Search results

  1. C

    Beretta U22 Neos

    Anyone have any information on this new gun? I have heard the name a few times but not much else. Will it be a defence or target style gun? Any pictures or links?
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    how to get a lighter pull on a 686?

    While I was haveing my 686 bead blasted I desided to have the trigger pull smoothed up a bit. Its glass smooth now, but I elected to keep the weight about the same. I think this was a bit of a mistake. What parts or springs do I need to replace to get a lighter DA pull? What is a good source...
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    Looking for HOT .357 plinking ammo (factory loads)

    I'm looking for some very fast and light HP .357 mag. ammo. Not for defense or hunting, just for dramatic effect at the range when used on various and sundry reactive targets. It would also be nice if they were cheap (around $15 per 50) enough to plink with on a semi-regular basis. Do any...
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    N frame bored for 7 or 8 round of .357, why not vise versa

    Why dont we see the flip side of the 'drill more smaller holes in the larger N frame cylinder' coin. I for one would love to see a K/L frame bored as a 5 shot .44 magnum.
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    P99 Le Chasse, any info or pictures?

    From what I have heard, of the 3 limited edition Walther P99's, this is the one to get. Does anyone have any pistures or links reguarding this pistol? I need something to keep my year 2000 commemorative P99 company
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    Map of the near future

    Just toying around with photoshop, thought you guys might get a kick out of this.
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    Nothing says "I love you" like cold steel

    About a month ago, my wife asked me what I wanted for Valentines day. Half jokeing, half hopeing, I told her a pre-agreement Smith .357 with a 4inch barrel. We had to do Valentines day tonight, since she will be out of town for her baby shower tommorrow. well you arent going to beleave what I...
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    Letter from Ruger concerning 10mm

    Out of about a dozen letters and e-mails I sent to a dozen or so firearms companys, Ruger was the only one to reply. Unfortuantly it was to say that they had no plans for a 10mm pistol. There IS demand for a new 10mm (or a current model re-chambered). If the gun makers get enough letters and...
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    What causes premature slide lock?

    Finaly got to shoot my pre-GCA PPK .22 today. Man is that thing sweet. And to think, I almost bought a MKII. I kinda stumbled into owning it. I had a rifle that my Uncle just had to have, but that I wasnt trying to sell. Ended up getting his PPK and a very nice satin nickle Taurus .38...
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    Walther PPK .22

    I picked up a PPK .22 from my uncle today. He has had it for as long as I can remember and I have always wanted it, but it was never for sale. Well, I happened to recently aquired a rifle that he just had to have at any cost. It wasnt a particularly valuable rifle, but it was incredibly...
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    Need help dateing and valueing a pistol

    Does anyone know how I can date a handgun by serial number and perhaps find the value. Thanks
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    Best looking .357 revolver

    I recently noticed that my meager handgun collection is missing a .357 revolver. This just can't be. I'm not the biggest .357 fan (prefer the 10mm in auto's and .45colt for revolvers), but I can't go lacking such an important caliber. So I guess I'm going to have to pick one up once my 30...
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    Modern handguns in 7.62x25

    Are there any modern handguns chambered in or redily convertable to 7.62x25? Thanks
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    High Speed Ballistic Photography

    Does anyone know where I can find some high-speed pictures of handgun bullets hitting ordnance the ones on the covers of the Evan Marshall books? Thanks
  15. C

    High speed ballistic photography

    Does anyone know where I can find some high-speed pictures of handgun bullets hitting ordnance the ones on the covers of the Evan Marshall books? Thanks
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    What dream guns would you like to see produced

    I know this thread has been done before, but not in a while. A buddy of mine was telling me about a dream he had the other night and it got me thinking. I was giving an unvailing at the SHOT show and began the conference by saying "I have always wanted something with the power of a .300 win...
  17. C

    10mm fans, do your part

    I have sent an e-mail to all these fine gunmakers inviting them to take a look around TFL, to see just how much demand there is for a new pistol in 10mm. I would like to ask all of you 10mm devotes and those who would be if you could get a particular pistol chambered for it, to follow suit. It...
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    Well im convinced, the 10mm is dead

    For the last few month I have only noticed 3-4 new threads per day in the Semi-auto forum concearning the 10mm. Seems dead to me :rolleyes: Heck, there are 4 open 10mm threads in the semi-auto forum right now, just on the first page. Lack of demand my a$$.
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    Ballistic testing service, open soon

    I have been testing my own defesive/hunting ammo for peace of mind for as long as I have been shooting. Over the years my methods have gotten more refinced and I have noticed more and more friends asking me to test their 'working' ammo for terminal ballistics. I have also noticed quite a bit...
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    Ranger SXT 127gr +p+: lubalox or not, whats the differnce

    I have a box of (RA9SXTP) Winchester Ranger SXT 127gr +p+ 9mm in the brown and blue box. The bullet has the black lubalox coating and a brass case. I also have a box of (Q4280)Winchester SXT 127gr +p+ in a white box without the lubalox and in a nickle case. What is the difference.