Search results

  1. S

    Conversion units.

    Jonathan Arthur Ciener has closed after 40 years, CZ has discontinued their Kadet unit. I have gotten a lot of use out of my Ciener units, regret they never made one for S&Ws. Excellent way to train a new shooter, they get familiar with a CF handgun while learning to shoot with 22s, when they...
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    Checking a milsurp-or any other rifle-for tampering.

    On another board someone posted pictures of an Arisaka with a big part of its stock blown off. Investigation revealed a large hole drilled through the underside of the chamber.
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    Brass frame rifles.

    How have the CAS/SASS shooters found how brass framed rifles hold up compared to steel ones ?
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    Dead end handgun designs.

    Designs such as the Mauser Broomhandle, the Luger, the Mauser M1910/1914/1934 that were state of the art in their day, had long production runs but that manufacturers and later designers found to be over complicated to manufacture and to disassemble and reassemble and while desired by collectors...
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    Relying on vintage firearms for SD/EDC

    I have seen this posted on some other boards, naturally what is "vintage" is subject to debate. One poster came up with some good criteria: 1. Nothing from a long vanished manufacturer with spare parts either extremely scarce or non-existent. 2. Nothing made in Germany or German occupied...
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    Heat treatment in older Colt revolvers

    On another board a member asked if he could fire +P ammunition in his 1940 vintage Colt Oficer's Model. When Colt introduced the .357 in 1953 and then the Python in 1956 they used the Official Police frame and cylinder. did they use a different heat treatment?
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    High Power Clones

    The burst of enthusiasm over the introduction of the Springfield Armory version of the Browning High Power prompts me-an HP owner since 1967-to ask how owners of clones feel about them and why there doesn't seem to be that much enthusiam over them. The Browning HP was never manufactured in this...
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    Saving some for the next guy.

    Saw this discussed on another board regarding ammunition sales. One gun shop/range I go will only sell you ammunition-1 box-if you are there for a range session, another gun shop has a 1 box per caliber per customer. I have no problem with that, the gun shop has a 1 hour range session rule for...
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    Revolvers chambered for semiauto cartridges.

    How many have been commercially succesful ? They seem to be one of those things that everybody says, why don't they make, they do-and they don't sell.
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    My LGS find.

    A Weatherby Mark XXII, magazine fed, made in Japan with the Weatherby scope. $500 plus $15 NICS. In near mint condition, even came with the instructions and parts list. Got it zeroed in 20 rounds. The bolt handle wouldn't go back in, seems to be oversized, I will get to work on it. A little...
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    Dealing with a stripped screw hole.

    Found a stripped screw hole in the trigger guard of a 22 rifle-hardwood stock. Filling the hole with wood putty, then coating the screw with Vaseline and reinserting-is that a good solution?
  12. S

    Source for Weaver K2 screw.

    The windage screw broke on my Weaver K2. Anyone know of a source for a replacement.
  13. S

    Anyone else in a gun buying moratorium ?

    I haven't bought one in so long I've forgotten what it's like. I am far from deprived, I have a closet full of safe queens, never fired (by me, at least), once fired, haven't fired in years. Also what I call sort of fired. I have a Mauser Ge 98, a Remington M1917 and a MAS 1936 each of which I...
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    The Browning High Power....

    ...was JMB's and Dieudonne Saive's one big mistake. Because they designed it around the 9MMP it cannot be chambered in larger calibers such as 9MM Largo, 38 Super and 45 ACP without major redesign and retooling. That said, I have had mine since 1967, paid $110 for it, a princely sum for a PFC...
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    Any Galil owners here ?

    As I contemplate getting a 5.56 I find myself looking at the Galil because it's steel receiver appeals to this Neanderthal. Any thoughts or comments ?
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    Caliber changes in an M1911

    On another board someone said he was able fit a 10MM slide onto an M1911 and with the proper barrel and magazine fire it and he implied you could fit a 9MM or 38 Super and fire it. My understanding of the M1911 is that it is the position of the ejector-which on mine are machined into the...
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    How close is "too close" ?

    Charlie Askins described the "belly gun"-"you press it against your opponents belly and pull the trigger". Allowing that he lived and worked in a much looser legal environment and in our day self defense confrontations are not refereed, are there any reasons to try to avoid a contact belly shot...
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    Reproduction parts in original guns.

    On another boards someone asked about using reproduction parts in an original Remington M1858. Seems to me they would require some fitting/polishing since I presume they are metric.
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    Why not a 38 Super revolver?

    Why not ? Since the 38 Super is to the 9MMP as the .357 is to the 38 Special? Just involve lengthening the chambers, seems the semi-rimmed case would be easier to extract.
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    Heat sources for stuck screws.

    I have a stuck screw in a 22 rifle that it currently soaking in Liquid Wrench spray, then I may try Kroil. If I have to use heat, are there other sources ? I have seen a soldering iron recommended-don't have one. How about boiling water ? Or even a candle ?