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    Congress mucks with Daylight Saving Time

    Congress just extended Daylight Saving Time by 2 months.{7B215EB2-196A-4E03-AB43-01931499684A} This is asinine. It's going to cause all sorts of...
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    New Brady Study

    No suicides from 2000 to 2002, eh? They claim to use the NCIPC data... let's see... In 2001 alone there were 21 Firearms Suicides in D.C. according to that database. (oops, those are total, not 0-16 year suicides)
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    Two Border Patrol Agents injured near Nogales, AZ At 12:30 PM Thursday June 30, two Border Patrol Agents were investigating a tripped...
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    Forfeiture Laws and police funding It seems to me that forfeiture of property directly to the executive branch breeds corruption, encourages violation of the 4th amendment, and distracts police from combatting real crime. I know the law-and-order LE...
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    Texas vehicle carry bill - HB 823 now in the senate

    HB 823 status - at the time of this post it was in the criminal justice committee Senate Criminal Justice committee members Find your TX State senator Governor's contact information Lieutenant Gov's contact information - the lt. gov is very important in the flow of legislation in the senate...
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    High school students don't understand the 1st Amendment

    I'm sorry to say it, but this country seems to be just about done. A generation without proper education in history or civics is growing up. --- Freedom of what? First amendment no big deal, students say Monday, January...
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    Suggested technical/content changes to TFL?

    Anything from additions or changes to the library and links pages, to more outlandish requests like a TFL bittorrent tracker (which is not likely because it's not really relevant, and also because of ongoing legal issues with bittorrent trackers and because Derek tried it on THR and it went...
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    Goals for the 109th Congress

    1. National CCW, license-free because a federal chl would be unconstitutional 2. Repeal the non-sporting arms import restrictions (which should invalidate Bush Sr.'s EO) 3. Deregulate silencers 4. Move SBRs and SBSes to Title 1. 5. Repeal the 1986 MG ban 6. Federal preemption of firearm and...
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    The voting fiasco begins: Michigan absentee ballot

    Image of the Michigan absentee ballot: WARNING: Offsite link with some strong language. - TBM From the discussion: "I just heard that it was a ballot sent to residents of Alma. So it's limited in scope (I hope) and maybe they can...
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    Firearm Sports Safety and Assault Rifle Registration Act of 200_ That's only a draft and is not for redistribution. What we need: 1) friendly Senators and Reps who might sponsor something like this 2) a strategy for introducing the bill: when and how 3) media support 4) a strategy for pressuring Senators...
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    Handguns not taxable under the NFA? Note the lack of "handgun". Does this mean BATFE/Treasury taxation of manufacturers for manufacture of handguns is illegal? Note the definition of "firearms" in 18 U.S.C. 921 (i.e. the criminal code) is significantly more broad...
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    More voting corruption: some dual residents vote twice It seems Bush really did deserve to win Florida. It's obvious that a federal database or linked state databases would reduce this kind of voting fraud, but another nationally unique ID number? That's just what we need. :rolleyes:
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    U.S. encouraging formation of terrorist-hunting militias Hey, it worked so well when we gave money to the Afghans to repel the soviets. What a great idea to give money to more freedom fighters to repel our newest enemy - the terrorists-who-have-no-names. :rolleyes: All this when there are accusations...
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    Trouble posting?

    Anyone who, when posting, gets an incorrect message saying you need to include a title and at least 2 words in a message body, please PM me with the name of your OS and particularly the name and version of the browser you use. (the version number should be in the Help menu -- last menu on the...
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    SCOTUS gets one right. Federal courts have jurisdiction over Habeas petitions

    Well, as is being reported everywhere, the supreme court ruled against the Executive in Hamdi, Padilla, and the Guantanamo cases. (scroll down a few pages for a summary... search for "huge loss")
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    Welfare vs The Lottery

    How can a government legitimately run both a welfare program and a lottery? How can a state take primarily from the somewhat-wealthy and give to the poor while it simultaneously takes from the gullible and gives to a select few soon-to-be-rich lottery winners? I know there's a difference in...
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    trouble accessing tfl

    Anyone who was unable to access TFL at all over the weekend (aside from early Sunday morning, when TFL really was down), please post here.
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    A New Lawdog File?

    Any chance for a TFL commemorative chapter for the Lawdog Files? Sure, it's short notice and a busy season and all, but Christmas is a time for miracles. :)
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    new forum (don't shoot!)

    In the spirit of asking Rich to consider new forums, how about... an "incidents" forum dedicated to news articles about armed citizens preventing crime, and possibly armed criminal activity as well. Right now they end up in L&P and General depending on the phase of the moon. It'd be very low...
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    posse comitatus Is anyone keeping track of the energy being generated by the spinning of the magnet-laden founding fathers?