Search results

  1. S

    Alternate military calibers

    As we've had the whole 9mmP-vs-.45ACP-in-the-military debate, I would like us to explore other options for military use. If you could decide on the new military sidearm, what calibers (other than 9mmP & .45ACP) would you choose? I would choose the 10mm. It's a large-bore, but it has enough...
  2. S

    Mousegun preference

    If limited to the following three, which would you prefer to have: 1. A .25acp auto (your choice of brand) 2. A .22mag mini revolver (NAA) 3. A .38spl 2-shot derringer (your choice of brand) This came up in a discussion w/ a friend yesterday. (I know about the .32's, but I just want to discuss...
  3. S

    Halloween Safety Tips

    (borrowed from 1. When it appears that you have killed the monster, NEVER check to see if it's really dead. Get the Hell away from there!!! 2. Never read a book of demon summoning aloud, even as a joke. Not funny. 3. Do not search the basement, especially if the power has...
  4. S

    Taps & the Digital Age... Not sure how to feel about this one...
  5. S

    !!!Thank you, INS!!!!,2933,66672,00.html Another job well done!
  6. S

    NRA--Where are you?

    With these threads about the confiscation of .223 rifles in the MD/VA/DC area, I went to the NRA homepage to see what action they were taking. Nothing posted over there. Not even a link to the news stories. What gives? This is the perfect opportunity for NRA to protect the gun owners (& NRA...