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  1. Q

    Your papers, please, comrade.

    A little bit here, a little bit there, THAT'S how we boil frogs in THIS country! (BTW, this was sent to me by a friend, but the link was 404 when I checked it.) Link to article in The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, Tennessee)...
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    A poem of long ago, with a lesson for today.

    WARNING: Portions of this poem may not be politically correct. This is old - I got it from a collection dated 1886. A news clipping reproduced with it tells the story of an English private, captured along with some Indian soldiers serving in China with the British army. Given the choice...
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    Sharp = high quality. NOT!

    Okay, it's a pet peeve of mine. But I'm going to sound off anyway. I REEEELY tired of hearing people talk about what a good knife they have, and then add a comment about how sharp it is, as if that has something to do with the quality of the knife. Even an El Cheapo, junk knife can come out...
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    Just in case anyone still worries about a bullet blowing up an airplane...

    Maybe this will help put your concerns to rest.
  5. Q

    Sir! Oh, Sir! I have a dumb question about washing my ammunition.

    No, I don't need advice on how to wash it - I've already done that! (He said, proudly! :D ) I was clearing my house gun (12 ga) the other night, and it was convenient to shuck them into a basket of laundry. I missed one (idiot :rolleyes: ), and my wife found it when she took the clean...
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    A sorry Springfield Armory story

    Well, one of the purposes of this forum is for us to share information. So here's my experience with Springfield. In July, I signed up for a John Farnam defensive handgunning class here in Utah. The co-instructor was Dennis Tueller. Thinking I should get tuned up a little, I took my...
  7. Q

    Assume The Position!

    Let's go! You know the drill!
  8. Q

    The Death of Leonidas (poem)

    A few years back I was wandering in an antique store. I spotted an old book of poetry, and assumed 'if you have to ask you can't afford it'. I was thinkning a C note or two - well out of MY budget. My wife urged me to ask anyway. How does $5 bucks sound? :D Copyright dates are 1870, 77...
  9. Q

    Will we wake up?

    "Government has ruled in our place so long we have atrophied as a people. We must shake ourselves and rub the sleep out of our eyes, like the slothful nation of Rip Van Winkles that we are. I warn you, the long sleep must end or the long war will come. There will be wars, but cursed is the...
  10. Q

    I'll try to post this cartoon one more time...

    On second thought, this kind of revenge could backfire. There are already too many uppity women in the world! OOOOOHHH! I'M GONNA GET IT FOR THAT! :D Juuuusst kidding, ladies! Tamara! Put down that Glock!
  11. Q

    disregard - error

    Hmm. The image was there when I previewed, but not when I posted. THe post doesn't make much sense without it.
  12. Q

    Need book receommendation for liberal who's willing to learn

    The subject is REPUBLIC vs. DEMOCRACY I pointed out to her that our Founders had a low opinion of democracy, that's why they founded a republic. She wants to know more. Asked for a book recommend. I am aware of the Wall Builder stuff by David Barton, but I'd like to find something less...
  13. Q

    If THIS is going to offend them...

    Wait til the bombing starts! Or will it? "Enduring Freedom." --The Pentagon's new name for the initial phase of the war on terrorism, after Muslim complaints that only Allah can mete out "Infinite Justice." ( So, if we're so worried about offending people that we have to...
  14. Q

    Nooooo! Condit's baaaack!

    Duplicate thread. See -------------------- Rep. Gary Condit has been named to a House subcommittee on terrorism and security. His first move was to send a letter to law enforcement agencies to ask their thoughts on improving...
  15. Q

    Mid east weather forcast...

    Forecast weather for Kabul, Karachi, Baghdad and Damascus for the week of 9/24/2001: Very brief period of extremely bright sunlight followed by variable winds of 2000 knots and temperatures in the mid-to-upper 6000's Fahrenheit range with no measurable moisture. SPF 12000 sunblock highly...
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    Pics of the suspected terrorist leaders.

    Know your enemy.
  17. Q

    Wheeee! This could be good!

    Suing an anti State Attorney General? You gotta read this: There is some other great stuff here about airline safety, too.
  18. Q

    A distinction...

    "In his 1995 book, 'Fighting Terrorism,' (former Israeli prime minister Binyamin) Netanyahu forecast that Islamic fundamentalists would be the 'delivery systems' of increasingly lethal terrorism. Tuesday they delivered to Manhattan two 198-ton bombs -- fully fueled aircraft. When they get...
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    Weep with those who weep...
  20. Q

    Gun laws in Deeetroit?

    Well, in spite of all that has gone on this week, I have to get on with present responsiblities. I may be moving to Detroit. I've looked up the gun laws, and it's not a pretty sight, but I wanted to get a 'feel' for the reality there from folks who have first hand knowledge. Anyone?