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  1. R

    Hey whattaya know, floating the barrel worked..

    I bought a Rem 700 ADL in .243 last year. Have had one in .30-06 for 12-13 years and wanted a .243 to go with it. Walmart was clearancing them so it was good timing :D. Took it to the range a few times and was not happy at all with the way it was shooting. It was Minute of Deer, but my other...
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    Federal Premium Tru-ball slugs

    Anybody shooting these? Performance on game?? Accuracy from a smoothbore? I picked some up today on a whim (they were on sale). Gonna try them out at the range this weekend hopefully. Just trying to see if anyone else is shooting them and how they are workin for ya.
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    Latest Mall Ninja special??? What exactly is a barrel stabilizer?? Do shotgun barrels require stabilization?? :barf:
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    "Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh MY"

    File this away under "Holy Crap!" :eek: A couple of days ago a fellow who works for me informed me that his aunt saw a lion in their hay field. Not a mountain lion, mind you (which technically we're not supposed to have here in NC anyway), but a full on female African lion. Or lioness if you...
  5. R

    Which are you???

    Are you primarily a Rifleman, Handgunner, or Shotgunner??? Think of it in terms of which you would absolutely choose to defend you and yours based on YOUR skillset, not the features of the particular weapon platform. Assume questions of accessibility/portability, effective range, etc. are moot...
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    EBR's are addictive........

    OK so I finally took the AR leap. I decided to build my lower and buy a complete upper. I picked up a Tactical Innovations stripped lower from Cardinal Armory/Kotonics and dropped an Armalite LPK in it. Milspec carbine tube and M4 Fiberlite stock. Picked up a RRA 16" Carbine A3 HBAR upper...
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    Changes at Ruger Customer Service???

    I have been having an on-again, off-again problem with my Ruger P90. I was getting failures to fire/primer light strikes and thought I might need a new hammerspring. I swapped it out and still having troubles. Intermittent failures with light primer strikes across the board. Finally figured...
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    I was certified as a Hunters Ed Instructor today

    I finished the Hunters Education Instructor's course today. I've been wanting to get involved in hunters ed since my accident last year. For those who don't know you can read here: So last night and today I took the instructor's...
  9. R

    Yet another LCP range report......

    Finally made it to the range today with my LCP. I had only one complaint..............I didn't bring enough ammo. I fired 107 rounds total, which was all that I had in my range bag. I walked out of the house and forgot a whole 100 round brick of WWB FMJ. Didn't realize until I got to the range...
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    Ordering from TheBeltMan...Do I want a stiffener or not???

    OK, I've decided to order a gun belt from I'm unsure whether to get the stiffener or not. I'd like to hear from people who have ordered them with the stiffener what their experiences have been (positives/negatives). My typical EDC is a Ruger P345 OWB in a Bianchi Minimalist or...
  11. R

    Effective range of 00 buckshot (disregarding pattern issues)

    OK, Assuming you have the perfect shotgun that will throw the perfect pattern to distance X. At what value of X does 00 buckshot lose it's ability to penetrate to vital organs of the target (whether it be 2 legged or 4 legged)? What I'm getting at here is beyond the obvious question of pattern...
  12. R

    How much $$$ in gear to you carry everyday??

    To give a bit of background on what got me thinking about this question: I had a bit of an altercation (verbal) with a local homeless person this morning. I was leaving my local coffee shop with my morning brew and was asked (more like accosted) for money. I tend to not give in these situations...
  13. R

    Decisions, Decisions Wheelgun or Auto.....

    I'm planning another handgun purchase here in the next month or so. I'm a bit torn on what to get. My current stable of handguns consists of: Ruger P90 (currently on loan out to my father in law) Ruger P345 (current carry weapon) Ruger GP100 (woods gun/HD duty) NAA Guardian .380 (backup or...
  14. R

    Help!!! Tennessee's gun laws - Transport of long gun in trunk

    OK, Going to visit some relatives in a couple weeks and it's been awhile since I've taken a long gun through Tenn. I'm an NC CHL Holder and I've read up on Tenn's CHL law, but I'm having trouble finding any info on long guns. I've carried them into Tenn before to hunt and always just put them in...
  15. R

    Squirrel CCW.....or.....How do you carry your Ruger 22/45 in the field?

    Well, deer season is over here in NC and as is tradition, I tend to take to the woods to squirrel hunt a few days in January (squirrel season ends 1/31). I went this past Saturday for the first time this year. Saw no squirrels of course, but two deer. Figures.......:( I wanted to carry my Ruger...
  16. R

    Power went out and Coyotes on the prowl.....

    We had a power outtage tonight. About 2 and a half hours it was down. About a half hour into it I started hearing coyotes, which isn't unusual in and of itself, but the number of howls and yips I heard was pretty unsettling. They also sounded closer than they normally do. I live in a small...
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    Confessions of a Flashlight Junkie.......

    My name is Rantingredneck and I am addicted to flashlights.......... OK now that we have that first step out of the way, maybe we can move on. I've always had a thing for guns and related gadgetry, but there is a special place in my heart for flashlights. And I've got a bunch of them. My wife...
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    Changing body type. Need new holster(s). Recommendations for Ruger Autos?

    Well, after my recent tumble and hospitalization I ended up 22lbs lighter than when I started. This is creating some problems for me. My clothes don't fit right anymore (time to restock the wardrobe), and my holsters and preferred carry methods aren't fitting me that well any longer. That all...
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    Anyone ever converted an 870 express barrel to the Wingmaster retention system?

    Anyone ever drilled an express barrel for the ball detent system? What's involved? Trying to decide whether it's worth the trouble for one of the barrels I have.
  20. R

    New addition to the .22LR stable.......Marlin Glenfield 75

    Anyone own one? Experiences good or bad? I've had a Glenfield 60 for 25 years and have been thoroughly pleased. Also have a 10/22 and 22/45 pistol. As I mentioned in another thread, I've been considering a .22LR survival rifle/trunk gun here lately. Mostly due to the low cost of ammo and the...