Search results

  1. D

    Semi auto shooter looking for first Revolver

    For anyone following my thread in T&T, I've decided to follow a path of firearms learning with an end goal of becoming an instructor and developing marketable skills doing what I love to do. I'm beginning with handguns. I'm pretty familiar with how semi automatic handguns of all different...
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    Loading and Unloading Single/Double Action Revolvers

    I would like to take my NRA Basic Instructor/Basic Pistol Instructor classes to get an Assistant Instructor acknowledgement and begin trying to apprentice with teachers in my area. I've begun studying the pre-test and other things I'm going to need and it's mostly fairly simple -- clearing...
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    Alternative AR 15 chamberings

    In my constant fantasizing about guns and such (if only I had money) I like to do a lot of research on the things I'll end up buying. I'm wondering what cartridges are available for an AR 15 that would well by simply swapping out an upper receiver or a few pieces. One in particular that...
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    New firearms blog -- what do you want to see covered?

    I'm launching a new firearms blog called The Shooter's Report ( So far there are just a couple of articles up, as I am just starting. I plan to do opinion, news, item reviews, etc. So I thought I would take the time now to see what kinds of things TFL...
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    Military Rifle Prop Guns

    I'm in a band that does a lot of songs about the cost of war, rebellions, things of that nature. Some of our artwork includes B29 bombers and soldiers with rifles. I made the suggestion that it would be really awesome to make a mic stand out of an assault rifle so of course I, being the gun guy...
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    Manufacturing/Selling Firearms

    I've had an idea recently that I wanted to test the waters with -- a low recoil defensive firearm with large controls, easy to access bolts, recoil pads low charging weight, etc. with a marketing focus on home defense and a low retail price. Something a child or old lady with arthritis could use...
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    CZ 805 Bren/Scorpion for civilian markets?

    I'm a huge CZ fanboy. I love me some Czech irons. Right now I've got the 75 BD and the 452 trainer. I'd like to one day get into competing, but even if I didn't, I'd be looking to add a shotgun and a semi automatic rifle. I know the shotgun I want (also CZ) and given my love for the brand I...
  8. D

    .22 bolt action

    What are some competitions that you can shoot without a disadvantage with a .22 bolt action? I finally have a rifle (a very nice CZ) and a gun that I can afford ammo with to get up to a competitive level. Problem is, most .22 competitions I know of involve timing and seem to prefer semi-auto...
  9. D

    Great 18th birthday and range day!

    I turned 18 on August 22nd and I knew what I was asking for my birthday: a shiny new .22 rifle. In particular, a CZ 452. I've been wanting to get into marksmanship for a while now and a .22 is something I can feed. I called around Gander and other local gun shops in the are and some hadn't...
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    NYPD/Bloomberg press conference points hundreds of guns at reporters In a pretty blatant safety violation, this NYPD/Bloomberg press conference featured many guns pointed directly at the reporters. These are everything from SAA revolvers to Tec 9...
  11. D

    Difference between bottom-of-the line and quality AR 15's

    I've been really wanting an AR 15 for a while but the money for one that I want, like an S&W MP15-T or a RRA is a little much. It's just hard to come across $1,000 spending money and setting the price as low as $600 would make a big difference. So I'm wondering what the difference is between a...
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    Tough Decision to Make

    I tried to keep it out of my last thread because my last thread was just about decent pistols to carry for this purpose. However, now is the time to get actual advice on the topic that I've been debating for a long time. I've talked to a firearms lawyer in Florida who's informed me that when I...
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    3D printed/home made weapons and pieces

    I have a friend who split the cost of a 3D printer with his friend. He's printed several lower receivers (they ended up being full receivers and not 80%). I am interested in a few receivers as well as maybe some of the Liberator pistols. I don't plan to fire either (don't trust them...
  14. D

    Looking for a pocket pistol/mouse gun

    I recently got it on authority from a lawyer in my state that an 18 year old at work in Florida can carry a concealed weapon without a permit at their place of business as well as bringing it to and from. I am a musician and I could foreseeably (and have been known for, historically) playing...
  15. D

    For those who have become firearms instructors

    Firearms have recently come very close (and some days surpass) my love for my other great passion, music. I really enjoy shooting them, studying them, reading about them, practicing my grips, and of course, shooting them (again!) I've had this seed of a thought in the back of my head for a...
  16. D

    I guess a Mosin Nagant is an Assault Rifle now? Found this on a local Facebook group. It is probably a good thing the FBI is investigating as the guy is known to be mentally unstable and was found to have a large...
  17. D

    Squad Automatic Weapon for the average civilian

    I first saw these slide fire stocks about a year ago. I decided they were all hype and impossible to control. But recently I've seen some people get pretty good results with them. It got me thinking, could you put one on an AR 15 with a belt fed upper, a tripod, and a heavy barrel, and...
  18. D

    .22, .223, or 7.62?

    I've decided on my next rifle. I want a CZ 452 or the bigger caliber version the 527, probably in Carbine length but maybe American (I have only got to hold a carbine and it felt awesome). I will be shooting at targets at 195 yards maximum, but probably starting at 50. I currently have a .308...
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    Did I do the right thing?

    Today, sitting on my back porch, I saw huge vertical clouds. It was late at night and they looked like smoke. I also smelled burning wood (I now think it was a neighbor cooking something over a wood fire). I called the local fire department dispatch and they came out, took a look at what I was...
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    Things non-shooters don't understand

    Looking back before I started shooting (roughly 7 months ago) and at the people speaking out who don't shoot, there are some things that I remember seeing as weird. I used to be interested in forensics and I used to wonder "how on earth are all these people cleaning their guns often enough for...