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  1. J

    Single action ergonomics: did Colt screw up?

    Folks, this is going to be a long and possibly controversial post, but...I learned something today that shocked me. First, let's start with where I'm coming from: I shoot SA wheelguns from a personal defense point of view. My daily carry CCW piece is a NewVaq357, modified. I've shot it and...
  2. J

    Single action

    This is an accidental dupe - see also
  3. J

    Buying my first reloading gear next week. Need 357 advice.

    Folks, I'm finally doing it. Won't be able to afford to shoot centerfire if I don't. My sole interest is feeding my Ruger New Vaquero 357 wheelgun, which has very nice uniform cylinder bores. As my needs are only for about 100 rounds a week, I'll be doing the Lee Classic for now (yeah, the...
  4. J

    If you have enough trophies laying around...
  5. J

    Epic thread alert over in "revolvers" if you don't normally hang out there...
  6. J

    Ruger quality control is dropping, possibly others as well. BEWARE!

    Folks, This year's "gun rush" may have affected production quality across the board. We're getting a lot of reports of QC issues with Ruger wheelguns of late, an area I tend to track. We have reports of the bluing salts not totally washed out and guns arriving rusty at the shop, an LCR with a...
  7. J

    40 minute talk on EVERYTHING regarding flying with guns...

    Folks, This is a talk given at a computer security forum for professional computer geeks...NOT a "gunnie crowd" at all. It turns out that extreme geeks who travel with lots of expensive gear in checked baggage are protecting it by deliberately flying with guns to gain the ability to hard-lock...
  8. J

    Seeking commentary on a paper I'm writing - bigtime RKBA related...

    I've just started this after thinking about it for weeks. So far I have a title, executive summary, chapter headings (preliminary) and a few notes on each chapter. Commentary welcome, esp. regarding how this is likely to be taken by "non-gunnie" readers. The Technological Implications Of Gun...
  9. J

    In praise of the term "Old Vaquero"...

    Folks, Ruger screwed up. OK? Fact is, all Ruger SAs from 1973 forward are "New Model" actions. Which means the proper terms for the "original Vaquero" is "New Model Vaquero", and the NewVaq is really the "New Model New Vaquero". Somebody at Ruger needs to be strangled with a dictionary...
  10. J

    Just as I'm about to start handloading, the primer shortage hits...

    Sigh. Does anybody have a clue when primers are going to start being something other than mythical? 38Spl/357-class stuff...
  11. J

    Awesome custom holster starting point - and cheap, too!

    This wasn't designed as a gun holster, but it's only $25 and to my eye, could be easily converted to bangthing usage: For guns small enough to fit in it's largest compartment, a small kydex "holder" for the gun could easily be grafted into that large pocket...
  12. J

    The difference between burglary and robbery, defined.
  13. J

    Need info from those who shoulder-holster CCW.

    IF you use a shoulder holster at least part of the time doing everyday CCW, I'd like to hear your thoughts on anchoring the bottom of the holster to your belt, versus letting it "swing". I've just finished a pretty nice shoulder rig for my New Vaquero 357. Pics tomorrow, I promise. The one...
  14. J

    Yet more adventures in funky cool homebrew sights :)

    As some have been following, I've been doing my own homebrew clone of the "Hexsite" concept using a single action Ruger New Vaquero in 357 as a testbed. Which took me here: I modified this one more time by pulling out the fiber optic core. It was more of a distraction than anything else. I...
  15. J

    Cheating on a test (on-topic for this forum - bigtime)
  16. J

    A funny - but also evidence we're winning the culture wars. This is NOT a "gun interest" website at all. See also:
  17. J

    This ain't right. The new face of American law enforcement.

    Some of the video from the beating and tasering of Pastor Anderson has been released: If after seeing it y'all don't think he has a case, see also the attached still. Sigh. The border patrol and AZ DPS are going to pay out big...
  18. J

    What part of the Nordyke fallout might look like.

    This is 15 pages but in double-spaced pleading paper format, so it isn't all THAT long. Hit "download" when you get there. No, I'm not a lawyer, but I'm very sure of my ground here.
  19. J

    Legal query: can I have a non-FFL welding shop modify a gun *part*?

    Esp. when that part isn't the serialized frame or a firing piece on it's own? Here's the backstory: Ron Powers (Power Custom) is about to ship a new grip frame for the Ruger SAs based on the Keith #5. See also: The serialized part...
  20. J

    Those of you in a shall-issue state: do you want a California CCW?

    Folks, we've missed something really, really big on this subject. Up until now, we've assumed that only a California resident could obtain a CA state CCW from their sheriff or police chief, and that out-of-state residents need not apply. Except for one teeeensy little detail. Cali law...