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  1. D

    From Dave's Wife A Link for Dave McCracken's Obituary and to share thoughts

    This is Dave's wife. Thank you all for enriching Dave's life. This is the link for Dave's Obituary in the Baltimore Sun, via Please feel free share thoughts and stories...
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    Whatcha Using for The Dove Opener?....

    Season here opens 1 Sep, and I just flushed a couple dove here at work, right in the middle of B-more. So, what will you be using for your feathered foray? Starting things off, if I can find a place to shoot at, I'll use the little SKB 600 20 gauge. Fast, moderate weight, deadly. Loads...
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    Aiming vs Pointing.....

    A recent thread on this generated more heat than light. This shall not. Here's my take, of course, YMMV.... A shotgun is as versatile as a Swiss Army Knife. HOWEVER, technique doesn't come in a"One Size Fits All" package. When the targets are small, fast.closer and/or visible for only a...
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    Adjustable Pads and Stocks....

    I've had a few queries on these lately, a good thing. If people are trying to get their shotguns fitting better, a very good thing. Here goes.... The first adjustable pad that was widely marketed was the Morgan. It allowed about an inch more drop if needed and could be skewed to better fit...
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    Besides Pink, Now There's Red, White and Blue....

    You may recall a few months back seeing something here about Federal's Pink shells, where a portion of the price of those pink hulls went to Breast Cancer Research. That's a worthy cause. I bought a few cases and reloaded the empties. The factory load was 1 1/8 oz at 1150 FPS, a soft kicking...
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    Muller Chokes.....

    I recently had the pants beaten off me at Sporting Clays by a nice young guy named Chris Ford. While he shot a Perazzi that day, he showed me a set of chokes for his K gun made by Muller. These are different. Ceramics over aluminum instead of steel or titanium. Some advantages are cited by the...
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    Safety Is Everyone's Job.....

    Yesterday I was getting ready to coach some fairly new shooters at Range 4 at PGC. This is a wobble trap and popular with casual shotgunners, though the hardcore skeet and trap guys are shunning it. Then, a 40-ish guy in jeans and camo walked up carrying a Mossberg pump. The action WAS open as...
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    A400 Xtrema, The Adventure Begins.......

    I was absolutely flabbergasted when Beretta offered to send me their new A 400 autoloader to try. This was totally out of the blue. The nice fellow on the other end of the E mail asked me to try it out for the season, give "a fair and impartial evaluation" and let them know what I thought. I'm...
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    She was 13 years old, and if she put the butt of her Remington 12 gauge autoloader on the ground, she could see over the muzzle, but not by much. Her mother told me she was preparing for a big 4H shoot this coming weekend. He was in his 30s, limped badly on both legs, shot a camo 870 and had...
  10. D

    What's YOUR Upland Shotgun?....

    It's that time of year. The last litter of grey squirrels has reached eating size, I heard a quail call yesterday and the leaves are starting to turn. So, what are you toting in the fields and forests this season? An old friend, a new toy, or all of the above? To start things off, I'll...
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    Beretta A400 Extreme...

    Anybody have one? Any problems, issues, brags? Thanks....
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    Real Shotgunners Shoot Pink Shells.....

    Among Manly Men, I stand proud. I've served my country and community through a war, prison riots and a few Boy/Girl Scout camping trips. There's honorable scars on my XXXL frame, and I was described once as looking like someone Tony Soprano might know professionally. So, why will I be...
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    Any Sporting Clays near Williamsburg,PA?

    WW and I will be up there this weekend while she attends a seminar. Anything in the area?
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    Preaching Vs Practice.....

    You've heard me say it or seen it here a hundred times. Something like.... "If you're learning to shoot, stick to one gun that fits you well and stay with it"... Good advice, and I'm still learning. I do like my Beretta O/U and it's getting very good at finding the right line. After maybe...
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    Getting the Range......

    When the world and I were young, I believed that one of the worst things someone could be called was "Sky Buster". Pop and I had to endure some of these people in nearby blinds on occasion. They'd open up on any visible geese, even those that Anti-Aircraft fire wouldn't faze. Some of them...
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    Noted In Passing.....

    I shoot regularly at ONE range, PGC Trap and Skeet in MD. Been hitting first the trap and Olympic trap, then SC and 5 stand, lots of wobble all along and so on. I've gotten to know lots of folks there, and vice versa. The interesting thing I want to share is how the demographics are changing...
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    Sometimes Conventional Wisdom Isn't Correct.....

    Here's the deal.... I hunt little these days, due to age and general decrepititude. I do hit the range often to wage war on evil clay frisbees. My clays gun most of the time is a 12 gauge Beretta O/U, a White Onyx Sporter with 32" Optima bore barrels, some stock tweaks and the usual F/O...
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    Redneck Engineering....

    My friend Marlon calls it Ghetto Engineering,but I know it as Redneck Engineering, and no Jeff Foxworthy jokes please. By either term, the paradigm is.... Make it rather than buy it. Use what's at hand rather than buy stuff. Keep the cost down as much as possible, because money's tight...
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    Your Gun for Dove Opener?

    Darn, I'm getting antsy. The opener is a couple weeks off and the things were flying all round work yesterday. So what are you going to use? Me, almost certainly the SKB 20 gauge O/U I just got. Second choice, the Beretta O/U, my clay crusher. Third, a couple 870s in 12 or 20 gauge...
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    I Didn't NEED Another Birdgun, But......

    When did need actually figure in anyway? I had gone to Gunz R Us to pick up some 45 ACP ammo, but out of long habit I looked at the used shotgun rack. Besides a 16 gauge Sterlingworth in great shape and the usual mix of old singles and near new repeaters, there was a 20 gauge SKB O/U there at...