Search results

  1. R

    Quotable Statement from Father of Columbine Victim:

    It was faxed to me by a reliable source, so I trust that it is legitimate. The crux of this statement is obviously not firearms, and I don't really think this is the appropriate place to discuss her larger themes, but there is a useful quote in there about Firearms.... Rather than transcribe...
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    Gun Safety Education in Wal-Mart. Please Help

    Some of you may remember a thread about the excellent "SafteyOn" firearms safety CD-Rom. Well, the makers of that software are trying to convince Wal-Mart to carry the product. This would be a great opportunity to get a responsible product related to guns in a huge market that will attract the...
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    Response from my "rosie" webpage

    Months ago I used some of the free webspace offered by Rosie O'Donnel to condemn her statements made in the wake of the Columbine Incident. I received the following letter and I sent the following response from that page. I encourage you to politely invite "Judy" to visit TFL and learn a...
  4. R

    1999 Buckmaster's Classic on TV today

    5:30 Central on TNN. Check local listings. If you pay attention, you might see a Rob cameo. I haven't seen the final edit. ------------------ -Essayons
  5. R

    Complete results for IMCS #3

    Top Gun: Rick Merb (OH) Top Lady Gun: Patty Abdon (OH) Second Overall: Paul Wood Third Overall: Gerald Bennett Top Sporting Clays: Dave Kelly (OH) Top Sporting Clays Lady: Debbie Kelly (OH) 2nd Flight Sporting Clays: Norm Fisher 2nd Flight Lady Sporting Clays: Donna Hearn (IL)...
  6. R

    Firearm's Owners Unification Project: Last Chance.

    Months ago, we started a program here at TFL called the Firearms Owner's Unification Project. The prpject was initially met with great interest and support. The project centered around a couple of paragraphs which many felt concisely stated their feelings about further gun control. We wanted to...
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    IMCS #3 a Huge Success!!

    Despite a few hiccups with some of our rented 5-Stand MAchines, the 3rd Annual Irlene MAndrell Celebrity Shoot was another success. We raised over $20,000 for WUAS and gave away over $20,000 in prizes to approximately 100 participants. This event was recorded for television by Action Shooters...
  8. R

    IMCS#3 this weekend..

    Okay, The big weekend is finally here. The Third Annual Irlene Mandrell Celebrity Shoot is this weekend. I really hope to see some TFLers show up. From Columbus, Ohio, head south on Hwy 23. On the North end of Lucasville there is a Fairground, just north of the fairgrounds is Cockrell's Run...
  9. R

    First Impression: Saiga .410

    Wow!.. I've been waiting for this gun since SHOT show, and I found it in the gunshop today when I went to pick up some other guns. I have wanted a semi .410 for a long time, I have always thought that one would be fun and a viable home defense piece. I couldn't resist getting my hands on an AK...
  10. R

    Report from Capitol Hill.....HR2122

    Hey Guys, I've been in DC since yesterday with the LEAA working on getting the amendment version of HR 218 added to HR2122 and then passed as a whole. The vote for the Evil Conyers Substitute (virtually identical language to the Senate bill) is going on right now. Earlier today, the Cunningham...
  11. R

    Boycott new Tarzan movie.. (rosie O'donnel)

    My kids won't see Tarzan with my approval... Rosie O'Donnel is the voice of one of the main characters... I am also explaining this fact to anyone who brings up the movie... Kinda sucks, 'cuz I am a Big Phil Collins fan, and he did the soundtrack.. oh well. ------------------ -Essayons
  12. R

    Outta here..for a bit...

    I'll most likely be offline for about a week.... Don't insulted if I miss something or don't respond to a post/email.... and don't be shy about pointing out what I missed when I get back. Be safe. ------------------ -Essayons
  13. R


    I don't remember if we have talked about his before, but I just got a private Email that has got me steamed up. Quote: "Since you've already done this, you should consider keeping them coverd up....." This came from a guy who is overly concerned with the fact that I have a pro-2nd Amendment...
  14. R

    Places to do LE work ??

    I am taking a survey. What are two or three places you would or would not do LE work? I hope that anyone who WOULD do LE work will answer.. but responses from LEOs will be especially valuable. Thanks. ------------------ -Essayons
  15. R

    IMCS #3 Prize list grows....

    While here at the DU festival, I have been able to nail down some floating commitments for prize donations to the Third Annual Irlene Mandrell Celebrity Shoot. Most of these prizes (except the knives) will be given away in a relatively Random manner, based on raffle tickets, entries to events...
  16. R

    Is California our South?

    In the United States a certain group of people hav3 different rights in different parts of the country. In some places they are welcome, some they are not. Some people treat them fairly and with respect, some people treat them badly. Some people even fear them. The same was true for another...
  17. R

    Range Report V

    Okay, time to find out who's been shooting.... I competed in my first IDPA match last weekend, I did much better than I did under the limited vicker scoring of the qualifier. This afternoon I took my three year old shooting with a SA .22. She shot some short and some long rifle. After...
  18. R

    Please help a Shooter Represent the USA..

    Okay, I know that TFL members have been asked to chip in for several things over the past months, but I think this is another worthwhile cause: Chck Hearn is a well known competitive shooter. Most of Chuck's shooting is with Rifle, but he has also won quite a few trophies with a shotgun. He has...
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    How does a convicted felon get a CCW permit??

    I received a email today from a guy who was convicted of a felony for a non-violent white collar crime. He asks how he can get a CCW permit. I have heard quite often that a convicted felon can often successfully have some of his rights restored. Does anyone know who such a person would contact...
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    License Plates

    Okay, this has nothing to do with guns (I think).... I readily admit that I am overly opinionated and rather cynical, so I sometimes have to come to you guys to get a taste of what normal gun nuts think. Here in TN we have about 6503 different types of license plates that you can get for your...