Search results

  1. W

    Ruger Red Label O/U

    I've heard these dissed in other forums and threads but I've handled Beretta's, Brownings, Weatherby's and other O/U shotguns and not one comes up nicer for me then the Ruger. (I used to borrow one for a pheasant hunt on private land every year and was absolutely deadly with it). I currently...
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    Western Hunting Question

    I'm a good shot IMHO. I can shoot sub-MOA groups at 100 yards all day long and nice groups out to 200 yards (maximum yardage our range goes to). I know I could do well at 300 yards also and "maybe" even farther BUT this is all level shooting. I watched one of the shows on tv with long range...
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    Window rifle rest

    Other threads on Harris and other rifle bipods got me thinking. Since I hunt out of a blind (1/2" plywood walls) and shoot out the window I can rest on the window BUT..... What would really work nice would be a rifle rest that was made for car windows and clamped to the window. I (hopefully)...
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    Blaser R8

    Boy do I want one of these puppies! But I suppose they cost about $2,000+ and only rich people can afford them. Anyone here have one?
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    Scoped it out!

    Went to Gander Mountain and was browsing all the scopes mounted on the fake wood rifles for you to look through. Spent about an hour evaluating what they had to look through. (No Swarovskis, Leupolds, Ziess easily checked out without having to talk to a salesperson). I came away with some...
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    Zoli's AZ1900

    This is the Husqvarna 1900 that Zoli purchased the rights to make a few years ago and is now being sold in the US as the AZ1900. I want one! Beautiful rifles.
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    Danger: Wild Parsnip

    This is the sign posted by all the DNR parking areas when we went pheasant hunting last Saturday. And sure enough there was one right there near the sign. Never remember worrying about these things when I was a kid running through the tall grassy fields but now we have this. Read this from...
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    Swarovski Z5 I want one of these 5-25 X 50 ... badly. :D That ballistic turret (see video in link above) is SO cool. $1600 but man, that would be the ultimate. Anyone in here have one?
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    Years ago I used to shoot archery as a pro for Bear Archery. One of the "percs" was I got to go to get my "gear" at the distributor's ranch in Wisconsin who was a close friend of Fred Bear. In fact, he had ALL of Fred Bear's deer mounts in one of his buildings, including the ones that were in...
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    Pheasant season opens

    Saturday at noon. BIL and I are going to hopefully KILL something! :D He has two dogs and there are some pheasants around his part of the state. Nothing like South and North Dakota though... :(
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    What Yardage

    Do you sight in at? I've been looking at ballistic tables and 2" high at 100 yards let's you hold dead on to almost 300 yards with my .300 Win Mag (150 gr) and even better with my .270 Win (130 gr). I used to go 1-1/2" high at 100 yards. How about you guys?
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    Wolves, now Cougars.. what next?

    The wonderful Wisconsin DNR introduced wolves a few years ago (they say they didn't but we all know they did :D ). The wolves have made it down to our leased land the last five years and we see them every rifle season. Last year one of the guys saw a cougar going into our leased land. The...
  13. W

    M77 Ruger Owners Advice

    Hopefully I can save some of you some headaches when mounting a scope on your M77. I had the original Ruger (medium) rings on for 15 years with my 3-9 X 40 Nikon Monarch. Not once over that did I ever lose zero or have to adjust it (checking it every fall). Not once. I bought a new scope...
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    New Tikka T3 "Lite"

    Just got my latest edition of Rifleshooter magazine and a good article on this rifle. Shoots really tight groups too! Might be my next rifle...
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    It's DONE!

    My ultimate deer blind is done. What a job getting the frame and materials to the site. Luckily my SIL has a nice Chevy 4-wheel drive pickup and nice trailer. We went through some mud holes I swear no vehicle should go through to get back to the high ground where my stand is located. This...
  16. W

    A Great Argument for Guns

    THIS IS THE BEST WORDED PRO-GUN ARGUMENT I HAVE EVER READ. ====================== As the Supreme Court hears arguments for and against the Chicago, IL Gun Ban, I offer you a stellar example of a letter that places the proper perspective on what a gun means to a civilized society. Interesting...
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    Another bad set of rings

    First of all I've been playing with guns and mounting scopes for over 40 years and never had a problem until this year. Always careful, use loktite etc etc. Have the gauges to make sure the rings are alligned etc etc. A year ago after buying a new scope for my Ruger 77 I bought a set of...
  18. W

    Deer Blind Question

    I'm NOT a carpenter although I can cobble things together with the best of them. I'm building a luxury deer blind (ground). It is 4' x 8' and 7' high and the (flat) roof is 8' x 12'. The roof is marine plywood (reinforced with a frame) and caulked along the seams. I need to put a rubber or...
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    Poll on your Scope Choice

    This is a FUN poll on scopes where you pick what you would actually use (and could afford) BUT you DON'T have Leupold or Nikon as a choice! When you pick one give your reasons also. Yes.... I have too much time on my hands.. :D I left Leupold and Nikon out because they are obviously the...
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    Blazer 93

    Anyone have one? I want one but will never be able to get one unless I win the lottery. Now they have a new R8 besides the R93. Drool, drool.... :)