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  1. C

    comments requested on anthrax scare

    It seems to me that the liberal, ambulance chasing, headline hungry media are again hyping the anthrax incidents into such a froth that we are playing into the terrorists hands. The danger of anthrax is quite small (at least a lot smaller than many other pathogens) as it would take a...
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    Help me understand!

    Why do so many people feel that the best way to fight terrorism is to have large numbers of people (as in airplanes, at malls, at ball stadiums, etc.) completely disarmed and defenseless?
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    Coming at ya Ben L!!

    The surgical attack has started as has the hunanitarian aid delivery. I appreciate the way Bush and company has built the coalition. I appreciate the way they have taken time to put plenty of manpower and a viriety of tactical armaments in the area. It is TIME for it to HAPPEN! The victims...
  4. C

    Armed pilots in the cockpit:

    I hope you all listen to the absolute HOWL set up by the 'sheeple people' when it is suggested that pilots be allowed to carry GUNS into the cockpit to thwart takeover by suicide bent terrorists! Heavens! Guns would actually be a DANGER! What the H--- to they think happened WITHOUT pilots having...
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    Preventing terrorism

    I have waited until I had a chance to cool down-somewhat. I am, however, a self-diagnosed and self-avowed 'red neck' all the way to my socks. I like to think I am also a freedom lover, USA lover and patriot. I expect some flames, but so be it-I am tough, and here goes! Could we have had...
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    48 hours show last night

    Watching 48 hours show last night on a serial killer-long story, but topic is not him. Anybody notice the firearms the officers doing he interviewing were carrying? Both looked like semiautos (possibly 1911-ish). One looked like it had scrimshawed ivory grips and the other cast peuter(sp?)...
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    slick willi-again!

    Well, I just heard. Bill has been offered (probably about 12 million!) big ole dollars to write HIS book. Guess I'll have to start saving my money so I can buy one when it comes out! hahahahahahahahahaaaaagggaaaaggg. I'm SURE there will be some revealing and uplifting items in THAT rag! You boys...
  8. C

    Price request please

    Would some of you give me a ball park price on a used but good condition Remington XP-100 in the old .221 Rem Fireball? The gun has a Leupold M8 2X scope with weaver rings and bases. Thanks for the input.
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    sniper related question

    Benchresters and many other shooters know that the first shot from a 'clean, unfouled' barrel will have a different POI from those following--and certainly so if the barrel has oil remaining in it. What do LEO snipers do-sight in with a 'clean' barrel, keep a fouled barrel ready to go, keep in...
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    I just saw a blurb promoting World News Tonight with Peter Jennings. PJ was saying that it was about writing a good story and that they were not historians but journalists. Now, we know that. Does the general public realize that? Is that not against the basic rules of true journalizm? What...
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    night sight(s) question

    I am not a LEO but am a CCW holder. I carry a Kimber compact ss. It does not have night sights on it-YET. I own another gun with night sights on both front and rear and can shoot it with surprising precision in very low light. However, in a self defense situation, the action is likely to be...
  12. C

    New toy and question

    I just purchased a (used) Kinber Compact stainless .45 ACP. So far, I love it! You know how it is: found it at a "price I just couldn't pass up"! Now the quesiton: It has a full length guide rod, which I notice has a small crosswise hole through it part way down. Can the Kimber experts here give...
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    hypothetical question on SS

    Suppose----------- I live in the southwest, am a middle-aged successful businessman (owner and operator) of a heavy construction business. I own an M1-A and have 2000+ rounds of loaded ammo. I have a concealed carry permit and carry a 1911-A1 24/7. I shoot a single shot 50 BMG on my own 1000 yd...
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    Election outcome

    My ideas only. Give me some feedback on them. Bush won the election. Bush won the recount. Bush won after absentee ballots. It will be VERY for any group, including the courts, to let algore win based on that history (not that the algore core ain't trying!). The only way for them to let the...
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    Al and elitism

    Did anybody else feel like I did when Al (in the debate) showed the "real Al" when, in talking about the farm program, mentioned that "most of you won't understand, but bear with me."? He thinks only the smart, elite, 'chosen ones' from Washington have sense enough to make decisions for all the...