Search results

  1. D

    Need info - Eastern Montana

    Got a call out of the blue last night about a possible hunting trip to eastern Montana - friend of a friend type deal. I am assuming that side of the state would be deer, no elk. (and this would be next year). Anyone have any experience in that area? I am concerned about public land access...
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    More poachers Pathetic. Apparently they had tags for a different unit and tried to cover up where it was killed, but it was identified from other pictures. Slather them in bacon grease and drop them off naked in...
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    Range report - Rem. Reduced Recoil Ammo

    Got some of Remington's reduced recoil ammo in 30-06 for my oldest to try. This will be his first year hunting deer, and he will be shooting my rifle (Rem 700 SPS). Situation will be both of us in a ground blind with shots no more than 100 yards for Oregon blacktail. I will be there only to...
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    Managed Recoil ammo for elk?

    Been kicking this around in my head for a few days, did a search to no avail - so... My oldest (14, about 90 lbs soaking wet) passed his hunter ed course. I am not sure he has the personality to hunt, but he wants to give it a try. So he is going to put in for a youth hunt cow elk tag with a...
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    End of Damascus?

    Just a quick question for the savants of the shotgun: When did damascus barrels stop being produced in quantity? I tried wiki and googling, and searched this forum. I am trying to determine how likely it is that someone will run across one randomly today. One of my co-teachers for hunter ed...
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    Importance of practice

    I admit I do not shoot my rifles as much as I should - great combination of excuses (time being the biggest). In the past, I have been able to take long periods off from shooting and still put together a decent group. Last year I spent almost all my range time shooting my 460 to get ready to...
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    .22s for Christmas

    I tried the search function and did not really find what I was looking for. My wife, who is neutral, at best, regarding guns despite an Army career of over 20 years, has finally recognized that our kids are ready for .22s. Question - is there an easy way to measure length of pull? I realize...
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    Firearms Safety Posters

    Anyone know a source for safety posters? NRA does not have what I am looking for. My kids are between Eddy Eagle and plain old boring adult stuff. I am hoping to find something to put in thier rooms. I googled the heck out of this and can't come up with anything. Thanks in advance, Dave
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    Kimber questions

    Sorry, but I am completely Kimber ignorant. A buddy has a guy at work that was looking to sell a Kimber .45 for $400 - I told my buddy to snatch it up, but apparently the seller also found out he was low on price and now wants $700 firm. I know this all comes down the which exact Kimber it is...
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    Sipped the Glock kool-aid

    I had the opportunity to shoot a Glock 36 slimline compact this weekend. For some reason, I always thought I would dislike a Glock. Absolutely nothing to base it on, just "because". I don't think I have ever posted or discussed them as being bad since I had not shot one, just never had a...
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    Had to share

    I have the pleasure of being a Hunter Ed instructor. Last night, as we were finishing up the testing, one of the dads walks up with his son and hands me a envelope - adressed to "Captain". Inside was a nice Thank You card, thanking me for my time and willingness to help bring the next...
  12. D

    Firing pin force

    Sorry if this is slightly off the wall, but one of my students in Hunter Ed asked me and I did not know, but told him I would see if I could get an answer. How much force from a firing pin is required to detonate the primer?
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    Bad behaviour by CCWs

    Had an incident at the University where I work that really surprised me. 3 males were drunk on campus (I know, not a surprise). They were not students. They were observed peeing in the bushes and then proceded to kick the heck out of a school sign. Security approached them and were able to...
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    6.5 Brm

    Got my E. Arthur Brown catalog and they have a rifle chambered in 6.5 BRM that (according to them) maybe the greatest round ever made. Just to show my ignorance - what the heck is a 6.5 BRM? Link to rifle is Not in any position to rush out and buy a new...
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    How rude is this?

    This weekend while elk hunting in Western Oregon, we parked our ATVs at the start of a logging road and walked in. The road was mostly blocked, but there is a track to drive an ATV in. The problem is, I know that road and you can't ride in there without screwing up any chance you might have on...
  16. D

    You know your a hunter if

    Chime in with your best hunter stereo-types, especially ones that you do. Mine: Have a custom license plate related to hunting (BowElk, 1Elk4U) Have ever taken "leave without pay" to hunt becuase you did not have enough vacation days Told your boss you would have to quit if they didn't let...
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    Pistol rest

    I did a search and didn't find anything, so... I am too the point of starting to work up handloads for my .460. My issue is trying to get a good enough rest to really compare accuracy of the loadings. Up front - I do not have the money to get a Ransom Rest!!!!:mad: Getting the scope sighted...
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    Bow hunting elk this weekend

    Bow season starts in Oregon this weekend, and I will be off crawling up and down the green hell that we call the coast in search of Roosevelt elk (wiki: also known as Olympic elk, is the largest of the four surviving subspecies of elk in North America.). Only going for the weekend this time...
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    Can we agree?

    After all the discussions about this caliber vs that caliber, can we agree: 1) Shot placement is the key for any hunting 2) Dead is dead - my -06 doesn't make a deer any deader than a 243, if #1 is followed 3) For average hunting, there are dozens of calibers that will do #2, if #1 is...
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    SW X Frame Cylinder removal

    Is it possible to remove the cylinder from an X frame relatively easily? No need to yet, I was cleaning it the other day and got to wondering. Thanks, Dave