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  1. J

    VIDEO: Maurice the FrankenRuger - mag feed and autoejection! Note the text below the video. NEVAH BEEN DONE BEFOA! The following stills don't yet show the hammer-mounted shell deflector or the newest upper stage loading gate: I'll get some better pics up tomorrow, and better video when I can.
  2. J

    FrankenRuger project update - DW-type barrel, 9mm!

    Folks, I have successfully rebuilt my NewVaq357 into a true 9mmPara using a Bowen cylinder black and a 3.25" section of Douglas Premium .355" barrel leftover from somebody's 9mm carbine project :). Initial shooting tests show it's a winner. Throats on the cylinder are .3555" via a chucking...
  3. J

    Homebrew holster revolution!

    :D Obviously this is a shoe-in for holster of the year. It has a lot of sole, and he won't have to foot the bill as long as he toes the line and doesn't flip-flop...
  4. J

    FrankenRuger saga part 4: video of first part made from scratch

    Folks, Due to a few different issues I'm going to have to go with the "long cylinder" plan instead of "short cylinder". The basic problem with the short cylinder and recessed barrel setup is that it would mean a new tube made that is barrel-threaded on the outside and has an inner thread to...
  5. J

    FrankenRuger MAX saga part three: tools, and a plan "C" develops...

    Continued from: First let's look at some of the tooling I've had to score for all this: In our last installment I talked about "Plan B", in which the cylinder is radically shortened to make it proper for the 9mmPara caliber. Well I...
  6. J

    FrankenRuger MAX saga part two: we have a BARREL!

    Part one started here: So browsing on Fleabay I came across a 6.5" piece of Douglas Premium barrel in 9mm (true .355) left over from a rifle project. For $15 I was all over it. I can't photograph the inside very well but let's just...
  7. J

    "FrankenRuger MAX" - the quest for the ultimate in weird BEGINS!

    OK. So most of you know about "Maurice", the shell-ejecting-under-gas-pressure Ruger SA (New Vaquero in 357). If not: The next step (naturally!) is magazine feeding - spring-loaded tubes plugging into a new hole in the recoil shield just left of the...
  8. J

    The Great Tucson FunkyPork Roundup Of A Few Nights Ago ("glad I had a gun" story)

    So I got off the last bus of the night near home, in a suburban area of Tucson AZ, just before midnight. Walking by a nearby apartment complex I see two ladies in a smallish car start to come out and then make a weird U-turn back into the complex parking lot. Odd. I look in there and see the...
  9. J

    Mossberg "re-invents" the classic 30-30 levergun...

  10. J

    Some interesting data on barrel length and cylinder gaps In this set of tests by Ballistics By The Inch, they rigged an Uberti in .357Mag so that not only could the barrel length be altered, but also the cylinder gap between .006, .001" and "zero gap", with shims. I do have some issues with their...
  11. J

    Just for fun: my ranking and notes on the strongest 357s out there.

    This is about which 357Mag revolvers are the "strongest". "Strength" is divided into two categories: "blowup resistance" and "action strength". The latter is about how well the gun resists going out of time, or suffering damage to the bolt stop, sear surfaces, springs, pawl/hand, cylinder...
  12. J

    Possible Taurus prototype spotted?!?

    :eek: No, this 11lb homebrew one-off beast was found on a Brazilian drug dealer :D. More info: :cool:
  13. J

    Adventures in homebrew leather: Suspenders Of The Apocalypse

    :) This was an attempt to see "how high could I go?" and as you can see, the answer is "whoa". I like this rig a lot and have been wearing it for two weeks now, including a week in Florida where open carry is banned and deep concealment is a must...
  14. J

    The Homebrew Holster Chronicles: learning from an interesting failure.

    Mods: yes, this is the right forum. The holster concepts involved could be applied just as easily to a bottomfeeder. Sometimes we learn more from failures than from successes. In making homebrew holsters out of scrap or low-cost leather, failure IS an option and "reaching too far" can...
  15. J

    The world's most dangerous shooting range - humor! Military hi-jinks...sounds like huge fun but absolutely insane at the same time. An ignorant young Lt. is given the "job" of "disposing of" the following: 15,000 rounds of 5.56 ball ammo for the M-16 10,000...
  16. J

    Major new threat in Africa!

    Yes. I know. I'm supposed to comment. But this is a lot funnier if I don't...and yeah, it's on-topic. Ye Gods and little fishies is it ever!
  17. J

    Update on the Philly OC case - radio interview with the chief Particularly noteworthy: the chief says that not only will cops be checking the license status of OCers in Philly, but said chief has "no problem" with his cops doing so at gunpoint, with drawn weapons. This is the first time I'm aware of a police...
  18. J

    Need some feedback from both moderators and regular folks...

    The 10-year-anniversary edition of the "Revolver Checkout Procedures" is now done :). It runs 10 pages as a PDF. It has special notes on everything from Colt SAAs to breaktops to, of course, Ruger SAs. It has pictures. It has...well, a lot :). It's formatted right now as a PDF, first and...
  19. J

    Heads up: there's some special-run Ruger SA wheelguns...

    Check this out: The New Vaquero variants are kinda cool. Weirdest is a 7.5" barrel 357, which I wouldn't recommend unless your wrist strength is off-scale! So far as I know that setup has never shipped before. But the real kicker is...
  20. J

    Courts force Puerto Rico into shall-issue! Nobody saw THAT coming! Pay attention to Volokh's site, they're madly scrambling for the decision and a translation from Spanish. The decision...