Search results

  1. R

    what are they called

    My 30-06 bolt rifle is a plain jane model. The stock is smooth and uncheckered. I have put up with this for many years but really want a more 'grippable' surface. At one time I saw some stick-on products that are black rubber for the pistol grip area and forestock. Not expensive and look like a...
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    ammo on airplanes

    Story in latest issue of Muzzle Blasts magazine, the publication of the National Muzzleloading Rifle Association. Man who wrote the article is the person who had, and still is having, a bad experience with TSA and ATF. He had Pyrodex pellets in his luggage planning on going on a hunting trip...
  3. R

    hollow base bullet mold needed

    Yes, hollow base not point wanted. Need this in a .395 caliber. Originally purchased some for a muzzle loader now want to keep shooting. So need to make my own. Anybody recognize this style and know what mold it might have come from?
  4. R

    A really bad experience with a gun dealer.

    Yesterday I went into a local gun shop I have been dealing with for almost 30 years. The owner is a pretty good, but high priced, gunsmith. He is also known for not being the easiest person to deal with. I have usually dealt with his wife who is knowledgable and very pleasant. I needed two small...
  5. R

    Ruger Single-Ten SA

    Wondering if anybody here has had experience with the new Ruger ten shot single-action revolver. It appears to be an updated version of the Single-Six. I love my SS but this ten shooter looks very exciting. I don't really need...
  6. R

    What's with the 7?

    The major rifle makers all use '7' in model designations. Win. 70; Rem. 700; Ruger 77 and now someone else has a 700. Wouldn't surprise me if there are more. So, what is with the 7 thing?
  7. R

    ? about steel shot

    I know older shotguns should not be used with steel shot. What I don't understand is 'why'? I know steel is harder than lead and could damage a barrel if it comes into contact with it. But, (most modern) shotgun shells encase the shot in plastic. Therefore no shot actually contacts the inside of...
  8. R

    mimimum gun for CAS

    Due to shoulder injuries (both shoulders, ain't I lucky? :rolleyes: ) I have sold several pistols and plan to sell my beloved Redhawk in .44 mag. Just can't hold it anymore, much less shoot. I'm considering getting a SA both for casual fun shooting, property unwanted varmint control and taking...
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    Gun Pal e-mails

    Staff: if this is inapropriate here, please advise or delete or move. I recenlty received an e-mail from Gpay (gun pal) asking for financial investment to support the company. I only scanned it quickly because once opened I became concerned it was one of those Nigerial scams and was concerned...
  10. R

    unjust justice

    The incident I am posting about happened last week. I am not a first hand party to the events but they were related to me by the defendant. He is a friend. For this discussion, I will call him 'Jim', not his real name. This happened in Federal Court in Arkansas. An individual we will call...
  11. R

    what are those lumps?

    On TV hunting shows I sometimes see a round "lump" on the barrels of the rifles being used by the hunters. They are at different places on different barrels. What are they? I am guessing they are some kind of weight for reducing harmonic vibrations and improve accuracy. If so, do they work?
  12. R

    disappointed with a dealer

    We have a new gunshop in the area. A friend works there so I thought I would check it out and try to give them some business. I ordered a Lee mold from them and never heard back. I called yesterday, after more than a month waiting, and got a real C&B story as to why he hadn't ordered the mold...
  13. R

    Brazil massacre

    A gunman killed twelve children in a school in Brazil and wounded many others. Brazil has some of the strictest gun laws in the world. In theory, he should not have had a gun at all. So much for gun control laws. BTW, for what it is worth. As a child (under 10 years old) in Chicago I built real...
  14. R

    870 operating question

    Most of my shooting is with muzzle loaders. My 870 pretty much sits unnused and I am not 100% familiar with it's operation. I would like to know if there is a way to eject a fired round then close the action on an empty chamber when there are more shells left in the magazine. :confused: The...
  15. R

    where did entry go?

    I posted a photo entry for the Feb. contest. It was there. At the end of the month it was/is nowhere to be found. Was it removed by moderators? If so, am I not entitled to explanation or, at least, notification? It was of a flintlock rifle. Was it removed because it is not a modern firearm?
  16. R

    I don't understand short rifles

    Could someone explain why a rifle-handgun is OK and a rifle converted to one hand use is illegal? Or why putting a short barrel and handgun grips on a TC convertible frame is illegal when they sell a (identical?) handgun version? Color me confused. :confused:
  17. R

    mold or mould

    Being a bit of a word nerd, I wondered which was correct when discussing bullet molds/moulds. So I did the shockingly obvious thing and looked at an on line dictionary. :eek: The words are interchangable. Both are correct. Howse about dat? :D
  18. R

    bullet mold puzzlement

    I just went to both the Lee and Lyman web sites and learned something very interesting regarding round ball sizes for muzzle loading rifles. I was looking at 50 call ball molds. The one in particular I looked at is the .495 mold. Hold on, now get this, not a typo, the Lee mold casts a...
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    another gun show

    There is a gun show going on in my town right now. I went yesterday. As usual the prices were shockingly high. Dealers were all griping about low sales. Dealers with accessories and supplies priced right were doing brisk business. And, again as usual, many dealers covered their tables in early...
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    looking for shooting bench plans

    My old shooting bench is a cobbled together thing that is now falling apart. I want something both portable and light. Can someone lead me to plans for one that is fairly easy to build?