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  1. D

    SKB 600, Imported for Ithaca.....

    Pop's last shotgun was one of these in 20 gauge, and the few times I got it away from him it was a fine uplander. He sold it shortly before he passed, and I couldn't afford it at the time. Recently I went into GUNS R US for some ammo and spotted one in the racks. Good shape, 20 gauge, and just...
  2. D

    A Challenge to the 870 Express Bashers....

    Since I often help out new shooters and spend as much time almost as much time at the range as on the Net, I see lots of Expresses being used as they were intended to be. I usually handle these and shoot them to establish they shoot where they look and if they function. The test.... I stand...
  3. D

    The Right Tool.....

    First, Happy Father's Day to all.... It was back in the 70s, early October, and in the hardwoods. I followed the scent of roasting meat to my friend Jimmy. He was seated on a down log, with a small fire nearby. Over the low flames were two cleaned squirrels on sticks. Jimmy pointed to...
  4. D

    Things To Come....

    I had the pleasure recently of handling and firing a fine Parker SxS shotgun belonging to a friend. It was made in the 20s or 30s as a dedicated trap gun. It has 30" barrels, choked "Tight" and "You've got to be kidding" for the ammunition of the day, a generous butt to spread out the kick and...
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    Goose Soup...

    Hey,come on in. Great to see you. Let's put the coats on the bed and move into the living room. The kids can play video games while we catch up on what's happened since we last met. It's always good to see family and friends, especially this time of year. Good and cold today, huh? At least...
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    I was poking around on another shotgun board, one devoted to "Wingshooting and Fine Guns".... Much of the material on that BB covers fine doubles, a subject in which finances have limited my participation. But, there was a thread on Browning's reissue of the vaunted Model 12, and pumpguns are...
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    Reclaimed Shot.....

    With the price of components climbing, the cost of shooting has darn near doubled within the last half decade. The West Coast shot I use has gone from about $23 a bag to $39 at present, and had been up to $42. That shot is as good as you can find. 5% antimony, nice and round, it makes up some...
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    Some Notes on Fit......

    Yr Humble Scrivener's PMs and E mail have been loaded lately with queries about fit. Here's a few things to help get folks on the right page...... The old canard about sticking the butt inside the elbow and having the trigger at the first knuckle of the index finger is at best a very rough...
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    From Dave McC's wife

    I know this is in the wrong place, maybe someone can move it... Dave had some chest pains over the 4th and went to have them checked on Tuesday morning at the emergency room. Tests showed a blockage in an artery. Today he had angioplasty and a stent introduced to open the blocked artery. He's...
  10. D


    We had hunted hard, and were back at the van. The weapons were unloaded and cased, the equipment stored, and I semi collapsed into the driver's seat, my back a mass of outraged pain receptors. My hunting partner was already slumped in the seat, hat over eyes. I started the Dodge and fumbled...
  11. D

    A Walk in the Woods....

    It was the last Saturday in the regular firearms season. I eased the door to the Toyota closed and shrugged into the heavy wool coat, lifted my 870 and slowly wended my way into the woods, using an almost hidden logging road. This shall be known to my family as the Year Dad Didn't Get To Hunt...
  12. D

    How fast is fast?....

    And how necessary?.... We were hunting on farmland, bought by a group of lawyers as an investment and held until the suburbs moved closer. Two of the lawdogs were casual birdhunters, and one had planted some food plots, paid a local to trap down the predators, and supplemented wild quail with...
  13. D

    The Ugliest Shotgun in Howard County....

    Was what my friend Billy called it on first sight. But let me backtrack. It was 1976, and a new idea had filtered in, that of a dedicated shotgun for deer hunting. I was shooting some benchrest rifle, and owned a couple good sporters, but my home county then and now was shotgun only. I had...
  14. D

    Video Yourself Shooting?

    Q: A buddy told me that videoing myself shooting can help me pick out the things I've doing wrong. What's your take on this? A: a qualified Yes is the answer. I've taped myself and others shooting just to show form glitches, This can work for many, but some folks cannot stand to see...
  15. D

    Pop's Last Dove Shoot....

    WARNING, mawkishly sentimental thread ahead.... After one of those late night phone calls, I had caught the first thing smoking back to MD from LA, where I was using the madness of LA to heal me from the madness of the Nam Mess. Pop had had a bad infarction,and was scheduled for a double...
  16. D


    Major holidays pack in the memories, and the family pretty much dozed as we headed back from an inlaws house in PA, so I drove and remembered a few holidays and ordinary days long past. And I was a little amazed at all the changes in my life. After living in the LA madness post military for a...
  17. D

    HD preparation for shotgunners....

    OK, we've worn out the keyboards talking about brands, mods and addons, ammo and so on. Let's get into the important stuff. And some of this has been covered in the past, I'd like to coalesce it all into one thread for the benefit of new folks. First,know your weapon well enough that you can...
  18. D

    Breaking In New Pumpguns....

    Got asked this off line, so on the premise that if one asks, 20 might need to know, here goes. The original query was about 870s, of course, but the info applies to all of the Big Four,indeed any quality pump shotgun. OK, you just got home with your new purchase, taken it out of the box and...
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    A note on LOP and drop...

    It was like a reunion Saturday at PGC. A lot of folks I've shot with(and enjoyed it) were there and some new shotguns to admire. By the time I was done, I had handled and shot 3 or 4,ranging from a CLASSIC 870M (ca 1970)with great wood and in perfect condition to a new Synthetic stocked 11-87...
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    Militia uses for the shotgun...

    Some like minded folks and I have been kicking this around for a while.Let's see what you think.... Life has a lot of uncertainty. Ask the ghosts of Pompeii, Hiroshima, or Johnstown, Pa. Or those of Dachau, Guernica, or Wounded Knee. Survival of the big disasters is more by luck or the Grace...