Search results

  1. D

    "U Fix 'Em" guns

    I've heard that several places used to sell guns in poor/broken conditions to people who could fix them at low prices. Supposedly they were mostly old milsurp rifles that had been abused. Are there any places that still do this? Sounds like a good way to get some practice in.
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    South Carolina Gun Laws

    Might be moving to South Carolina late this year or early next for school and I am wondering what the gun laws are like there. It looks pretty gun owner friendly. Shall issue permits, no open carry at all (boo), able to carry a handgun in your car, NFA items permitted, Castle Doctrine and...
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    Piedmont technical college gunsmithing program

    Have any of you guys been through the course or have any experience with it? I'm working a machine job now but guns are where my heart and head is at all the time. I'm looking to make a change in that direction and this seems like a natural way to go. The other college I've considered is...
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    Why is an AR-15 not an assault/military rifle?

    Something I've been thinking about. I notice a lot of gun owners get touchy when you call their AR/AK/FAL etc. an assault rifle. If what I've been told is true, our military doesn't touch the select fire switch on their rifles currently. They're taught to shoot semi-automatic and rarely burst...
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    Think I stripped an action screw

    My Boyd's stock for my CZ 452 got here (looks amazing in person by the way). I went to pull the screws out to put it in the new stock and a couple of them were incredibly difficult. On one of them, when it finally turned I heard a snap like you hear when breaking the chips in a tap. Lo and...
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    My 6.5 Grendel build may have been re-inspired

    For a long time I was thinking about doing a 6.5 or 6.8 AR 15 because I like the platform and wanted to shoot it at longer ranges than I felt I would take a 5.56 to. I abandoned the idea when I realized that I only have a 100 yard range and I would be better of putting the effort into shooting...
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    What rifle looks like this?

    I was playing one of my favorite video games earlier and a major feature is modern guns in a post-apocalyptic setting, often in a humorous way. I came across this one earlier and couldn't fight off the idea that it would be a really cool project to work on. No practical purpose whatsoever over...
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    The story of a sad trade

    I was at the range the other day next to a couple of folks who were shooting a pistol grip shotgun. A remington 870 or Mossberg 500, nothing special about it. They were handling it about as well as one can handle a pistol grip shotgun without training (in my opinion.) I got to talking to them...
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    Inaccurate rifle woes

    Took my Mosin 91/30 out to shoot it today and was less than pleased with the results. Although it grouped some of the time, it may be more accurate to say that it patterned. I was on my sillhouette every shot at 50 yards, but that's about the best that could be said about it. Possibly a crudely...
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    Stupid glass bedding question

    I have a really awesome CZ 452 that I love shooting. I've also recently fallen in love with Boyd's hardwood stocks, which they offer for my rifle. I was thinking about buying the stock and maybe inletting it to do some glass bedding on it. I have other projects to finish first but do want to...
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    What am I looking at to get started?

    I'm looking to get started in loading and I have about $350-$400 to do it. I could maybe scrounge up a little bit more if it's necessary but my goal is to cap it at around $400. I am loading for a Mosin Nagant first and a 9mm second if money permits. Is this feasible on the budget I'm...
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    Aluminum barrel bands?

    Got this idea at work. We sit aluminum stock on steel in between grinding passes to act as a heat sink and keep the steel from heating and swelling, which would throw off our numbers. It's very light and apparently it acts as a great way to draw heat from the steel. I was looking at my Mosin...
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    CZ Kadet Kit - Very upset that I haven't received it yet

    I ordered a CZ Kadet Kit from a website called Delta 3 Outfitters a while ago. By a while ago I mean around Christmas. Their website is pretty shoddy and didn't tell us that it was back ordered until we were done or very close to done with the ordering process. Being that they were the only ones...
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    Smooth Mosin bolt hard to open after dry firing

    I just brought my Mosin home the other day. It's a planned project. The first thing I did was give it a mineral spirit bath and scrub (never touching those damned things again... impossible to dispose of). The bolt opened up a lot smoother. In fact, I'd say the bolt is almost pleasant to move...
  15. D

    What would you do to a Mosin?

    Just picked one up to learn about gun working and skills. First step is to find time to clean the cosmo out. After that will come some trigger and bolt work. Mostly polishing and buffing with sandpaper or maybe some stones. Then among the list of plans is to chop the barrel down to maybe...
  16. D

    Rechamber an SKS?

    I like the idea of an SKS. I'm going to save up and buy one because I believe in owning a fighting rifle for various reasons. I had been planning on turning it into a 100-300 yard rifle with accuracy hopefully at least marginally better than minute of man, deer, or hog at those distances. 300...
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    Easy to use HD long gun

    I've found out that my girlfriend and I may be moving out together sometime within the next year. Hopefully sooner, as it would be to take a gun smithing job a little over an hour away from home and be closer to work. As it is, she's shot my .22 rifles and didn't think much of them. She...
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    Pistol Caliber Carbines - what caliber?

    If you were to get one in one of the common calibers, what would you choose? I like 9mm in my handguns because I can shoot it easier and don't believe the gains of the .45 are enough to outweigh my personal ability to shoot them. From a carbine, though, I can't imagine there is a big...
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    Ever had bad ammo shoot well?

    I went to the range yesterday and tried a couple types of .22 ammo in my CZ 452. The first box was Remington Subsonic Hollow Points (nearest I could tell, pretty much the same as the Thunderbolt). It is the only ammo to this day which has jammed in this gun. 6 out of 50 rounds refused to go in...
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    What meats can you make from hunted animals?

    As I was looking into my refrigerator to build a sandwich the other day, I had a thought: If I do one day replace my meat meals with things I eat and catch, will I be able to create similar food items to the ones I'm accustomed to now? I know that most people don't hunt cows, so London Broil...