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  1. C

    The power of a .22

    With the recent shooting in Finland, with a .22, in which 8 people were killed, another incident several months ago in the killing of a school principle, with a .22, and a recent deadly shooting in my community, with a .22, all seem to throw cold water on the you have to have a big one for self...
  2. C

    My faith in gun shows have been.........

    restored. Found this little Colt Diamondback this afternoon. Spent three hours cleaning up what was essentially a gun not polished or cleaned in some time. It now looks as good as new. Not the original grips, but since I have no plans of selling her, and it was bought for my wife (she...
  3. C

    First hand experience of gun lock, locking up on my.........

    taurus. That's right, the taurus locked up at the range. Would not cock for crap. Even actually turning the locking key would not set it free. Went home, took it apart and got it to release. The taurus lock placement may be better positioned than a S&W, but it ain't no better, if not...
  4. C

    Is this anyway to clean brass?

    Nice try but no
  5. C

    Primer holes different on different brass?

    I was loading up a bunch of 45ACP's using mixed brass this afternoon with a Dillon 650 and noticed that some of the primers (Winchesters) did not easily slide in, they went in with a "crunch", so to speak. I started pulling the ones that were tight and found most of them were CCI and...
  6. C

    Digital scale?

    I have used a balanced bean scale for measuring gun powder and my digital for arrow points. My digital however does not have enough decimals to measure gunpowder however, it goes 3 4 5 and not 3.5, 4.7 etc. etc. Anybody have any good recommendations on a new one?
  7. C

    Must have revolver..........

    Other than the sought after Colt Python, what is another must have revolver to own -- to shoot -- not just to admire, although there's nothing wrong with beauty. Centerfire only, DA or SA, smooth action, accurate, 4-8" barrel, a pleasure to shoot, well, like the Colt Python. And to top it...
  8. C

    Rifle using pistol ammo...............

    My safe hold shotguns, handguns, and a single .22 rifle (10/22). I also reload all my handgun ammo, so I need (want) a good plinker scoped centerfire rifle that fires either 38spl, 357Mag, 9mm, or 45ACP. Just don't want to get into rifle reloading, just yet anyway, especially if I can kill two...
  9. C

    Colt revolver spare parts.......

    Anyone know of a source for replacement parts for Colt revolvers?
  10. C

    Fun gun

    Ok, I'm to the stage that I want a gun that is different & fun to shoot. For no purpose other than to enjoy, no defense needs,, not for carry, not for hunting, just for fun. Something beyond the ordinary, like maybe a race gun, perhaps something like the STI Grand Master. Admittedly, I have...
  11. C

    With due apologies to Taurus...........

    Ok, over the last year or so, since I bought my 455 45ACP Tracker, I have had quite a few problems with the gun. After several trip's for warranty service (it kept locking up) they finally replaced it with a another, which had a cylinder out of round, which they also repaired. Had a smith do...
  12. C

    Ok, here's my screw-up........advice?

    Hopefully, someone else has tried this or has screwed up like me. Loading 9mm, 125gr. LRN over 3.8 231. Fairly light target load shooting in CZ 75B. Well, dumbass me:o used small pistol magnum primers instead of small pistol standard Winchester primer's. Do I toss 'em or shoot 'em? Frigging...
  13. C

    Question for those who have a 45ACP Long slide

    I purchased a Springfield Long Slide 45ACP a week ago and found that I have to load this at the max (reload's) in order for it function properly. Is it because the loads need to be hotter than a 4-5 inch 45, does it need to be broke in a little longer, only 250 rounds through it so far, or a...
  14. C

    Got my Long Slide...........

    My new toy..................Pics are so-so as I took them approaching
  15. C

    Love/Hate.........gun shows

    I hate 'em...........I love 'em. Went to one today mostly to kill some time, handle a few guns, and who knows, maybe I would find a jewel. Bought some reloading supplies, 5,000 large pistol primers, 1,000 shotgun primers, 8 pounds of several different powders, concealed...
  16. C

    Mother's Mag and nickel plated guns....

    In another thread there was a discussion on using Mother's Mag on the nickel finish on guns. So, I emailed "mother" and got the following answer........ "Occasional polishing with the Mag Polish wont hurt the nickel plating...a good quality gun has good quality nickel plating" Note the...
  17. C

    Wanted.....1911 Long slide other than these......

    In the market for a 1911 long slide, stainless, 45ACP or 9mm, so far I know that one or the other can be obtained at: 1. Smith & Wesson 2. Springfield 3. Les Baer Anyone know of others?
  18. C

    OSHA prosposing rules that might make it difficult to acquire reloading supplies.

    I've copied this post from another site to alert everyone regarding these proposed rules from osha. If passed your reloading may become much more expensive, if at all. "This "regulation" would put an end to most reloading in the US for it will make it near impossible to sell and transport...
  19. C

    Rifle rest recomendation?

    I'm mainly a handgun guy, but do like to shoot my custom 10/22 ever so often for good plinking fun. I usually shoot off of a sandbag, but want to upgrade to a rest. This will be for shooting at 50-100 yards and only for a .22. I would prefer something light, fully adjustable and not some...
  20. C

    Testing site/lab/center/etc. for accuracy?

    Has any organization tested handguns for accuracy? I know it would be a daunting task, with all the guns, and different kinds of ammo, but has anyone ever tried to tie it down to a science and test center, like Consumers Report? Or is it simply impossible?