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  1. S

    Question on whether you can have a gun at your place of business....

    Lets say that someone owns his own office, for example a converted house. And, the owner of the office keeps a gun in his desk drawer for self defense, but has no CCW permit. The guy has no intention of taking the gun outside of his office that he owns. Would this be a violation of the CCW...
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    Rohrbaugh P9 - what's the scoop on this gun?

    This thing looks like a really nice carry pistol. It's quite expensive - for that kind of money, I could probably get an HK P7. Are they worth the price for carry pistols? Still made?
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    Stoeger Condor...

    I already have a nice O/U 12 gauge. But, I don't always want to take it out to shoot clays when something on the lower end of the spectrum would do fine. Or, sometimes I want an O/U to lend out to friends/relatives when I take them shooting. I don't want an auto, or a pump - it's got to be an...
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    Guy uses Ninja Sword to thwart attacker...

    I thought this was an intersting story - guy uses sword for self defense in Baltimore. Seems like this is getting more press because it was a Sword instead of a gun: "A would-be burglar met his end at the hands of a Johns Hopkins student armed with a samurai sword early today, the Baltimore...
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    Question Regarding Glock Copies.....

    How is it that manufacturers get away using some of Glock's unique designs. For example, there are a number of Poly-guns that use the same (or similar) take-down mechanism that releases the slide. Example - S&W Sigma. Another coppied feature is the trigger safety. I believe that I've seen...
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    Engraving question about production shotguns....

    I was just wondering how the engraving is done on production shotguns in the $2,000-4,000 range, specifically the Beretta shotguns? Is this type of engraving done completely by machine? And, if so, does anyone know what type of tooling is used?
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    Forged v. Cast frames and slides, how can you tell?

    How can you tell what guns have a forged frame and/or slide? I don't want to turn this into a ##### is better than ******* discussion. I personally prefer buying all forged guns, if given the choice. And, since the manufacturer doesn't typically disclose this information in the stats on any...
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    Oddball - Mac10 Carbine Open Bolt

    Here are some pictures of an oddball gun that I acquired. It's an original RPB Mac10 Open Bolt Carbine. Any information that anyone can provide would be helpful. I've never seen another one like this....but I did once see a wooden forend advertised as a part. (in the process of uploading...
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    Who can make CUSTOM chrome lined barrel?

    Who can make a CUSTOM chrome lined barrel? Is there any barrel manufacturer who can do this? This is a serious question - I just don't get it, I really want a top-quality chrome lined barrel. I'm willing to pay a fair price for it too.
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    When you die - What do you want loved ones to do with your guns?

    Keep all of them? Sell them? Keep some and sell the rest? Or do you even really care? I've given this some thought. Personally, I'm not going to be offended if whoever inherits my guns sells them, so long as: 1. They know and understand what they are selling and get a fair price; and 2...
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    What kind of "Gun Customer" are you?

    After reading some interesting posts about gun store workers/owners, I wanted to see how everyone describes themself when they are looking for or buying guns. Myself first. I'm probably fall into two catagories: 1) the classic "lookie loo" and 2) "take the deal". When I'm in lookie loo...
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    The "Perfect Pistol" - how would you design one?

    I'll start this off. My perfect pistol would have the following specs: 1. Capacity = 17 rounds; semi-automatic 10mm . 2. Single Action/Double action 3. Single action trigger should feel like a well tuned 1911, very short pull and take-up. 4. Forged Titanium frame with hardned steel...
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    Ghost Trigger System for Glock....

    So, I purchased one of those Ghost trigger systems (connector) for my Glock 17 at a gun show. The sales guy was convincing that the little bar would greatly improve trigger feel. So, I purchased the device, installed it - took some time to get it to fit and get the trigger to work. Dry...
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    1911 Grip Safety - is there an aftermarket product that eliminates this?

    One of my pet peeves about the 1911 design is the grip safety. I hate the grip safety. IMHO, it's useless. I know what it's function is supposed to be, but the regular safety lever does the exact same thing, if you carry with one in the chamber, locked and cocked. If you don't keep the gun...
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    Mini-14 disapointment....

    Let me start off by saying that I own an AC556 (basically full-auto Mini-14) and absolutely love this gun. However, I was looking at some new Mini-14's both blued and stainless. I was highly dissapointed with the finish of the metal on these guns. Both blued and stainless finishes were so...
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    Kriss - what do y'all think?

    I was at a gunshow recently fondling a Kriss .45 semi-auto. I liked the feel of the weapon. I liked it's solid construction and the folding stock. I like the anti-recoil action - all very interesting and well executed. I didn't like the long barrel extension, but I guess you can SBR it and...
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    Sig SWAT 556 vs. FN SCAR

    Assuming that you like the Sig SWAT 556 or the FN SCAR, which do you like better, and why? Personally, I favor the SIG SWAT 556 over the FN SCAR because it is a little less expensive, and I generally like SIG quality over FN. I have not shot either of these rifles.
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    STP Oil Treatment for gun lube.....

    I want to know if anyone (besides me) has ever used STP or other oil treatment for coating gun parts. I have used this on internal parts to smooth out the action and this is what I've experienced: 1. STP impregnates the metal surface 2. It makes the surface very slick to the touch 3. It...
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    1911 malfunction question....

    I'm not all that familiar with 1911's. The gun in question is an STI 2011 frame .45. When I cock the hammer and depress the trigger, the hammer will only fall to the half-cock position and will go no further. Every now the hammer will drop all the way down to strike the firing pin when the...
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    Best place to buy an Eotech 557???

    Any suggestions on the best place on the net to purchase an Eotech 557? Thanks.