics

    Fienstien is blaming "High powered Weapons with big Clips" as the reason that more than 4 people were killed. Hmmm..... I wasn't aware that they had Striker-12s.. I thought it was sawn off shotguns and pipe bombs.... Then she went ahead and put her lying foot in her lying mouth. She said that...
  12. R

    Report from Street Crimes Unit Banquet

    Well, I wasn't ready for what I was going to, that's for damn sure. You can up my list of friends by about 200, and close-like-brothers-friends by 2 or 3, also. A suspected, these guys are just your regular LEO's.. maybe a little more dedicated than the average, and definitely a lot more under...
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    Sarah Brady on Larry King tonight...

    So far one of the witness's parents says his biggest concern is "how did they amass such firepower".. christ.... Then Ed Bradely (network News Anchor) said that these things hanppen in rural areas because of the availability of firearms.. since people there have weapons in their homes and hunt...
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    Shooting at Denver Highschool

    I am just getting to watch the coverage, but there has been a shooting at a Highschool in the Denver Area. It is "Columbine" Highschool.. one of the poilce cruisers has the name "Littleton" on it. A mother is reporting that her daughter was on the phone with when the shooter approached...
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    Report from STC '99

    uhg. how incredibly embarrassing... The Score that is. Really horrible. Our Team fell from last year's 5th in the industry class to 7th. Worse, we were expected to move up... The thread about "how to induce stress"... well, we had it: 1st event: We line up to shoot the Rifle targets and I...
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    questions for NYPD SCU ...

    Okay, I am not sure this is even appropriate, so this thread may disappear... but: I will be attending an awards banquet next week in NYC for the infamous Street Crimes Unit. There are supposed to be about 4-500 of NYC's finest in attendance, primarily from the upper echelons and from the...
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    FOUP Update....Let's get back to work!

    Okay guys, since the first week of FOUP I have recived less than 10 forms... I don't know what is going is on, but a WHOLE BUNCH of people who promised their support at the onset of this project have not stepped up to the plate. On the good side, most of the people here at TFL who said they'd...
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    UN collecting guns FROM Albanians..

    The UNDP (United Nations Development Project?) is collecting guns from Albanian Civilians. Apparently they are exchanging "Development Projects" with guns in many communities in Albania. The Story I just saw focused on the city which was the headquarters of the albanian Arms industry.. where a...
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    First Impression: Cindy Crawford Gun

    Huh? I Mean the Steyr Scout. Do you know how somethings in life are better left to your imagination? Some things seem to be so good that they would surely be a disappointment if you ever met up with them. Well, a few years ago I happened to be at a party with Cindy Crawford. Of course, She is...
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    NYPD Chief on Larry King

    Howard Safir, Commissioner of NYPD, was on Larry King live tonight, discussing the recent police shooting in NY, and I think he did a great job of acknowledging the mistake that was made, while explaining how and why it could have happened. Others were also on the show, making their own...