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    Ruger SR556

    I am a single action revolver, singleshot rifle/shotgun guy and know nothing about semi-autos. My son will soon turn 18 and is interested in an AR. Being a fan of Ruger, I would like some input on a SR556. Or if there are better options, please let me know. Thanks.
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    What is a "group" and often can you do it?

    I have seen lots of targets posted on the internet showing impressive shot groups. Some show 3 shot groups, some show 5 shot groups and so forth. Often, while shooting my 6 shot revolver, I'll group 3 or 4 shots pretty good and then the next 2 or 3 will open it up. Should I quit while I am ahead...
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    Is there really a fireproof safe?

    I talked to 2 gentleman who helped with the cleanup of the recent Colorado fire and asked them about the safes they encountered. To their knowledge, of the safes they knew about, no contents survived. I did a brief internet search, and apparently guns in safes do not fare well in house fires...
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    The mysteries of recoil

    I own a .45 Colt Ruger Blackhawk and after shooting well over a thousand rounds of light and moderate loads, the temptation of loading up some 30,000 cup loads finally got the best of me. I read where guys had "busted knuckles" and "drawn blood" with these loads and was a little nervous when I...
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    More Carcano questions.

    The bolt is hard to close on my 7.35mm Carcano, but it opens easy and ejects fine. I notice that the rim is marred and scratched, Some rounds chamber fairly easy while others take extra force and ocassionally a little rap to push in and turn the bolt handle down. These are 6.5mm resized to...
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    Overall length too short at crimp groove

    I just shot some 7.35mm reloads from a LGS and am getting ready to reload them myself. I meant to measure them before I fired all of them, but did not. The minimum OAL according to the LEE manual is 2.893. I made a dummy and seated it to the crimp groove and it measures 2.78. If I go any longer...
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    Out shot with my own guns.

    My oldest son, my son-in-law and I went shooting on July 4th. I shoot a lot more than they do, but it sure didn't show. We shot my .45 Colt, 7.35mm rifle and .308 rifle, and the only round I won was when we shot the hot loaded .45 Colt loads. I guess them young sissies couldn't handle the...
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    Smoothing a rough extractor

    The extractor on my Carcano bolt is marring the rim on the brass. It ejects the case fine, but there are marks on all the rims and all the area that engages the rim looks rough. How is the best way to smooth these tight areas up? I was thinking of a thin Dremel buffing wheel and jeweler's...
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    Rattkesnakes and 4 x 4's-No match for a .308

    I recently discovered that a 357 grain .45 Colt and a 7.35 mm 128 grain would go completely through a yellow pine 4 x 4 and go a bullets length into the next one. Today, I discovered that a .308 will go completely through 2 4 x 4's and easily dispatch a rattlesnake. My son skinned the snake...
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    Tracing the history of a military weapon

    Is there a way to trace the history of a military firearm using the make, model and serial number? I would assume that there is information on who each firearm was issued to and where and when that person served.
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    What if the primer blows in a Carcano?

    I was looking closely at my Carcano bolt, and the only line of defense in the case of a blown primer is a gas escape hole and a very small lug on the side of the safety. Am I missing something or is this considered enough? The bolt itself has 2 lugs and the bolt handle acts as a lug also, so I...
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    What's causing this brass problem?

    I was inspecting some rifle brass after I fired it today and noticed on 12 out of 28 pieces, the mouth was slightly pushed in on one side. This is Norma 6.5 mm brass that has been resized to 7.35 mm. The other 16 pieces are round, like they should be. What would cause this and can they be...
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    At the range with the Carcano

    Shot my 7.35mm Carcano today over a sandbag with open sights at 100 yards. The first shot was about 5 inches above the bullseye. Of the next 7 shots, 3 hit about 5 inches left of the bullseye while 4 hit about 5 inches high and slightly left. The last 3 also hit high and slightly left. The 7...
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    Big and slow bullets vs small and quick

    Today I went to the range and fired some 357 grain .45 Colt cast lead loads at about 1000fps through my Ruger Blackhawk at some 4 x 4 yellow pine posts at 25 yards. I then fired some 128 grain jacketed soft point 7.35mm at about 2000 fps at the same posts at 100 yards. Both rounds went...
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    357 grain .45 Colt load

    Fired some 357 grain .45 Colt loads using 19.5 grains of H110 from my Ruger Blackhawk 4 5/8. The bullet was a cast lead LFN from Hunter's supply. Hodgdon shows 18 grains at a 1000 fps and 21 grains at 1100 fps, so I guess I was somewhere in between. I fired 12 shots and while recoil was...
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    Safety glasses

    I wear glasses and was wondering if they make safety glasses that can be worn over my glasses. (other than the typical safety glasses used in science class)?
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    Factory ammunition failures

    An employee had a rifle bolt severely damaged while firing factory ammunition. He couldn't attribute the damage to anything other than the factory cartridge. He called the ammunition company and they refused any liability. He contacted the company that made the rifle, and to his surprise, they...
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    Need input on .45 Colt load

    I am loading a 357 grain cast lead bullet from Hunter's Supply with 19.5 grains of H110, a Winchester large pistol primer in Starline brass. The bullets have 2 crimp grooves and I am using a heavy crimp on the bottom crimp groove. The O.A.L. is 1.71. Hodgdon shows a start load of 18 grains of...
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    Need opinions on load

    I am going to load 128 grain jacketed 7.35 mm. The Lee manual shows 30.8 grains of H4895 for a 130 grain jacketed. I am assuming this load would work fine for the 128 grain. Am I right?
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    Shooting 325 and 360 grain .45 Colt

    I ordered in some 325 and 360 grain cast lead bullets in .45 Colt to shoot in my Blackhawk and was wondering if anyone had any experience with these heavy weights as far as accuracy, recoil and penetration. I have shot 300 grain at 1100 fps and recoil wasn't bad. I'm wanting to keep these around...