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  1. O

    A prediction: mechanical solution to a political problem

    It is my opinion, that we will see a new method of fighting gun seizures shortly: - police or ATF would be tipped off about illegal activities (posession of firearms, or anything else) at a particular location. - either that location or the logical approach points would be booby-trapped...
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    Molon Labe (poster)

    Molon Lave (poster) Hi-res Phrasing suggestions appreciated: I am trying to explain that the antis who expect to disarm America are abusing a poor grade of opium. Any better way to contrast 300 to 80 million? Update: I re-edited the text based on feedback and went with conservative...
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    Fellow Americans are more trustworthy (poster)

    I had to reverse the historic image left to right, but I hope that won't much matter to the viewers. Hi-res Next variant should show Waco in the background...or maybe I will add it to this one. Trying to decide is a series or a single poster would work better (i.e. complete picture at once...
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    Interesting site (how to distribute pro-RKBA material)
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    Tell me about Marlin 99/M1 carbine

    Saw two examples today. Like the unusual rear sight (seems similar to the point blank FR8 setting). Is $125 reasonable for it? Is the model generally reliable? Accurate?
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    Interesting view from a UK lawyer

    I am posting these exerpts with permission form the person who wrote to me a couple of days ago. He provided very interesting details on the UK situation. These are from several emails, with my comments omitted: It is interesting to read such emails, especially in comparison with Russian gun...
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    Thoughts for the day: sporting uses, clips (posters)

    hi-res A little obsolete technology to make a point. Tired of the "sporting" BS. hi-res For use on antis who don't even know what an ammo clip is.
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    So much for the idea that M1 carbine is a PC rifle

    Picked this description from I am quoting it as, at least on my screen, the text is about 3 points high...yet another moron abusing CSS :) The clip about which they complained seems to be a standard 15-rounder Seems to me that being PC just doesn't get...
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    After watching Tam's debating skills...

    I have just one thing to say about her (and her favorite toys): hi-res
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    What's up with the French? Anyone know anything?
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    Ignorance isn't bliss.

    hi-res Just a reminder...use by analogy with other areas of education. Got another new poster but need to re-shoot the image for it. Shows an American with a machine gun, caption says Resistance against tyranny Isn't a "sporting purpose" It's a Constitutional one Will post that when I re-do...
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    A peculiar gun control web site Seems to contain materials of different vintage, from "ban them all" to "guns are useful"...can anyone make sense of it?
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    What can your handgun do against a tank (pic)

    Hi-res We can point people to the article on the topic (i.e. that handguns are useful)...or we can turn it around and explain that handguns are for _personal_ protection, while serious military weapons are for tyranny response. Need opinion on alternative phrasing: "People with mere handguns...
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    NEW: Kahr P9 vs. Glock 26 review

    Just posted a comparison review . It assumes some familiarity with the pistols and addresses mostly the differences relevant for concealed carry. I also updated my Kel-tec P32 review , mostly to reflect on-going experience with it and to show a couple of new photos.
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    Function-testing our P32s

    Runt and I sent our P32s in for repair. Got replacement guns (with a new magazine apiece) instead. Tried them last weekend. I noticed slightly stronger recoil spring, the rest of the design seems to be the same. The quality of manufacturing looks much better than our early examples; - plastic...
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    Another image (defensive uses)

    The layout is going to change a bit, would like comments on the wording and the overall concept.
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    And a bad guy would take her gun away, just like that! (picture)

    I am so sick and tired of "perp will just take the gun away and use it against her"! Next time someone trots out that argument, ask them to visualize trying to take a gun from someone while hot lead and cold steel re-arrange their guts and CNS. Hi-res To answer a recently emailed question...
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    War against some drugs in Afghanistan

    Heard something yesterday about efforts to eradicate opium growing in that country. I couldn't help but laugh: seems that someone (Northern Alliance, probably prodded by the US) just borrowed more trouble than they can enjoy. Just what kind of reaction did they expect from trying to eradicate...
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    Our resident amazons

    Viewer discretion is enforced ;) Larger Larger Other photos coming soon.