Search results

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    Whataburger AR-15: Unique or trademark dilution?

    AR-15 in Whataburger graphics Question to you guys is, is there a product out there you'd pay $1500 like this guy did to have his AR-15 "Whatasized"? Or is there a product you'd pay something to have your AR customized with some company's logos / graphics? I'm a big fan of Whataburger...
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    The lightest trigger you’ve ever pulled?

    For a rifle, bolt or semi, what is the lightest trigger you’ve ever pulled, and what rifle was it in?
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    Tracking Point out of business?

    I've tried calling several times and left messages, no response. Then I read: Tracking Point joins forces December 14 2018 and Tracking Point acquired December 28 2018 Does anyone have any other information? I"m interested in getting a couple more 6.5 Creedmoor magazines.
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    Frangibles for home defense

    Is anyone using frangibles for home defense? If so what brand and what caliber?
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    What should happen to this guy:We laugh, cry, send him to jail or let him go with punishment served?

    He accidently fired a handgun in Indiana. He has 2 felony convictions for selling drugs. He doesn't have an Indiana state handgun license, and shouldn't have had the gun. The victim when to the hospital. The victim was himself. The bullet struck his penis. And his scrotum. Should we laugh...
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    Pictures on targets, what do you think?

    I'm having a little bit of a problem with faces on targets, it's not the message I want to be associate with as a responsible gun owner. But maybe I'm way off base? After 9/11, there were many pictures of Osama with crosshairs in magazines, papers and online, and that seemed to be acceptable...
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    Longest range you’re comfortable @ confident shooting targets at

    Just curious what range you’re comfortable shooting and with what rifle? This is target shooting, not for live game.
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    You won an AR-15 of your choice: What make / model, optic and accessories

    Straight up question, IF you won any AR-15 of your choice, what make model optics accessories No limits, taxes :D , other restrictions. In summary form (PLEASE)! make model optics accessories
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    Is your gun collection larger than this guy's?

    Just wondering if you'd classify this as a small, large or medium cache of weapons.
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    The capacity of all of your magazines?

    I was told I "have too many magazines that hold too many bullets" (yea, that might be felony heresy in Idaho). So I figured I'd ask the question: How many bullets does it take to fill up all of your magazines? (example: you have one 10 round magazine and three 12 round magazines, so your total...
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    (This thread does not care about 'plasma scatterguns' or other such virtual weapons used by gamers) Some claim a shotgun and a scattergun are one in the same. But in reading other accounts from 100+ years ago, I'm wondering if there was a "scattergun" that like a shotgun was not rifled, but...
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    Firearm oriented christmas cards

    Anyone seen these or have them? I'm looking for some gun oriented christmas cards but striking out. Thanks in advance.
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    Gun Safe heater rods vs. Dessicant

    Any preferences on the gun safe plug in heater rods? How do you like them if you have one? Also, how do you pick the size of heater rod? Anyone prefer desiccants (bags of silica gel that absorbs moisture)?
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    Maximum theoretical muzzle velocity?

    When shooting the .50 BMG yesterday, we were discussing muzzle velocity: Lighter projectiles go faster with the same powder. Most of the .50 BMG bullets are 660 - 820 grains, moving at 2600-2800 fps at the muzzle. A 15.5 grain Hornet NTX normally flies at about 3800 fps. Question is, what are...
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    Lyman Turbo Sonic Power Professional Ultrasonic Case Cleaner

    The price on these has recently dropped $100-$200. Wondering if anyone has one of these? I'm looking to clean a .50 barrel and it would just fit in this one. Pluses, minuses, other places to buy it for less (Midway is $1200 plus $50 shipping, and haven't been totally enthralled with past...
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    Ultrasonic cleaner, if you have one, what do you think?

    Trying to clean some guns, I understand these can often do a better job than manual cleaning. If you have one, what do you think, and which would you recommend?
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    .44 Mag Sabot rounds?

    Have any of you guys ever heard of these? I know you can get a .50 Sabot round with a .44 round in it. Have any of you ever heard of a .44 Sabot round with a .30 or other round in it?
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    Desert Eagle Mark I needs a trigger job

    I have a DE Mk I w/ 14" hunting barrel in .44 Mag, an incredibly accurate weapon out to 25 yards. But the trigger is not smooth the whole (long way) to bang. Has anyone had a trigger on a Desert Eagle done? If so, what did they do and what was the result.
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    Defense Distributed 3D Gun libraries sold

    Defense Distributed shipped out their library of (lawfully purchased) printable guns yesterday. Curious if anyone purchased them and has a printer? Or any plans to purchase of print. Note that the federal judge's order that stepped in and stopped the free distribution of the plans did not stop...
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    .50 BMG fired in anger

    If you have ever fired a .50BMG (bolt, machine gun or semi) in anger, without providing details, approximately what distance were you firing at?