Search results

  1. Q

    "Your papers please." Good video on national IDs and databases.

    Thought some of you folks might "enjoy" this.
  2. Q

    How to include pictures and hyperlinks in your posts.

    Some folks (like me) have found the new forum software to be a bit less than obvious, so I thought I'd post a quick tip. I've taken a screen shot of the reply screen, and circled some of the buttons. Refer to the picture below: The yaller circle is around the LIST button. The red one is...
  3. Q

    John Kerry's résumé - A Very Important Document

    John Kerry's Resume! NAME: John Kerry RESIDENCE: 7 mansions, including one in Washington DC, worth - Multimillions. I served in Vietnam (four months.) EXPERIENCE: LAW ENFORCEMENT: In my career as a U.S. Senator, I have voted to cut every law enforcement...
  4. Q

    Republic or democracy? For your friends who don't get it.

    I know that all of us - being well educated patriots - know the difference and how important it is. But for those of you who want a short treatise on the subject to help you in educating your friends, I suggest:
  5. Q

    Rahther admits they're phony. So, where DID they come from?

    Oh, dearie me. Mr. Rather seems to think the documents just MIGHT not be the real thing! :D So, where DID those documents come from? If they are phony, why protect the source...
  6. Q

    New Microsoft Product could have saved Dan Rather....

    Varmint Al sent this to me, and I just had to share.... :D Read the whole product review:
  7. Q

    Various weapons videos, including 40MM grenade launcher Some decent stuff here, especially good for folks who have never had a chance to see the real things in action.
  8. Q

    Interesting WWI and WWII video clips

    Seems to be an educational site. Videos are of mostly decent quality, though not very long. Included is some artillery stuff and a German MG crew working out what could be an MG-42. Hard to tell, though.
  9. Q

    Interesting method of squirrel hunting.

    The forum says description say, "If it flies, lopes or charges, you'll find it here." I guess this qualifies on two counts... :D (Small video clip.)
  10. Q

    Full auto Glock video

    Oooops! I just noticed I can't post this here. This forum is for revolvers and semi-autos. Sorry guys, I guess I can't give you the link to the video. :( Oh, okay, I'll bend the rules.... :D Fun stuff! Good...
  11. Q

    Recommend a dealer in NoVa to accept shipment?

    Who's a good dealer in NoVa to have a Sistema shipped to from Cruffler's? I've gotten a co-worker sold on getting one, and he's not from the area and I'm too new to know the local dealers. Reston area. Thanks!
  12. Q

    "Trust what you carry" Are LAWs "firearms related"?

    Better have high speed for these videos...
  13. Q

    Food for thought. On two counts. Hollywood would have us believe (and has many believing!) that a bullet in the head is a guaranteed instant death. Not in real life. There are no guarantees when it comes to shooting. Men have been known to take a 12 ga. slug solidly and...
  14. Q

    For all those who think cops in the U.S. are getting out of hand...

    You ought to try Czechoslovakia!,4057,10201107%255E13762,00.html Halt or I'll shoot? :D
  15. Q

    Of police states and liberty.
  16. Q

    Voting fraud and TFL's own Jim March

    He's at it again! Or maybe I should say, "still". I love this guy! He's sure making life hard for the enemies of liberty. Odd. Don't seem to see this story on the mainstream media. Wonder why.... :rolleyes:
  17. Q

    Okay, class, what did this man do right?

    Shot from ambush - truck hijacking. We've heard of cell phone guns, now we've got cell phone armor! So now you know what it sounds like to get shot at. "Doof-doof"! :D Seriously, what did this man do right? And what did he do...
  18. Q

    NSA has "a perfect right" to monitor your email! Not only is Big Brother watching, but he "has a perfect right" to do so! I'm thinking Jefferson might have taken a different view. :barf:
  19. Q

    Have you read Reagan? A 1975 interview, as relevant today as then.

    On the third parties: On the current state of the Republican Party: On the military draft: Here's the whole article.
  20. Q

    Prophetic words - the War on Terror

    From John Farnam's Quips & Quotes, 15 April 02