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    Polygonal rifling?

    Polygonal rifling was used in target rifles since 1860s but worked poorly with unjacketed ammo (accurate but fouled fast). Why isn't it used now for RIFLE barrels, with modern ammo?
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    Mussi, this is a great poster!

    See the discussion at A sort-of translator:
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    Best way to add a sling swivel to an AR15 handguard?

    How would you go about adding a sling swivel to the plastic free-floating tube on an AR15?
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    Which TFL member is this?

    A TFL member stopped by today with a photogenic spouse in tow. I just had to click some pictures. Can you recognize him?
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    What is "44CB" ammo?

    Saw on old box marked "44CB" at a store...any idea what it is?
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    What's the trick for M1 carbine bolt disassembly? Tried following directions, the extractor wasn't coming out. What am I missing?
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    IAI M1 cabine rear sight jumps on recoil

    We have two carbines which have the same problem: rear sight jumps from 100 to 150 or 200 on its own. What's the best way to fix that problem?
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    Sear/trigger designs

    Need to figure out how a single-shot bolt action trigger works. I am not sure if the geometry of the sear keeps it engaged (likely)or just the trigger return spring. However, short of having a Mauser-type trigger setup, I can 't figure out how to make the sear move up and down without making the...
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    If you can do, your gun will: Kahr P9

    On a recent trip to Knoxville, we (Tamara, runt_of_the_litter, lendringser, Renaissance Man, some other friends) were out plinking. After using up empty soda cans, we set up some empty 12ga shells as targets and popped than off with a target air gun at 10 meters. After that, I tried my carry...
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    Has anyone fired Kahr MP9 yet?

    I am considering ordering one for pocket carry. So far, I've seen only magazine reviews...which tend to be optimistic. Has anyone fired the gun? How's reliability, accuracy, felt recoil?
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    Amusing image of a UK cop
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    Would this design work?

    (chamber would be slightly cut away for manual extraction of empties)
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    Lightening Mauser trigger pull

    I put a single-stage trigger into my M48 and it is crisp now...but very heavy. I'd like to lighten it by 30% or so. Would just clipping coils from the spring do it or is the process more complex than that?
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    Equalizer (poster)

    Got yours?
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    Training suggestions

    Just to make the training a little more challenging... - If you wear prescription glasses or contacts, take them off and wear just protective lenses. See if you can operate your gun and hit targets. - Try firing with your weak hand at targets at various ranges. - If possible, bring the car to...
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    The one problem gun-banners have

    Look at this picture reminds me the usual question I have for the antis: "People already have guns and want to keep them. Now what?" They tend to either say "not much we can do" or "make them not wan tto have guns" or (most frequently) "take them by force!" Go from there to make them realize...
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    Cleaning the AR15

    Any suggestions on how to clean around the gase tube where it protrudes into the receiver? In general, how the heck would one get into the receiver to clean it when the openings are fairly small?
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    Has anyone disassempled M1 carbine while chambering a round?

    A friend tried to use my M1 carbine and, when chambering the first round, he pulled the charging handle just right out and up to get it out of the groove. That also pulled the bolt bolt half-way out of the receiver! I've never had that happen before but was able to duplicate the problem by...
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    Restoration advice needed P1914//M1917

    Had an ugly sporterized P1914. Decided to return it to the original configuration. Was told that M1917 parts would fit, so I got wood at a gun show and ordered metal fittings from Springfield Sporters. Now I am confused. Is my rifle not restorable...
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    Two fat slugs (visual humor)

    I didn't have any bourbon glasses handy to make it "three slugs".