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  1. T

    DDSS: Don’t Do Stupid Stuff when you’re outnumbered, out-trained and outgunned

    Phoenix PD just released this video of ‘what not to do’ when you’re being interviewed about a report you fired off a weapon. Things get serious T 5 minutes into the video. Outnumbered 3-1, lack of frontal lobe control was demonstrated. And in...
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    Protester shot in Austin (TX)

    A motorist in Austin shot and killed a protester moving toward his car. With Travis’ County DA’s inference of all citizens with guns are evil, this will go to trial, what’s the chance for a fair trial? Several complications listed in the article (and others) add to the issues. Here is one...
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    “Reliable” gun statistics

    I’ve been looking for objective, non-emotional data regarding shootings in the US. Somewhere there is truth. But I’m not sure I found it regarding shootings both offensive and defensive as the politics: Apparently many cities have been massaging their data (Chicago most notably) to look...
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    If the ATF bans braces.....

    Assume for the sake of argument that the ATF bans braces on "AR-style pistols". What happens next? Do owners of these just remove the brace and call it a day? Or is the entire weapon illegal and has to be turned in, destroyed or converted to something else?
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    *Specific* Whole package - building the quietest *Centerfire* rifle: weapon, ammo, suppressor & mods

    *Specific* Whole package - building the quietest *Centerfire* rifle: weapon, ammo, suppressor & mods After considering Boomer and his QDL .50 BMG suppressor, a combination that reduces the sound level to a 12 Ga. Mag level, the question is what combination produces the very lowest level of...
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    Quick access handgun at the front door?

    My wife has decided we need a gun near each of the 3 doors after some members of a 3 letter group decided to shoot their mouths off in comments hitting a bit too close to home, then attempt some (albeit feeble) followup. I'd prefer to have them in a quick access lock box suitable disguised vs a...
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    Frangible ammo for home defense

    Curious if you use or have considered using frangible ammo for home defense. Why / why not?
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    IF you have (legally) open carried a rifle at a public event (not hunting or @ range) ...

    Curious as to reasons you have previously open carried a rifle in public / at a public event and not at a range or while hunting. Not interested in why you would not, politics or "I saw this guy..." but literally why you open carried at a previous event(s).
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    Your Rules of Engagement - Rioters threaten to move to suburbs

    We live 20+ miles from a major Texas urban center that has been making the news. There was a specific threat yesterday about certain groups coming to a location very close to us then move the riots to the suburbs from there. So...this is becoming much closer to home. Without getting into...
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    How long since you went to a range vs how long between range visits last year?

    Simple question: *ASSUMING YOU ARE NOT SHOOTING ON YOUR OWN PROPERTY*, how long has it been since you went to a range this year vs How long between typical range visits last year? I haven’t been this year, typically once a month last year.
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    If you own a March Rifle scopes

    If you own a March Rifle scope Curious for your opinion if you bought a March x60 or x80 scope how you like it, particularly at longer ranges and the costs.
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    Why can't you make a Semi-auto as accurate as a Bolt action?

    Simple question, there are some very precision built bolt action rifles that can shoot 1/2 MOA all day long, but it seems that few semi's that can get much below 1 MOA. What would you have to do to build a semi that could get to 1/2 MOA (or better?)
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    Have you "spent too much on guns"?

    While hunkered down with relatives and discussing the increase of burglaries - mostly business and other secondary COVID effects, the point was made that I "... have spent too much money on guns." Pretty broad implied question as I haven't spent any money on "guns" in the last year (ammo not...
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    What keeps a semi pistol from going full auto with a dirty / stuck firing pin

    If you never cleaned a semi handgun after a very large number of rounds, can the firing pin get stuck i the firing position, then basically run as a full auto / open bolt?
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    $5K AR: what would you buy in 5.56?

    Including a high quality optic, if you wanted precision a precision semi (yea I know it's not as precise as a bolt), what would you buy?
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    Shortest range deer you've taken

    There are several threads on longest shot, but I'm curious for you guys that hunt quite a bit, what's the closest you've taken a (non-tame) deer? Edited title to include all harvesting methods
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    Any research on bad guys attacking CHL'ers vs unarmed citizens?

    Are you guys aware of any research that shows the difference in outcomes when an active shooter encounters lawfully concealed carrying citizens (vs. not)? Effectively an update to John R. Lott’s 20+ year old More Guns, Less Crime but looking more at the mass shootings / attempts.
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    And the handgun preferred by a top terrorist is...

    Fox News has released US SF pictures from the Solemani strike. If you go to the following vidoe link: linkWhat pistol does a terrorist prefer? Go to 1:15 in this video In the linked video there's a picture of the AK and handgun carried by General Soleimani who was the subject of a Reaper...
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    Games with guns: More exciting than the NFL

    Notice: This is not about point weapons at people! And safety is the major concern. Watching a rainy and dull football game, the discussion came up, how could you develop a team game with guns that's more exciting than the NFL. A couple of ideas: Moving skeet / trap: Like a football field...
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    Can you make this garage sale suppressor work?

    You’re at a garage / estate sale where several guns are for sale (Texas, no state FFL requirements). The widow / owner indicates there is more “gun stuff” she doesn’t know much about in another room: Jackpot: everything from ammo to reloading gear and several suppressors. All at a seriously...