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  1. R


    Where does the "AR" as in the ARs come from?
  2. R

    what is wrong with Glasers?

    When I choose to use my Redhawk .44 mag. for home defense I choose Glaser blue tips for the ammo I loaded. (never used, fortunately) The reason I choose it was/is my understanding it will not penetrate walls and possibly harm others on the other side, or even in the next house. I have never seen...
  3. R

    would this have been illegal?

    We have a new gunshop in my area. It is heavily inventoried with military style firearms. I asked the owner if he had a Class 3 license. He said no but he could get me anything I want and he would help me fill out the registration. I'm not in the market for any C3 but got to wondering if his...
  4. R

    Arkansas laws confusing

    Our Legislature is currently in session. Carry laws are under discussion. One legislator is wanting to clarify our laws. He pointed out that several of our laws are subject to (mis)interpretation by law enforcement officers, prosecutors and judges. He wants to introduce legislation to clarify...
  5. R

    Glock mag. capacity ?

    An incident reported on the news said a shooter fired 31 rounds from his 9 mm Glock before needing to reload with a new magazine. I am not very familiar with the Glock or accessories available for it. Is there a 31 round magazine available for it?
  6. R

    self defense in Little Rock, Arkansas

    The owner of a small grocery store in Little Rock, Arkansas shot and seriously wounded two hold-up men yesterday. They were robbing him at the point of a shotgun but got momentarily distracted looking for money. The store owner quickly grabbed his .357 mag. and shot five rounds wounding both...
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    Even though traditional style muzzle loaders are my passion, I do have, and use, some modern firearms. And, my real passion in life is the history of freedom and how firearms were part of the process in countries acquiring that freedom. During the Second World War, the U.S. provided French and...
  8. R

    What would an RG be worth?

    About 30 years ago I had an RG .38 spl. with 2" barrel stolen from me by a County Deputy Sheriff. He wanted to buy it but said the Sheriff had to approve for carry. So, I let him take it to the Sheriff. Instead, he left town and disappeared. With my pistol, of course. I know the RGs were not...
  9. R

    about 20mm rounds

    Is it legal/illegal to own an unfired 20mm round?
  10. R

    what makes it Super?

    I have a Ruger Single Six, which I'm told is really a Super Single Six. What makes it a Super? BTW, it is in stainless and the mag. cylinder is fluted. This was a short run as most mags. are not fluted. I'm told the fluted cylinder gives it some extra value to collectors but nobody has been...
  11. R

    what about Heritage revolvers?

    A large store in Arkansas is advertising Heritage single action .22 revolvers with interchangeable .22 mag cylinder for $149.95. Of course, compared to something like a Ruger Single Six that is super cheap price. I have never heard of Heritage brand. Anybody here who can fill me in on who makes...
  12. R

    paranoia at work

    I have been giving presentations on the Revolutionary Rifleman for several decades. I dress as a Rev. Rifleman and assume his persona. I have given this presentation in schools many-many times as well as to Scouts and civic organizations. My Rev. period longrifle is part of the presentation...
  13. R

    why do they hold them like that?

    When we see American fighting men using their ARs, they hold them with the bottom tip of the butt barely touching their shoulder. Sometimes they hold with the butt resting on top of the clavical. Very non-conventional in my frame of reference. Why do they hold them like that?
  14. R

    what does open bolt mean?

    At one time I read about a single shot recoiless rifle being made that shot from an open bolt. Interesting but I have no idea how a gun can be shot with the bolt open. Please enlighten me.
  15. R

    how tough is an armadillo?

    I don't recall ever shooting an armadillo before today. We have plenty of them around the house and they dig up everything. But they come out at night and we never see them. But, today one was in the yard behind the house. I shot it with a .22 LR hardpoint. It didn't flinch. A second shot it did...
  16. R

    Ram-Line magazine problems

    I have three Ram-Line magazines for use in my Ruger 10/22. One is a thirty rounder. I use it almost exclusively and have for many years. It functions flawlessly. The other two are fifty rounders and neither will feed. On top of that, I have returned and exchanged with Ram-Line several times. The...
  17. R

    will your wife do this for you?

  18. R

    Internet censorship

    A Turkish web site that specializes in selling fancy figured walnut was reported as blocked by a member of a woodworking forum I belong to. Supposedly, it is blocked because the site contains the words "weapon" and "guns". Their speciality is fancy blanks for gunstocks. Censorship, in any form...
  19. R

    fixed blades not allowed?

    Hope it is OK to post this here, about knives, not guns. On a fishing forum I belong to, one member said where he lives, he didn't say where, fixed blade knives are prohibited by law and he must use only a folder. I have never heard of such a thing. Except in my town, where some of the local...
  20. R

    what is air gauging?

    Over the years I have seen frequent mentions of air gauging barrels. But, I have never known what it means or how it is done. Could someone please explain the 'how' and 'what' for me? Thanks.