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  1. M

    Tracers increase velocity?

    Was reading a funny thread over at another gun related forum and bullets increasing in velocity after leaving the barrel was talked about. I thought it was pretty funny, but then tracers popped into my mind. As an amatur pyrotechnic chemist that I am, I have seen quite a few different tracer...
  2. M

    Had way too much fun last night!

    Ok, I'm not one to really brag because I dislike braggers, but last night was some serious fun. My uncle had arranged for me to be flown out to his ranch via private plane. We land and of course my uncle teases me and bugs me like he always does. We then head off to his range and he lets me...
  3. M

    AOW or SBS?

    Just a quick question here. What exactly makes a shotgun an AOW and not an SBS or vice versa? All I know is one is a $5 tax and the other is a $200. Is there a real answer or is it just a way for the BATF to get extra money?
  4. M

    NFA gun talk turning gun folks into liberals?

    I know this topic should be in the NFA section, but figured it would get more attention here. Moderators, feel free to move it if it needs to be. Even though I live in liberal infested Cali, my town is VERY gun friendly. However lately I seem to be getting into heated arguments over NFA guns...
  5. M

    Does violent gun images/movies/video games really lead to violent crimes?

    Just got to thinking a bit about my son's first word today which was gun related and thinking about how the media portrays gun owners and also thinking of how I was raised around guns and also violent movies and video games. I'm sure I am not the only one here who was raised like that. I'm...
  6. M

    First Words!!!!

    Today was so cool in two ways. First off I got to go to the rifle range for the first time in a long time. And then when I got home my son said his first word and it was gun related. My friends and I got to my house and my girlfriend and son were at my house and so my friends and I were talking...
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    Zumbo threads

    I am in no way supporting what he has said, but can the members here please keep all their Zumbo oppinions in the one thread already up about him. I don't know about others here, but I am sick of that idiot always being brought up in new threads about him.
  8. M

    Good reading here

    I'm sure everyone has seen this, but I just read it and it explains a lot in terms easy for anyone to understand.
  9. M

    Homemade .50 caliber?

    Was searching around when I found this book. I have seen many of them types of books before and have a few of them myself, but of course I just have them for educational and entertainment purposes only...
  10. M

    Will this damage my shotgun?

    Sorry for not being more specific in the title, but it would of seemed too long. Anyways, here's my question. About a week or so ago, I had a friend of mine who's a reloader, make me a set of 5 dummy 12 gauge shells weighed with sand to simulate live shells. I am planning on getting back into...
  11. M

    Sparky blanks?

    Just got done watching the '88 movie Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers and at the end where Myers is getting blasted by the Sheriff with the SPAZ shotgun, what type of blanks loads is he using? They look so cool because of the huge volume of sparks that not only come out the barrel, but...
  12. M

    Ever feel that your shooting habits change as you age?

    I had an interesting conversation with an older friend of mine after school today who is also a very good shooting friend of mine and used to shoot with me when I was a little kid. We were talking about our shooting habits and how much they seem to have changed over time. I can remember when I...
  13. M

    Member's pics?

    I know this may sound like another thread begging for an off-topic section, but that's not what i'm asking for. Would it be ok if we had a sticky thread in the general discussion area where we could post pics of ourselves. I know it seems a little juvenile, but I think it's cool to be able to...
  14. M

    Gun slang you would like to see abolished

    I'm sure all the veteran shooters here have at some point in their lives have come across gun related slang that truly bugs them. Lets share them here. For me, the main thing that bugs me is whenever I hear a .38 snubnose get called a "saturday night special".
  15. M

    Filming bullets in flight

    I am playing around with my mini DV camera that I got for Christmas and discovered that it has a shutter function where I can set it as quick as 1/4,000th of a second. Was wondering if that is quick enough to be able to see a bullet in flight provided there's enough light. Far too dark outside...
  16. M

    Wooden bullets???

    Was just thumbing through my new Sportsmans Guide catalog and came across these. Anyone ever try those? They seem rather intriguing.
  17. M

    BB shot?

    Now this is going to sound like a dumb question, but hey it's a question i'm not 100% positive on so I guess there's no harm in asking here. I'm home from school today so that I can be home when some car parts for a car my dad's working on get delivered. Anyways, I go in the garage to make...
  18. M

    Wooden targets?

    2am here and can't sleep and have a million ideas running through my head and I was thinking about targets made of wood. I posted earlier in a bowling pin thread, so that's probly why i'm thinking about this. Anyways, what would be a good type of wood to use for a target. I plan on only using...
  19. M

    Multiple forms?

    Ok, normally I would ask my uncle a question like this, but I can't seem to get a hold of him so I figure this place would be next best thing. My question is does buying multiple NFA firearms/items require seperate forms to fill out or is it all combined into one form? For example, if say I...
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    NRA Gun Club

    I got this game for Chirstmas along with The Sopranos: Road to Respect, and The Godfather. So far it's been a pretty fun and challenging game. I recommend this game for ANY new shooter. It's fun and educational. Not only are the gun makes and models accurate, but also at each of the loading...