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  1. C

    Impulse buy heaven

    Ran by the local gunshop to pick up a few boxes of 10mm UMC's and left with this!!! It was just to dang pretty to resist, but I must admit to not really being up on my Colts. Can anyone fill me in on the details of this pistol? Its only marked as "Colt Custom", what series is it? Was $800...
  2. C

    Now thats what I call Shiny!!!

    Perty huh, now if I could stop polishing and go shooting.
  3. C

    Centerfire to .22 conversions?

    What is the general concensus on these conversion kits? Accurate? reliable? I'm particularly interested in the Ciener <sp> Glock conversions. Thanks
  4. C

    most impressive expansion I have ever seen!

    Pictured below is a recovered 155gr Pro-Load 10mm fired from a distance of 10 yards from a Glock 20 into 10% ordnance Gelatin. Impact velocity was 1315fps (596 ft.lbs), it penetrated 17inches, weighed 153.9gr and had a recovered diameter of..get this...1.239 inches!!! All I could say was wow...
  5. C

    Glock 20 replacement mag bodies??

    Anyone know of a source for high cap replacement mag bodies? My poor Glock 20 high caps are getting pretty ragged.
  6. C

    Nyclads for defence, any chance of them being labeled "Cop-Killers"

    Every so often, when I'm going somewhere realy crowded or where overpenetration could prove dangerous, I load 125gr .38+p Nyclads in my 360PD instead of the normal 125gr .357 Magnum Golden Sabers. I had never realy thought about it untill some idiot at the range asked me if my weird little blue...
  7. C

    Exactly whats wrong with the Glock trigger?

    Just about everyone I hear talking about Glocks mentions how horrible the trigger is...bashers, worshipers, and middle-of-the-road's alike. I must be missing something, cause I think the trigger pull is wonderfull. I currently own 2 Glocks and many other types and brands of guns, some with...
  8. C

    Alchemy Arms Spectre?

    Recently saw on of these pistols up for auction on Gunbroker and it caught my attention. I had never heard of it and the picture was really tiny, so I started digging around on the web. All I could really find was a the companys website..again with the micro-pics but it sounds like a neat gun...
  9. C

    Nice grips..but what kind of wood is it

    Saw this gun on the Uberti that a sweet little wall hanger or what. I just love the figureing of the grain in the grips. Anyone know what kind of wood it is. What are some darkish woods with non-linier, chunky grain like that? Thanks
  10. C

    New addition to the TFL family

    Lil Carbon_15 AKA: Caleb Alexander Weaver He was a few weeks early but thankfuly, perfectly healthy. 5 pounds 11 ounces, 18 1/4 inches 5/7/02 :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :)
  11. C

    Where to buy RBDC ammo online

    need some for testing...anyone know where I can buy them online? Thanks
  12. C

    firearms inscription

    My wife just recently told me that she is going to buy me a special pistol to celebrate the birth of our first son comeing up in about 4 the heck out of a cigar. Aparently its comencery to exchange gifts with a new birth. Thats news to me, guess I'll be hitting the jewlery stores...
  13. C

    Pics of your favorite 1911.

    Well, my time is almost up (dang I hate this one-gun-per-month law) and I'll be able to buy another pistol without posing a danger to society. Problem is, I want a new SAA and my wife wants another 1911. Nothing against 1911's, I just didnt catch the fever like everyone else. I have one, and...
  14. C

    easiest shiny finish to keep looking new??

    Well, against my better judgment, I have desided to get another single action six-gun. everysince I got rid of my polished stainless Vaquero, my gun cabinet has been severly lacking in sparkle. The polished stainless sure was pretty, but every time i wiped it off, it showed tiny dust scratches...
  15. C

    Want a new SAA clone: Help

    A recent thread has got me thinking about adding another .45Colt SAA clone to my collection. I sold my polished stainless Vaquero a while back. It was a beauty, especialy with the foux ivory stocks, but it was just to dang hard to keep looking pretty. I bought it with the expectations of just...
  16. C

    .22LR Target Pistol

    I'm thinking about adding a nice competition style .22 pistol to my collection. I have always wanted one, but usualy end up buying a nice centerfire for about the same amount. Whenever I think about the fact that I'm about to spend 600-800 on a friggin .22, I start to wonder if I'm having a...
  17. C

    Friend had to use his H.D. shotgun

    It happened a few monthes ago, but the trial has come and gone, so I guess its ok to talk about it. And no, this isnt one of those "friend" wink-wink situations ;) My friend is 21 years old and was spending the week with his mother while his dad was away on Nation Guard duty. His mom had...
  18. C

    CCW: Your answer to the "why" question

    What is your short answer when a friend or family member asks you why you carry. I really hate that question, and I always feel like the person asking thinks I'm some sort of Dale Gribble paranoid nut with vigilanee asperations. Besides, long winded speeches about patriotism, founding fathers...
  19. C

    Ti .357 Snubbie..just how bad is it?

    Due to an upcomming test battery, a sudden need has arisen for a short-tubed .38. I dont shoot or reload .38 so I'm probly going to get a snubbie in .357, as I have plenty of defence and practice ammo in that caliber. I'll probly get Ti, since I dont have a titanium gun yet. I was just...
  20. C

    Just finished building my new gun cabinet

    Well, with a kid on the way the under-the-bed storage days or over. I wanted a safe, but dont really have anywhere to put it. Typical gun cabinets don't particularly match my wifes vision of decor, so I had to find something unconventional. Besides, most store bought gun cabinets have plenty...