Search results

  1. C

    .45 loads with 231 and 200 Cast RN

    Anyone have any good accurate loads that you have found good for the .45acp using 231 and 200 gr. lead cast RN bullets, Winchester brass and
  2. C

    Colt Python look a likes..........

    The Colt Python is so often picked as the pic of the litter as one best looking revolvers. So, how come, Colt or someone else does not start making one that looks that good. How come other than Taurus, and Dan Wesson (few offerings) do we not see ribbed guns with classic looks. You know...
  3. C

    What's the marque revolver to make the heads turn at the range..........

    I want the head-turner. That revolver that is the ultimate in quality, looks and accuracy. The revolver that you are dang proud to own. The revolver that you shoot also, not just look at. Not to carry, not even to compete, just to shoot, but one that others wish they owned. Is it the Colt...
  4. C

    My lucky day at the range......

    On one side of me are two guys shooting factory 9mm and .45, all landing behind me and they don't want it. On the other side of me is a guy shooting .38 special, .357 Mag's and .45 Acps. Ask's me if I want his brass, which of course I did. A few minutes later, a guy walks up and hands me a...
  5. C

    Question on .45acp's reloads.

    I shoot my .45 acp lead reloads in my auto and now I've acquired a .45acp revolver. Do the reloads for the revolver need to be any different than for the auto, ie. crimping/lead/
  6. C

    Best of reloading educational manuals?

    I've loaded shotgun shells for many years, but have loaded handgun ammo for only about a year. I have the ABC's of Reloading, but would like to step up to something more "substantial". Not so much for the loads, but for the art of reloading. Suggestions?
  7. C

    Best and cheapest source for bullets.

    I usually load lead however my Ruger Blackhawk in 9mm says not to shot lead as they will get sliced due to expansion and therefore to shot metal plated. Around here, buying fmj would cost me as much to buy ammo at wal-mart. So, anybody got good prices somewhere?
  8. C

    Media polish

    Does anyone use any easily purchased media brass polishing products for their tumbler? Does brasso work? I've heard some use Turtle wax?
  9. C

    Counting rounds shot.

    I frequently see statements about how many rounds have been shot through any particular gun, rifle or pistol. Just how important is it to keep track of this information? Is there a xxx round check-up, or is just for one's personal information. Although I'm not much of a rifle shooter, I do...
  10. C

    What a reasonable turn-around time for gun repair?

    Ok, question about response time to repair a handgun. I bought a NIB Taurus Tracker 455 (but discontinued) on GunAmerica from a dealer. The first time on the range it failed to fully cock on many of the cylinders. So I called Taurus and shipped it back to them. Today, a week and a day after...
  11. C

    Best looking revolver, new and discontinued.

    Ok, what in your opinion, is the best looking discontinued revolver and what in your opinion is the best looking current new model. Pic's if you got 'em or a link to a pic..............and the everyday one's, not a bunch of custom stuff the average joe can not buy..... For me it's the Colt...
  12. C

    Weighing rounds?

    Does anyone weight brass & bullet before loading to insure equal weights and then weight the finished round when done looking for double charges? I just weighed 300 rounds on a digital scale and it only took a few least it gives me additional piece of mind. Anybody else this...
  13. C

    Anyone with Taurus 455 experience?

    I know that it has been discontinued, but does anyone have any experience with this model per accuracy etc. etc?
  14. C

    I have a serious problem but don't think anyone here can help me!

    Picked up a new CZ 75B SS 9MM on Friday and today I'm already looking to buy another gun.;) Is there a known cure for this?:confused: Pills? :eek: Therapy?:barf: Wife doesn't seem to care (she wants to shoot them too)! :cool: What am I asking this bunch for, the disease is rampant...
  15. C

    Centerfire for long distance target shooting.

    I interested in getting a revolver for shooting out to 100 yards that I can easily scope. Is there any one caliber & gun that is best for accuracy out that far. I'm guessing something in the 6" plus barrel length, perhaps out to 8 or so, but no longer.
  16. C

    I took my wife shooting today for her first time.

    After many invitations, she finally accepted to go try it.:cool: I asked her before hand if she would going to shoot the 45, sure she said, I'll try it once. My son, whose 21, said, no way Mom, that thing will knock you down.:mad: Dad, there's no way she should shoot that "thing". So we...
  17. C

    What needs to be in the well-rounded gun cabinet?

    Not counting shotguns, what calibers, types of guns need to be in the gun cabinet to shoot the various disciplines but yet keep the count low as possible but not "cheat" one's self out of the pleasure of gun ownership. Currently I own two rimfire rifles, 10/22 & a Marlin 39a, and don't really...
  18. C

    9MM ideas to extend my quest to own 'em all.........

    I'm on to my next purchase to extend my collection of guns, you know variety is the spice of life, and I'm looking for the ole 9mm. The one that I've seen that I like best is the S&W 952 Long slide, but that price is a tad too much. Does anyone else make a 9mm in SS with the longer barrell...
  19. C

    And a word from the pilot.........

    Never seen it posted here, but it might be a repeat.:) .......nevertheless, good for repeat.:cool:
  20. C

    Mark 111 blow back problem

    I have a 6-7 week old Mark 111 that has started not staying open after the last shot. Needless to say, I then dry fire it before I know its empty. Any clues?