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  1. M

    Young future shooter

    Well, it's official guys. My almost 4 month old son is going to be a fellow shooter like his daddy. Today I was off work today so I spent a few hours at my girlfriend's house with her and my son and I also brought my 1377 air pistol for some backyard shooting. While I was holding my son he was...
  2. M

    Ricochet sound?

    If this subject is in poor taste or it exhibits poor firearm safty then please remove this thread. If not then who else agrees with me that the sound of a riccochet is cool. I mean as long as the bullet is still going down range and not going to hit anyone or anything then I don't see any...
  3. M

    Eliminating one NFA rule?

    Not quite sure if this ought to be in the NFA section, but thought it would get more hits here. If you could have one NFA rule changed what would it be? For me it would be the rule about short barreled rifles/shotguns and stocked pistols. I think that's a dumb rule. Full auto and suppressed...
  4. M

    Minors with firearms

    I hope the admins/mods of this site don't take this thread the wrong way but I was wondering what privilages did you get as a kid and now give your own kids reguarding keeping firearms in the house. What I mean is when you were a kid were you allowed to keep your firearm that your dad bought...
  5. M

    Best and worst NFA firearms you've shot?

    Well, like the name of the thread says, what's the best and worst you have shot? For me the best was a Thompson. Great gun and very easy to control. The worst was a full auto M14. That thing kicked the heck out of my shoulder. :eek:
  6. M

    What gun were you as a child?

    I saw the 2 other threads got locked for not being firearm related so this thread will be. :D What make and model of gun were you as a child. For me I would have to say a Glock 18. I was a spitfire as a kid. :D
  7. M

    Corporal punishment & guns in a household

    I am posting this at a few other shooting related sites so don't be surprised if you see this topic a lot. Ok, friday is technically the last day of school for all the schools in my town, but it's also a day we don't have to show up because it's an "activity" day. Now at my little brother's...
  8. M

    My new air rifle sling

  9. M

    Slugs from a full choke?

    Haven't shot much latly, but in the past when I would be trap shooting with my own target thrower and using my 28" accu-choke bbl I always use the full choke and never anything else. The only time I switch chokes is when I decide to shoot slugs. I then take out the full and replace it with...
  10. M

    Most painful firearm mishaps?

    Well, it's late again here and drank way too much soda and wide awake when I should be sleeping so I came up with this topic while thinking about shooting. What is the most painful thing you have ever had while shooting? For me it was when I was dumb enough to think I could aim a pistol grip...
  11. M

    How involved are you?

    I was wondering how involved are you guys who shoot muzzle loaders or cap and ball revolvers. When I used to have my cap and ball revolver I casted my own bullets and made my own powder and even on a few occasions made percussion caps. Buying all the components is way too expensive I think...
  12. M

    Quote button?

    I am very familiar with how vBulletin software works, but was wondering how come there's no quote button at this site?
  13. M

    I have arrived

    Hey everyone, i'm a young gun at the age of 16 and found this site about a week ago when it was down and decided to join after it was brought back up. Took long enough to get the activation email though. :rolleyes: Anyways, i'm here now and hope to be an active member here. :D