Search results

  1. S

    Ammo ???.... .44SPL vs. .45LC

    Just curious....with ammo prices so high, which of the two calibers tends to be less expensive in regards to factory ammo? ....and yes, I DO reload....I'm looking to get my first big-bore (larger than .357MAG) revolver, and I'm planning to buy some factory ammo to start....and reload the brass...
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    .38 Super Question

    I was listening to a recent G Gordon Liddy show where the .38Super was discussed. The discussion got me to thinking..... If one carries a .38Super (a semi-rimmed cartridge) as a primary weapon (1911, SIG, etc.), could one also carry a backup weapon (snub revolver or derringer) and use .38Super...
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    Durable vs. Parts Availability

    This may unintentionally read like a SHTF thread; but I'm more concerned about a semi-auto ban and more anti-RKBA government actions in the near future.... I'm planning to invest some of my meager funds into buying a few semi-auto firearms (esp. 9mm pistols). Since I don't have a lot to spend...
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    Durable vs. Parts Availability

    This may unintentionally read like a SHTF thread; but I'm more concerned about an Obama-fueled semi-auto ban and more anti-RKBA government actions in the near future.... I'm planning to invest some of my meager funds into buying a few semi-auto firearms (esp. 9mm pistols). Since I don't have a...
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    P-11/PF-9 question

    I know that the P-11 will take S&W 59/69 series double-stack 9mm mags as a reload. Since the PF-9 is a single-stack, does it also take S&W 39 series mags as reloads? Just curious....thanks in advance.... :D
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    #4 buck vs. #4 bird (turkey)

    I've heard a lot of people here state that they wouldn't go less than #4 buckshot for home defense, even if it does penetrate walls and doors. I also know that most birdshot (esp. #7-9 shot) is a poor choice for HD loads. But what about a #4 birdshot...particularly, a #4 plated shot as one...
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    Non-firearms weapons & tools

    Due to issues we won't discuss on another board we'll not mention, I do have a question. Is there any interest in starting a non-firearms weapons & tools forum similar to the one on the aforementioned/not mentioned board on TFL? I've enjoyed the one over there, and I'd like to see one happen...
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    Double-Barrel AOW?

    Does anyone manufacture a short double-barrel shotgun (O/U or SxS) that falls under the AOW stamp (like the Serbu pump) instead of the SBS stamp? Many thanks..... :D
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    Belts: Wilderness Tactical vs. 5.11

    I'm looking for a good nylon belt for casual wear. Background: I'm a pretty big guy with a "Dunlop" body, no hips, and no butt. Normally, I wear a stiff leather belt and Perry suspenders. I'd like a nylon belt that would work with the suspenders (kinda like not having to pull my pants up...
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    Any trouble getting 9mm ammo?

    I know ammo prices are going up, but I've been hearing from various sources (most notably Tom Gresham's Gun Talk) that 9mm ammo is getting hard to find due to the War on Terror. I've even been told to buy a .40S&W pistol because that ammo will end up being cheaper and easier to find than 9mm...
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    Best of the Mil-Surp 9mm's.....

    Just when I thought the Stars were the best deals in 9mm mil-surps, I start seeing ads for P-1's, P-5's, P-7's, and SIG 225's (P6's, IIRC). Thank you, Germany!.... :cool: Two questions: 1. Which one of the 9mm mil-surps do you like best? 2. How much longer until we start getting double-stack...
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    B/t belt & waistband carry...

    Does anyone here carry this way (belt over outside of holster holding it against body) or has tried it? I'm considering it as an alternative to IWB and OWB carry. How does it work for you? Many thanks in advance..... :D
  13. S

    Was anyone here disappointed.... the candidates' answers last night to the question "What guns do you own?" With the exception of Thompson (and I'm still deciding about his), I was disappointed with the answers. You?
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    Did anyone here post a question for the YouTube Debate?

    ...either for tonight's Republican debate or the Democrat one? If so, please link it here. I'm interested to see how many good 2A/RKBA questions have been submitted. (I've only seen two good ones so far...and one of those was from Tom Gresham...) Many thanks in advance.....
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    9mm or .44Spl for CCW?.....

    I was talking with a friend about what the next step up in power in a CCW would be for someone who wanted a round with more punch than the .38Spl but without the bark & bite of a .357Mag. We narrowed it down to the choices listed below, but we couldn’t agree on a preference….. 1. 9mm in a...
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    Snubby Preference---Five rounds or six?...

    I’ve got the itch to pick up a snub revolver for CCW use. I’ve narrowed down my preferences on caliber (.357Mag), material (steel-frame), carry preference (IWB), and barrel length (2.5-3”), but I can’t decide whether to pick a 5-shot or a 6-shot cylinder. Snubby-packers: What is your...
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    Replaceable backstraps on poly-guns...any problems?

    While pistol shopping, I've been hesitant to consider any of the polymer pistols with the interchangeable backstraps (sigPro, Walther P99, M&P). IMHO, I just thought it was one more part to lose at the worst possible time to make the pistol unshootable. That was...until I watched last week's...
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    Thoughts on my next pistol....

    I'm thinking about getting a replacement for my Firestar for CCW/car gun. I'd like something in the same size range and caliber (9mm), but lighter & with increased capacity (either with regular or extended mags). Right now, I'm looking hard at the Kel-Tec P11 (w/ S&W 59/69 mag as backup), Glock...
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    .380ACP with 9mm dies?

    I'm dusting off my reloading bench & planning to start loading 9mm Luger soon d/t rising ammo costs. I'm also thinking about getting a .380ACP pistol as an alternate CCW. Can you use 9mm dies to load .380ACP in the same way one uses .357Mag dies to load .38Special? Many thanks in advance.... :D
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    Long-term durability of polymer frames?...

    I've thought about posting this question for awhile, but this article on the Kim Du Toit site was the kick in the pants I needed..... Question: Have there been any studies on the long-term durability of polymer-framed handguns as compared to steel- and alloy-framed guns? Can a shooter expect...