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  1. D

    Mossberg 800B .243

    I am trying to locate a replacement firing pin for the rifle in the subject line. Problem is I have no idea where to start.... Thanks in advance
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    Mossberg 800B

    Sorry if this should be in the Smithy forum, please move if neccesary. My buddy has offered to give (OK, $50 - almost give) me a rifle to fix up for my kids to use when they hit deer hunting age. The only catch is the firing pin is bent at the tip. Sometimes the bend is in the right spot to...
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    Bow Elk report

    Hey all, Been back a few days from bowhunting Roosevelt elk on the Oregon coast and just wanted to post a brief report. No elk killed. OK, a few more details. Out of 15 hunting chances (morning =1, afternoon = 1), I donated 5 to my kids, 4 to actually walking in the woods with them and 1 to...
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    K & D Holsters

    Anyone with positive or negative comments about these? I am looking at the Cochise Defender, since it can be configure IWB/OWB just by moving the clips. It is for a Ruger P345.
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    SD gun for Dad

    My dad called me to ask for recomendations on a SD pistol. We are going to go to CHL class in Jan (maybe Feb, if I don't get us registered soon!!). He will probably never actually carry on his person, more like an in vehicle/at home gun. He has had pistols in the past, his last one was a Dan...
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    Can someone explain what a gas-check bullet is? I have seen it several times on this board and I have no idea what it it - no that unusual for me, I admit..:confused:
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    30-06 versus .308

    Hopefully I don't set off a flame thread between the two camps... It seems reading through the boards that .308 is generally accepted as a good (great ?) target round up to (past ?) 600 yards. Is it simply because of the common use of .308 for mil/PD that 30-06 is not discussed or are there...
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    I may be slow, but

    I am finally considering seriously starting to reload. I read the sticky's including the excelent getting started post. I am still unclear if I can just use one press (with the correct dies) for both pistol and rifle. Anything very different in the set-up? Thanks in advance
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    Gamo moving target system

    Just curious if anyone has one of these. It is for pellet guns and supposedly it has a chart so you can simulate hunting ranges - i.e. if you have a 1,000 FPS pellet guns, stand 10 yards from target (OK, I just made those numbers up, so don't...
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    Holster while hunting

    Not sure I will get the most responses on this board, but thought I might get the best. I am curious to what type of holster people use if they carry a side arm while hunting. I always carried a pistol while rifle hunting and they have changed the regs in Oregon (in the last few years) so it...
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    lights for varmits

    First - thanks for the replies to my hog hunting thread. Now it looks like we are going to Texas vs CA, and since I am off the hook for footing the bill, who am I to complain... Place we are looking at has varmit hunting at night thrown in. This is way outside my realm of experience so am...
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    Budget hog gun

    My buddy is springing for a hog hunt for us (actually his wife is springing for it). The outfitter recomends shotguns and slugs, since it is apparently close quarters spot and stalk with surprises along the way. Tall grass and thick brush... I am looking for input/feedback on modifying my Rem...
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    Hog hunt questions

    My buddy and I are interested in a hog trip to CA (simply a lot cheaper for us to drive down there than going somewhere else). We are low budget types, but want to go on a guided hunt. Anyone have any experience with any of the CA guides hog hunting? Also interested in opinions about bow...
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    Wall tent question

    I have about talked myself into taking the plunge for a canvas wall tent. Weight is not an issue, since it will be used as a base camp (truck accesible). Anyone have any experience on size? I have 3 growing boys, the wife and I. It will be for summer trips as well as hunting trips. My buddy...
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    Scents by species/subspecies

    This has always bothered me, so wanted to get some input. Does mule deer urine smell like whitetail urine? (insert your own - "no, but it tastes the same" joke here) Does Rosevelt elk smell like Rocky Mountain elk? I don't fret the elk so much, I mainly use cover scents, not attractor scents...
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    Website to find guides??

    Anyone know any good websites to find guides? My hunting buddy and me are looking at a serious guided trip probably 4 years down the road (only way we can save up the money). Most probably archery elk hunt. Also gives us time to get in better shape. We will both be "around" 50 by then, and...
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    One more recoil question

    Does anyone feel recoil when hunting:confused: ? I never have. I don't think I have ever even heard the gun go off. Adrenaline? Focus? And yes, I have killed deer, before that becomes the running joke. :D
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    Managed recoil rounds

    Off-shoot of my earlier thread on 30-06 125 gr. Does anyone know what the ballastics of the managed recoil rounds look like? I would assume you lose performance, but that is just a guess. If the performance is even similar, how do they "manage" the recoil? Thanks in advance!
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    30-06 125s

    Clearly demonstrating my ignorance - what do you use a 125 gr 30-06 for? :confused: I normally shoot 165s for Mulies and 180s for elk. If I was hunting blacktails, I would probably only drop down to 150, which I guess could be overkill. I noticed some on the store shelf the other day and it...
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    Cabela's Scopes and other scope questions

    Does anyone know who manufactures scopes for Cabela's. I was trying to match up specs from the Cabela's brand to the other scopes they offer to figure it out, but could not match it out. What type of scopes work on the new style rifles that put the scope way forward? It seems like a lot of...