Search results

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    Feinstein uses Navy Yard shooting to call for more gun control. Well, Madame Feinstein, enough is enough, but you should stop fetishising gun control and legislative action as the solution, and start encouraging people to examine mass shootings as a sociological...
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    Biden "fireside chat" on gun control, Thurs. Jan 24 1:45PM ET Our esteemed [Vice] President Biden has attempted to educate the masses, explaining to us why we don't actually have a right to semi-automatic weapons with more than 5 or 7 or 10 round magazines, why registration or another AWB is no big deal, etc...
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    Issues early this morning 9th Sept 2012

    Mysql had frozen, and wasn't accepting connections. Restarted it, checked the database, and it's back up and working okay as much as can be observed. edit: reboot cancelled If anyone has good or bad experiences with voxel/internap, I'd be interested in hearing about them.
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    World IPv6 Day

    June 8th 2011 is IPv6 Day. To check your IPv6 connectivity / compatibility, visit for a quick test and for a more detailed test. [edit 2010-04-24] They've changed their tests in the last few months, so on the second link, people with IPv4-only...
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    Glitch this morning

    After a brief glitch Sunday morning, something else went wrong with php Monday morning, again. I'm looking into it. It's back to normal now.
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    **Web and Browser Security**

    Browser and Mobile (phone/tablet) privacy The NSA (along with affiliates and competitors) is known to monitor communications of all kinds. Protect your privacy with good encryption software. Make sure websites you visit are encrypted (look for a green padlock next to the url bar), especially...
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    TFL and SSL ("invalid certificate" messages)

    Recently we've gotten more than a few complaints about the SSL certificate in use at TFL. As anyone can see, we created the current self-signed cert over two years ago, before the recent hysterical Firefox changes. The self-signed cert costs nothing and allows anyone to use SSL to access TFL...
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    Polarized (shooting/sun)-glasses and holographic sights From John Farnam: "My student was wearing polarizing sunglasses. The rear lens on the EOTech is plane-polarized, necessary for the holographic aspect to work. When my student viewed his EOTech with his head upright, everything worked...
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    Second Amendment "arms" include:

    (see poll)
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    Heller Decision AFFIRMED, INDIVIDUAL right (Scalia)

    Only one affirming opinion, so no split in rationale (5 justices) Breyer, Stevens, Souter, and Ginsberg dissented (2 dissenting opinions) Decision (pdf, mirror 1): Decision (pdf, mirror 2)...
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    Hillary with more socialist propaganda Yes, Hillary, we all know we're in this boat together, and the economic conservatives and social liberals among us libertarians accept that this boat is not in good shape. I'm also willing to accept that socialism, even strict socialism...
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    TFL problems

    Before anyone asks, yes, I'm aware TFL was just down. It looks like a DoS attack, about 25mbit/s worth. I don't know if glocktalk was a target too, but it's in the same colo and the whole subnet was affected. There's nothing wrong with the site itself.
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    Virginia Tech shooting / shooter

    TFL cannot possibly keep up to date with new information on this event. To avoid misinformation, see the Wikipedia articles on both the shooter and the shooting. They might be wrong in some areas, but they represent current best-known info, and vandalism if it occurs will last about 2 seconds...
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    RKBA Community Wiki

    I'm looking for volunteers who have experience with wikis (mediawiki in particular, though that choice is not set in stone), and/or who are interested in trying to get a RKBA-community wiki (hosted at TFL) off the ground. If you're interested, head over to the Wiki Development subforum, right...
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    RKBA Community Wiki

    I'm looking for volunteers who have experience with wikis (mediawiki in particular, though that choice is not set in stone), and/or who are interested in trying to get a RKBA-community wiki (hosted at TFL) off the ground. If you're interested, head over to the Wiki Development subforum, right...
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    Mugging in Britain with a gun?,39029432,49282165,00.htm Aside from this Guy Coker fellow being a total idiot, chasing armed attackers, who'd have thought that in a country with such utopian weapon control laws, muggings would be "out of control" in its capital?
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    Bush vetoes stem cell research bill This makes me furious. Apparently it's okay to waste eggs, but it's not okay to fertilize them and use them for research that could cure millions of people. Embryonic development is stopped before some of the cells...
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    Drug legalization trial-run

    Who would object to a 5-year suspension of drug laws? Until we do that, we can only speculate about the effects of drug legalization. Speculation is a bad basis for public policy, but the default public policy regarding ownership and use of anything should be to keep it legal. Right now we...
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    BATFE cracks down on ninjas

    Doesn't the BATFE have better things to do than go after crazy college students? Not a gun in sight, and still the BATFE can't stop themselves. This is why I despise the idea of federal agents acting to enforce laws outside of their primary areas of concern. College environments needs to be...
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    It's time to raise the federal debt ceiling... again Snow warns Congress: US government's cash running out Mar 14 10:55 AM US/Eastern Treasury Secretary John Snow urged Congress to set aside partisan bickering and raise the US national debt ceiling this week, or face a...