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  1. R

    Lee dies in .32NAA? Reloading data?

    Anyone know of a source for these dies other than The three die set there is going for 49.00. Wondering if there's a cheaper price to be found? I found some reloading data there as well. Wondering if anyone has another source for this as well? I'm just getting started with...
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    Do you clean the lint out of your carry weapon?

    For those of you who carry a lot and shoot a little: Do you ever strip and clean your carry weapon even if it hasn't been shot, if it gets lint, dust and other daily detritus in it? The reason I ask is it's been about 3 weeks to a month since I went to the range. Unusual for me, but I've been...
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    I took the plunge........

    .....ordered my Lee Classic Turret kit and a set of .45ACP Carbide dies from Midway today. Expect lots of newbish questions :)
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    Another picture thread: Everything but the kitchen sink...........

    ..........or what do you carry on your person/in your pockets everyday? This is pretty standard for me: Yes I actually carry all that stuff every day (with some rare exceptions): 1) Ruger P345 in Bianchi Minimalist goes on belt at appendix position. 2) Spare mag in carrier goes in left...
  5. R

    Nutty NC Crossbow Laws: Requirement for Pistol Purchase Permit AND 4473??

    OK I've just come home from Bass Pro Shops in Charlotte (really Concord), NC and have had one of the most frustrating shopping experiences of my life. The backstory: My father in law who has been my hunting partner for 10+ years had open heart surgery last year. Triple bypass and pacemaker...
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    Decisions, Decisions or How to spend $150.00

    I've got a bit of hobby cash sitting around from some recent transactions here and at THR. I'm planning a trip to Bass Pro Shops later this week. (on vacation :)) Some things I'm considering spending my money on: 1) BSA Sweet 17 Scope for my Savage 9317. $70.00-80.00 2) Rifle Basix drop in...
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    Keltec PLR 16 as CCW Truck Gun (NC)

    I see a lot of posts here and at THR talking about carrying rifles in vehicles for SHTF scenarios and it's got me thinking about my situation. NC's gun laws are schizo to say the least. I can legally carry a handgun on my person or in my vehicle under my permit, but I cannot carry a rifle or...
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    Carry without a Holster (aka "Mexican Carry")

    Do you do it? Will you admit to doing it? Every day or Occasionally? Under what circumstances? I'll admit there are times when I do, but it's rare. If I'm at home and not already carrying (which is the rare part) and I have to run out to the local convenience store for a couple items, then I'll...
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    Deer hunting with a .45ACP......Which ammo?

    Let me start off by saying I'm not asking for an ethical debate on the use of a .45ACP as a deer cartridge. Also, yes this is legal in NC. What I am asking is IF you were going to handgun hunt with a .45ACP, which commercially available ammo would you select? (I don't reload) Right now I'm...
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    Do you top off for CCW?

    Just wondering what everyone else does here. I don't. I really don't know why other than the fact that I like to be able to unload the weapon and have all rounds in the mag vs. just one lonely round rattling around in a pocket or the console of my truck. I guess I'm also kinda hung up on the...
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    Picked up a Ruger P345 today.

    I took the plunge. I've wanted one for months. I needed something smaller to carry and this gun just looks sexy IMHO. The one I borrowed at the range a couple months ago shot great too. I've had a SRH for sale for awhile, had an ad here and at THR. Had it sold four or five times only to have the...
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    Odd experience at Walmart this evening.

    Tonight was my night to stop and get supper and my wife's night to get the kids. I left work around 5:00 and headed for home. As my usual practice, once I got in my truck I armed myself. The NAA Guardian was in the console but I slipped my P90 in a fobus paddle on my hip and untucked my shirt...
  13. R

    PC9 Carbine mod: Added tac rail.

    I've wanted a rail on my PC9 for a bit to be able to mount a light or laser. I've played around with various ideas for this, but finally found the perfect solution. I had one of these tactical tri-rail pieces of crap lying around. Bought it off ebay and had to heavily modify it to fit any of my...
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    A question of intent. Time to change the terms of the gun debate.

    We (meaning pro-2A types) have for too long allowed the anti's to define the terms of the debate over firearms. We've allowed guns to be demonized and irrationally defined as having a will of their own. We've allowed the culture as a whole to excuse the behavior of the individual wielding the...
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    Buying American????

    Hello all. I came to a realization recently that all of my guns save one are American made. This is not something I set out to do intentionally, it just worked out that way. I've owned some other foreign made guns before (2 SKS's and a CD shotgun) but didn't keep them for various reasons. My...
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    What holster for a MK III 22/45 with Red Dot?

    Who out there carries a 22/45 (or similar size pistol) with red dot holstered for small game hunting? What is your preferred carry rig? Looking for either belt or shoulder holster ideas. Thanks in advance.
  17. R

    Ruger P345 and P90/97 Mags compatible?

    Title says it all. Do the P345 Mags work in the P90/97 and vice versa. Guy at the local shop says he doesn't think so but the mags in the 345 there look just like the ones in my P90. I couldn't tell any difference at all. Anyone own both that can give me first hand info?
  18. R

    Looking for a good source for Ruger Hi Cap Mags....

    I'm looking for Ruger 15 round Hi Cap mags for my P89. I'm finding prices as high as 40 bucks which is what I paid for a few during the first AWB. Anybody got a link to somewhere I could find them cheaper? None of the local shops seem to have them very regularly. Looking to stock up on a few...
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    I can do Mozambiques too.......

    ......just not nearly as fast as Lurper! During my weekly trip to the range this afternoon I thought I'd see if I could manage to score hits doing Mozambiques with my P89. Here is the raw target showing the hits. 7 yds. Three mozambiques with a single shot center mass at the end (10 round...
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    Yet another AR question thread.......

    OK so I've decided to get an AR before the AWB rears it's ugly head again. I'm only gonna have about 700 or so to spend on this so it's going to be from one of the more budget minded companies. Olympic arms is high on my list right now. The trouble is I know next to nothing about AR's beyond...